Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Session 14

First of two sessions about bringing The Stag Lord to justice, we talked our way in and the Stag Lord aid us to deliver the liquor we where sitting on, the idea being we would attack once we got past the walls but things got muddled while we where trying to rein in Zelata.  We got in a huge fight and while there was some early success Zel and Mason got taken down.

session log after the jump.

Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.8.0 ...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(1) DM (enter): 17:00
You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.8.0', named 'ARC Game Server'.

Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.
Moving to room 'Kingmaker AP'..
(1) DM (enter): 17:01

Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) DM...
(1) DM: Test
(2) Napalmmoose (enter): 17:09
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (2) Napalmmoose...
(2) Napalmmoose: sup
(1) DM: Hi
(2) Napalmmoose: suprised the server is up this early
(2) Napalmmoose: or room as the case may be
(1) DM: yeah
(1) DM: I wanted to give everyone time to test out their Traipse client if they've already installed it
(2) Napalmmoose: Ive been using Traipse for a while
(1) DM: plus I'm still entering encounter data into my game tree
(2) Napalmmoose: ah
(3) Carine (enter): 18:28
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (3) Carine...
(3) Carine: Well then
(2) Jeremiah: sup
(3) Carine: Nothing much
(3) Carine: I decided after a two year boycott to try taco bell because dorito taco shells, that was a mistake.
(4) DM (enter): 18:32
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (4) Zelata...
(3) Carine: Zel you're here? I owe Jeremiah 5 silver.
(2) Jeremiah: you do?
(4) Zelata: O_o
(4) Zelata: *does not like being the target for bets*
(4) Zelata: I wasn't here last week because I was grounded! :(
(3) Carine: just funnin yah
(3) Carine: ?
(4) Zelata: *slaps with razorwire gloves*
(3) Carine: we could really use a full strength Zel and we would have had that if you had been here last session
(3) Carine: slaps withrazerwire? your fire go out?
(3) Carine: Anyway, chances are decent we are going to have *the fight* tonight
(5) Korizor (enter): 18:40
(4) Zelata: brb
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (5) Segrid...
(4) Zelata: Sorry had to move
(4) Zelata: And no my fire didn't go out, I just didn't want to waste it on chu :(
(3) Carine: ^_^
(4) Zelata: ^,..,^
(3) Carine: Anywho, there will be bandits, try to stay out of the fray and burninate thems.
(3) Carine: I see no map
(3) Carine: Disconnecting from server...
(3) Carine (exit): 18:46
(4) Zelata: Hmmmm
(6) Carine (enter): 18:46
(6) Carine: I see no map
(1) DM: not loaded yet
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (6) Carine...
(1) DM: I wanted to wait for everyone first
(6) Carine: I cannot see my words
(1) DM: we got the small square when we entered the room with the map already loaded
(6) Carine (exit): 18:48
(6) Carine (enter): 18:48
(5) Segrid: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Segrid (exit): 18:49
(6) Carine: am I back?
(1) DM: I see you
(4) Zelata: Nope
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (6) Carine...
(4) Zelata: Dun lie DM
(4) Zelata: He isn't here
(6) Carine: monkey
(7) Kerus (enter): 18:50
(4) Zelata: I love that pic of meh >,..,> It looks so ba
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (7) Kerus...
(6) Carine: gm skype me if you can read this.
(4) Zelata: Cairne, he can't see you, so, he can't skyoe chu!
(6) Carine: stuff
(4) Zelata: I can't wait until we get to fight Dragons
(4) Zelata: :o Hey, DM, can I take the feats from The Ultimate Arcane or w/e that grants me Elemental Penetration?
(7) Segrid: That sound painful
(6) Carine: Disconnecting from server...
(6) Carine (exit): 18:52
(4) Zelata: It basically overcomes elemental resistance, so if something was immune to it, they get treated as resist 20 or something
(4) Zelata: Shut it Segrid
(7) Segrid: But I hear once you go earth elemental, you don't go back
(4) Zelata: It'd be cool to fight a Red Dragon with that
(4) Zelata: >,..,> Bish burn!
(4) Zelata: I can't bu- AAAAAAAH!
(8) Carine (enter): 18:56
(8) Carine: hello?
(8) Carine: I can see my text.
(4) Zelata: Cairne, no one can see chu, so gimmei a hug!
(7) Segrid: wearing your belt of masculinity/femininity?
(7) Segrid: Cairne becomes Carine
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (8) Carine...
(8) Carine: I may not charge into the fray sword and board in hand but I am secure in my masculinity (hugs zel)
(8) Cairne: fixed
(7) Segrid: Now if only you could fix Zelata :P
(4) Zelata: :\
(4) Zelata: I just remembered some guy fin this group kissing me Dx< But I dun know who! >,..,
(1) DM: It is currently the night of 19 Gozran
(1) DM: You are camping in hex 6-1 after earlier having found the dead unicorn.
(8) Cairne: I think we have our battle plan.
(1) DM: The night passes uneventfully and it is now morning on 20 Gozran.
(8) Cairne: (we is sleeping in a big assed tent.
** (2) Jeremiah prepares himselof and his spells for the day **
(4) