Tuesday, June 12, 2012

session 23

23rd session

Welcome to Traipse Ornery Orc {110114-00}, built on OpenRPG 1.8.0
Locating server at unshaped.net:6774...
Game connected!
(5348) DM (enter): 17:48
(5015) Bruce(GM) (enter): 17:48
(5340) NapalmMoose (enter): 17:48
(5341) Rin (enter): 17:48
(5345) Gunji (enter): 17:48
(0) Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.8.0', named 'Unshaped'.

Welcome to Unshaped!

Please wipe your feet.
Moving to room 'Kingmaker'..
(5348) DM (enter): 17:48
(0) Server Administrator->

Welcome to Unshaped!

Please wipe your feet.
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (5348) DM...
(5340) NapalmMoose (enter): 17:48
(5340) NapalmMoose: Sup
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5340) NapalmMoose...
(5348) DM: Hey
(5348) DM: Has the Mayhem Gaming server been down all week?
(5340) Jarrak: I think it has
(5340) Jarrak: no wait it was up for a while this morning but went down again around noon I believe
(5348) DM: ah
(5340) Jarrak: In the Email you set out today you said every one is about Halfway to Level 5, Does that include my new Character?
(5348) DM: yes
(5340) Jarrak: cool, was just making sure
(5348) DM: think of it as player XP
(5348) DM: makes it easier for me not having to keep track of 6 different XP totals
Game disconnected!
Locating server at unshaped.net:6774...
Game connected!
(5352) DM (enter): 18:03
(5015) Bruce(GM) (enter): 18:03
(5341) Rin (enter): 18:03
(5349) Skoll (enter): 18:03
(5350) matt (enter): 18:03
(0) Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.8.0', named 'Unshaped'.

Welcome to Unshaped!

Please wipe your feet.
Moving to room 'Kingmaker'..
(5352) DM (enter): 18:03
(0) Server Administrator->

Welcome to Unshaped!

Please wipe your feet.
(5348) DM (enter): 18:03
(5340) Jarrak (enter): 18:03
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (5348) DM...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (5352) DM...
(5348) DM (exit): 18:04
(5340) Jarrak: Welcome back
(5353) Reckless afk (enter): 18:08
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5353) Ser Segrid...
(5340) Jarrak: sup man
(5353) Ser Segrid: howdy
(5362) Hawkeye (enter): 18:25
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5362) Carden...
(5353) Ser Segrid: Hiya Carden
(5368) Seldrim (enter): 18:31
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5368) Seldrim...
(5370) Lady Andraste (enter): 18:35
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5370) Lady Andraste...
(5370) Lady Andraste: (Greetins!)
(5353) Ser Segrid: Hiya
(5352) DM: Last week we left off with the party having said goodbye to the Old Beldame and setting up camp for the night.
(5368) Mimwar: ((Ah, all of the lag))
(5352) DM: It is now morning on 25 Rova.
(5353) Ser Segrid: .
(5353) Ser Segrid: "Shall we follow the Tuskwater around or move back up North?"
(5340) Jarrak: "Follow it around, we may run into that kid"
(5353) Ser Segrid: "Aye, that was my thought. He follows the rivers and lakes in his hunting. We've already explored the Gudrin and the Shrike. Ok, Let us continue around the Tuskwater in hopes of finding him."
(5352) DM: (on into hex 9-4 then?)
(5353) Ser Segrid: yes
(5370) Lady Andraste: "Should we find him, what shall we do with the spear caught in its hide?" she says to the rest.
(5353) Ser Segrid: (huh?)
** (5362) Carden listens to the others. **
(5352) DM: (I'll update the map in just a minute...)
(5340) Jarrak: (( Your thinking of the other thing we are talking abot the kid that got lost Hunting Frogsand such ))
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((Yeah, we're looking for Tig, not the Hodug.))
(5352) DM: Hex 9-4 is almost totally taken up by Candlemere lake.
(5353) Ser Segrid: map didn't load right for me, nor does flushing seem to be working
(5352) DM: From a spot of high ground, you can see an island in the middle of the lake, and what looks like the ruins of a stone tower in the center of the island.
(5352) DM: ok, let's try loading again
(5353) Ser Segrid: "Huh. would you look at that?"
(5352) DM: everyone, after I reset to the default grid, select "Map->Flush Image Cache" and then I'll try to re-load it
(5340) Jarrak: (9 kk ))
(5362) Carden: (k)
(5340) Jarrak: (( Flushed ))
(5370) Lady Andraste: "I am, what is it I wonder"
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((done))
(5340) Jarrak: "Wonder if there anything there?"
(5370) Lady Andraste: "Well as our Baron would say, leave no crack in the hills unchecked," she chuckles.
(5368) Mimwar: "I bet there is!"
(5368) Mimwar: "There's always interesting things in ruins, of course. Unless someone else already ransacked the place"
(5353) Ser Segrid: "Too bad we don't have a boat. We'll need to get that to cross, I would imagine."
(5362) Carden: "Erastil will guide us somehow"
** (5353) Ser Segrid keeps an eye ut for any fishing boats in the area as they explore. **
(5340) Jarrak: "Could always just swim across"
(5370) Lady Andraste: "Not with armor, Jarrk," she says.
(5353) Ser Segrid: "Swimming has been historically hazardous for this group." Segrid smiles
(5353) Ser Segrid: "You didn't seem too eager to swim with the old crackjaw."
(5340) Jarrak: "Heard ya'll killed that thing"
** (5362) Carden looks along the shore line for a boat or raft (or suitable log to use; perception [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)) **
(5352) DM: You find a small wooden boat under a pile of branches near the edge of the woodline across from the shore.
(5353) Ser Segrid: "Erastil provides."
(5370) Lady Andraste: "Indeed, praise Erastil,"
** (5362) Carden closes eyes and does a little prayer to Erastil before helping to get the boat out **
** (5370) Lady Andraste tethers the horses somewhere secure before getting on the boat. **
(5352) DM: You also find several paddles under the boat.
** (5340) Jarrak climbs into the boat **
** (5353) Ser Segrid takes up an oar. **
(5352) DM: After rowing for awhile, you reach the shore of the island.
(5352) DM: The first thing you notice is that the island land is covered with thick brambles and stinging nettles.
** (5353) Ser Segrid drags the boat ashore, turning it over on top of the oars as it was **
(5352) DM: (land counts as difficult terrain)
(5353) Ser Segrid: "Ah, the horses will be glad to have been left behind
(5340) Jarrak: "looks like a fun place"
(5370) Lady Andraste: "True enough. Let us prepare for ranged combat," she draws her bow.
** (5353) Ser Segrid nods, drawing his bow. **
(5352) DM: It will take perhaps an hour to hike through to the location of the ruins.
** (5362) Carden helps with paddling **
** (5340) Jarrak readies his axe 'Well let's get going then" **
(5352) DM: The journey through the brambles and nettles takes it toll.
(5352) DM: Everyone except Andraste please roll a DC 15 Fort save or be sickened for [2d4] => [1,1] = (2) hours...
(5352) DM: (nettle poison)
(5370) Lady Andraste: ((Praise Erastil))
(5362) Carden: fort [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
(5340) Jarrak: Fortitude (CON): [1d20+4+3+1] => [4,4,3,1] = (12)
(5353) Ser Segrid: Fort [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24)
(5362) Carden: "by Erastil"
(5352) DM: Mimwar, fort save please
(5352) DM: [1d20+1] => [1,1] = (2)
(5352) DM: He didn't make it...
(5352) DM: (man, I'm rolling sucky tonight!)
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((keep it up, we don't mind))
(5370) Lady Andraste: ((You kidding? He totally kicked his immune system's ass!)
(5352) DM: You are approaching from the bottom of the map let's say
(5352) DM: The brambles extend up to that green circle
** (5368) Mimwar offers to help, but also comments that he hardly has the arm strength to keep up :P **
(5352) DM: the gray circle is the shell of what remains of the tower
(5352) DM: and the gray blobs are bits of fallen tower stone and debris
(5352) DM: Jarrak and Mimwar are sickened.
** (5362) Carden unslings his bow and looks around **
(5340) Jarrak: "Bloody nettles, making me feel like shit, oughta set this whole island on fire, that'd show'em" hemumbles to himself
** (5353) Ser Segrid keeps alert [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19) +2 vs humans **
(5352) DM: move your minis if you're moving closer to examine the tower...
(5362) Carden: perception [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
(5352) DM: ok, hold there
(5352) DM: shock [1d20+16] => [15,16] = (31) melee touch, damage [2d8] => [3,3] = (6) elec
(5352) DM: Segrid, you feel a terrible shock hit your body
(5353) Ser Segrid: Can I see the source?
(5352) DM: No
(5352) DM: Everyone roll will saves
(5353) Ser Segrid: "Ayyyyeeeee!"
(5352) DM: DC 20
(5340) Jarrak: Will (WIS): [1d20+1+1] => [18,1,1] = (20)
(5353) Ser Segrid: [1d20+1] => [10,1] = (11) Will
(5362) Carden: [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
(5340) Jarrak: (( and of course I roll high on my Lowest save ))
(5352) DM: You have all felt as though something unseen has been watching as you approached
(5352) DM: If you make the save then these feelings are just of a vague unease
(5340) Jarrak: "Ya'll feel that?"
(5352) DM: otherwise, you become shaken while within 100' of the tower
(5340) Jarrak: (( and that suppossed to be a 18 on my save Forgot the -2 from sickened ))
(5352) DM: (this area has an aura of unease, so I don't know if it is considered fear for Andraste)
(5353) Ser Segrid: shaken is a fear affect, I believe
(5370) Lady Andraste: ((Yea shaken is fear)
(5362) Carden: "evilness is here I can feel it"
(5340) Jarrak: (( it is ))
(5352) DM: ok, Mimwar, please roll your will save
(5368) Mimwar: Will [1d20+2] => [14,2] = (16)
(5368) Mimwar: ((Sorry, I'm still lagging a bunch for some reason))
(5340) Jarrak: "I got a creepy feeling about this place"
(5352) DM: now everyone roll initiative
(5352) DM: Initiative [1d20+13] => [6,13] = (19)
(5353) Ser Segrid: [1d20+5] => [18,5] = (23)
(5370) Lady Andraste: [1d20+3] => [10,3] = (13) initiative
(5362) Carden: [1d20+4] => [18,4] = (22)
(5340) Jarrak: Initiative: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
(5368) Mimwar: [1d20+1] => [17,1] = (18)
(5352) DM: start of round 1
(5352) DM: Segrid's turn
(5352) DM: You can now see a faint bluish glowing figure next to you that kind of looks like a skull!
(5352) DM: It laughs eerily.
** (5353) Ser Segrid draws his sword and stabs at the glowing skull **
(5352) DM: (AC is 25)
(5353) Ser Segrid: [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20)
** (5353) Ser Segrid backs away 5' **
(5352) DM: Carden's turn
** (5362) Carden casts divine favor on Jarrak and steps a few feet back **
(5362) Carden: (+1 to attack and damage)
(5352) DM: The ghostly image floats over to Jarrak and tries to touch him...
(5352) DM: shock [1d20+16] => [14,16] = (30) melee touch, damage [2d8] => [1,6] = (7) elec
(5352) DM: Mimwar's turn
(5340) Jarrak: ((brb ))
(5370) Lady Andraste: (Divine favor is self only carden)
** (5368) Mimwar starts to inspire courage +1 attack, damage, and saves vs fear/charm **
(5352) DM: Andraste's turn
** (5368) Mimwar also moves closer to the group, but stays back away from the WoW **
(5362) Carden: (ahh ok then myself, sorry Jarrak =) )
(5340) Jarrak: (( back ))
** (5370) Lady Andraste would look at the Will o wisp, notching a pair of arrows as she sharpens her sight, "By Erastil, begon!" she declaring smite on the creature before letting loose a volley of arrows! [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18) [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24) **
(5352) DM: 2nd arrow hits
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((did you add in mimwar's+1?))
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((adds to damage too))
(5352) DM: damage?
(5370) Lady Andraste: (nope)
(5370) Lady Andraste: (so 19 and 25
(5370) Lady Andraste: [1d8+1+1+4+1] => [6,1,1,4,1] = (13) Damage!
(5352) DM: Jarrak's turn
(5340) Jarrak: ( (going to try and attack the thing ))
(5340) Jarrak: Attack: +1 Great Axe Power Attack: Attack[1d20+4+3+1-2-2+1] => [11,4,3,1,-2,-2,1] = (16)
(5352) DM: The nimble aberation easily dodges your swing.
(5352) DM: Start of round 2
(5352) DM: Segrid's turn
(5362) Carden: .
** (5353) Ser Segrid moves around to flank **
(5353) Ser Segrid: and attacks [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((oops, +8, so still a miss))
(5352) DM: Carden's turn
** (5362) Carden tries to hit the thing with an arrow (precise shot [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28) dmg [1d8+6] => [2,6] = (8)) **
(5362) Carden: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
(5370) Lady Andraste: ((Nice!)
(5352) DM: Hits for 8 damage
(5352) DM: WoW attacks Segrid...
(5352) DM: shock [1d20+16] => [14,16] = (30) melee touch, damage [2d8] => [4,6] = (10) elec
(5352) DM: Mimwar's turn
(5353) Ser Segrid: [34-6-10] => 18
(5352) DM: Mimwar continues to inspire
(5352) DM: Andraste's turn
(5370) Lady Andraste: The lady paladin casts a spell on her space, a rally point appearing on her feet!
(5370) Lady Andraste: End turn
(5352) DM: You create a spot that has the power to briefly hearten any good creature who comes into contact with it. A good creature who enters this square (even if simply as part of its normal move) gains a +2 morale bonus on attacks, saving throws, and 2 temporary hit points per caster level for 1 round. Nongood creatures gain no benefit from this spell.

A creature cannot benefit more than once from the same casting of this spell.
(5368) Mimwar: (( hm ))
(5352) DM: Jarrak's turn
(5340) Jarrak: (( How far out does that reach? ))
(5370) Lady Andraste: (only her square)
(5340) Jarrak: (9 ah kk ))
(5340) Jarrak: (( In that case I'mgoing to attack tyyeh Wisp again ))
(5340) Jarrak: Attack: +1 Great Axe Power Attack: Attack[1d20+4+3+1-2-2+1] => [10,4,3,1,-2,-2,1] = (15)
(5352) DM: Start of round 2
(5352) DM: Segrid's turn
(5340) Jarrak: (( and a Miss ))
(5340) Jarrak: "Stupid thing, stay still so I can kill ya!"
** (5353) Ser Segrid swings again "We have to destroy this thing before it destroys us." [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18) **
(5352) DM: Carden's turn
** (5362) Carden calls on Erastil to grant him judgement to fight the creature (judgement justice; precise shot [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20) dmg [1d6+6] => [4,6] = (10)) **
(5362) Carden: (geez)
(5352) DM: The creature's glow winks out and then reappears...
(5352) DM: Mimwar's turn
(5370) Lady Andraste: (five foot back D:)
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((she's typing))
(5406) Mimwar (enter): 19:43
(5406) Mimwar: ((okay))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5406) Mimwar...
(5370) Lady Andraste: (five foot back D:)
** (5406) Mimwar takes a fivefoot step away from the WoW and casts cat's grace on his ally **
(5352) DM: Andraste's turn
(5406) Mimwar: ( +4 dex )
(5370) Lady Andraste: (calculating bonuses)
(5370) Lady Andraste: [8+1+3+1+2-2] => 13
(5370) Lady Andraste: Andraste takes aim at the Will o Wisp, her accuracy greatly bolstered thanks to Mimwar's spell as well as her own, finally having no friends in melee helps as well! [1d20+15] => [17,15] = (32) [1d20+15] => [3,15] = (18)
(5370) Lady Andraste: [1d8+6] => [2,6] = (8) Damage
(5370) Lady Andraste: (er its only +13, I forgot to -2 for Rapid shot)
(5352) DM: the first one hit
(5352) DM: Jarrak's turn
(5340) Jarrak: (9 going to do a charging Power attack on the Wisp ))
(5340) Jarrak: Attack: +1 Great Axe Charging Power Attack: Attack[1d20+4+3+1-2-2+1+2] => [18,4,3,1,-2,-2,1,2] = (25)
(5340) Jarrak: Damage: Damage [1d12+4+1-2+1+6] => [3,4,1,-2,1,6] = (13)
(5368) Mimwar (exit): 19:48
(5352) DM: hit!
(5352) DM: Start of round 4
(5352) DM: Segrid's turn
(5370) Lady Andraste: (I am taking precise shot next level >.>)
(5340) Jarrak: (( How long does the Shaken Condition last? ))
(5352) DM: as long as you are within 100' of the tower
(5340) Jarrak: (( Ah kk ))
** (5353) Ser Segrid moves up, passing Andraste's space to gain the benefits of her point, and flanking the will-o-wisp **
(5353) Ser Segrid: (done)
(5352) DM: Carden's turn
** (5362) Carden moves close to andraste and gets a boost to fire another arrow at the creature ([1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24) dmg [1d8+6] => [7,6] = (13)) **
(5352) DM: just missed!
(5352) DM: You can almost feel the creature feeding off your fear...
(5352) DM: It hovers over towards Mimwar...
(5352) DM: shock [1d20+16] => [17,16] = (33) melee touch, damage [2d8] => [4,6] = (10) elec
(5352) DM: Mimwar's turn
(5406) Mimwar: ((It seems like I'm lagging again, so whenever my next turn comes around, going to cast Flare (DC 14 fort) ))
(5406) Mimwar: ((Oh, nice))
(5406) Mimwar: ((Lag finally ended and it's my turn))
(5406) Mimwar: ((Going to take a five foot step away first though))
(5352) DM: Your flare doesn't appear to affect the creature.
(5352) DM: Andraste's turn
(5370) Lady Andraste: Andraste would fire a pair of shots right at the Will o wisp! [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21) [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14)
(5352) DM: both arrows miss
(5352) DM: Jarrak's turn
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((I thought you were +13)
(5340) Jarrak: (( attacking again ))
(5370) Lady Andraste: (that was before you guys got into melee with it xD)
(5353) Ser Segrid: (oh, right precise shot)
(5406) Mimwar: ((also, ow, nearly half my hitpoints ahaha))
(5340) Jarrak: Attack: +1 Great Axe Charging Power Attack: Attack[1d20+4+3+1-2-2+1] => [8,4,3,1,-2,-2,1] = (13)
(5352) DM: miss
(5352) DM: Start of round 5
(5352) DM: Segrid's turn
(5370) Lady Andraste: (Mimwar, withdraw behind andraste next turn.)
(5340) Jarrak: (( and it just a Normal power attack forgot to takeout the Charging partt))
(5370) Lady Andraste: (She is resistant to electrical attack and with her smite boost, she's a tank)
** (5353) Ser Segrid moves to flank and attacks [1d20+9] => [2,9] = (11) **
(5352) DM: miss
(5352) DM: Carden's turn
(5362) Carden: (does andraste bonus still apply now or is it a one time deal?)
(5353) Ser Segrid: (says 1 round, only once per casting)
** (5362) Carden looses an arrow at the creature [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27) dmg [1d8+6] => [2,6] = (8) **
(5352) DM: hit!
(5352) DM: and with that, the creature fades away...
** (5362) Carden breaths a sigh of relief "Who needs some healing?" **
** (5353) Ser Segrid raises his hand **
** (5406) Mimwar starts to fix his frized up hair, grinning despite the pain that makes him cringe. "Healing sounds great!" **
(5352) DM: Those examining the tower can make knowledge(eng) or (history) checks...
(5340) Jarrak: "I'm fine"
(5406) Mimwar: [1d20+9] => [10,9] = (19)
** (5340) Jarrak pullsout his flask and takes a swig before offering it to the group "Anyone?" **
(5406) Mimwar: eng and then history [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25)
(5352) DM: You can tell that these ruins are far older than any others in the area and could even date from the Age of Destiny.
(5370) Lady Andraste: "I am fine," she says to Jarrak
** (5362) Carden casts a spell on segrid (cwl [1d8+2] => [7,2] = (9)) **
(5370) Lady Andraste: (Btw my aura of courage confers a +4 bonus to save vs all fear effects)
(5352) DM: You find some faint carvings of strange symbols on some of the stones.
(5352) DM: (Linguistics check...)
(5353) Ser Segrid: [18+9] => 27
(5406) Mimwar: [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29) Linguistics
(5353) Ser Segrid: (nice!)
(5352) DM: You recognize the language is Aklo
(5352) DM: (knowledge (religion)...)
(5362) Carden: know: rel [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)
(5406) Mimwar: [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16) Know (Religon)
** (5340) Jarrak puts the flask away "Wonder what those symbols are" **
(5352) DM: Working with Mimwar, Carden identifies the writing as fragments of a series of blasphemous prayers to the ancient gods of the Old Cults.
(5352) DM: (perception check...)
(5340) Jarrak: Class Skills: Perception: [1d20+1+6] => [15,1,6] = (22)
(5353) Ser Segrid: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
(5352) DM: Looking around, you find an inscription which is the eerie name "Yog-Sothoth"
** (5362) Carden ponders that "very interesting" **
(5352) DM: You can also make perception checks to search through the rubble...
(5340) Jarrak: "Hey what'sa Yoog soothoot?"
(5353) Ser Segrid: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
(5370) Lady Andraste: [1d20+1] => [6,1] = (7) perception the rubble
** (5362) Carden looks around for anything else (perception [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30)) **
(5352) DM: Carden, you notice a shiny metal point sticking out of some rubble.
** (5340) Jarrak takes a look around as well **
(5340) Jarrak: Class Skills: Perception: [1d20+1+6] => [9,1,6] = (16)
(5352) DM: Clearing out the rubble reveals a wickedly-curved dagger...
** (5362) Carden goes over and tries to undercover it **
** (5362) Carden casts detect magic on it **
(5352) DM: It is magical.
(5352) DM: Notes: Treasure: A DC 30 Perception check (or detect magic)
reveals a single strange treasure buried under the rubble
by the northern inner wall of the ruined tower—a
wickedly-curved+1 dagger that gains the human bane
weapon quality for 24 hours whenever it is used to kill
a human with a coup de grace action. The dagger is also
cursed and imparts a negative level on any nonchaotic
wielder as long as it is carried.
(5352) DM: Thought I'd give you the whole description, seeing as how you nailed that DC 30 perception check
(5340) Jarrak: "What you got there?"
** (5370) Lady Andraste casts detect evil, in case more evil sneaks up on them. **
** (5362) Carden shows the dagger "found this beauty. anyone want it?" **
(5340) Jarrak: "Nah, might give it to Mimwar"
** (5353) Ser Segrid shivers. "Sounds pretty foul of intent." **
(5353) Ser Segrid: "This while place could use a good razing."
(5406) Mimwar: "Depends.." He casts detect magic and focuses on it, trying to figure out what magical properties it has. "I wonder what kind of past such an object has, really"
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((I'd jump on it but I'm not chaotic :) ))
(5352) DM: It's now late afternoon, and if you depart the island you should be able to make it back to the land before dusk.
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((souinds good))
** (5362) Carden gives it to mimwar **
(5370) Lady Andraste: (is it eviiil :3?)
(5362) Carden: (no chaotic)
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((nope, chapotic))
(5406) Mimwar: ((Yep, Chaotic Good here))
(5353) Ser Segrid: (what he said))
(5340) Jarrak: "Another exciting day"
** (5406) Mimwar takes it and switches it between his hands, getting a feel for the weapon. "Swear not to use it on any of you!" He grins widely. **
(5362) Carden: "Which way should we go to search for the boy now?"
(5352) DM: After returning to the mainland you find an area to camp at for the night.
(5352) DM: The fall air carries a chill.
(5370) Lady Andraste: ((I have to get ready for class, brb)
(5340) Jarrak: "Follow the shore seems like the best idea"
(5353) Ser Segrid: "Yes."
(5353) Ser Segrid: (reload map again?)
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((is that a river headed west?
(5352) DM: yes, that's the Munque River
(5352) DM: and the Shrike River flows out of Candlemere Lake to the south.
(5353) Ser Segrid: "Well, the boy likes rivers. Should we follow the Munque, or head down to the Shrike?"
** (5362) Carden motions west **
(5352) DM: ok, we'll need to stop here for tonight, then
(5352) DM: I don't have the encounter set up for hex 9-3
(5352) DM: also remember that you are heading into more difficult encounters as you go south
(5370) Lady Andraste: (Lets assume we found a bucket of gold!)
(5352) DM: some of which are rated based on you having reached level 5 or 6
(5340) Jarrak: (( i had forgotten that ))
(5353) Ser Segrid: ((kinda why we should go west, and the river can be our excuse))
(5370) Lady Andraste: (wish we were level 5 :D0
(5352) DM: so I'll prepare for hex 9-3 next week
(5370) Lady Andraste: (Annie needs a precise shot ^_^)
(5406) Mimwar: ((So besides the lag, that was really awesome
(5340) Jarrak: (( getting closer with every game ))
(5352) DM: that is one of the major encounter sites, and yes, it is where Tig is being held captive
(5370) Lady Andraste: (And the constant shocking :P?)
(5353) Ser Segrid: yay
(5352) DM: so get ready for another big fight next week
(5352) DM: see you then!
(5406) Mimwar: Alright!
(5406) Mimwar: See you next week :D <3>
(5340) Jarrak: See younext week True believers
(5406) Mimwar: Disconnecting from server...
(5406) Mimwar (exit): 20:30
(5340) Jarrak: I mean Adventurers
(5340) Jarrak (exit): 20:31

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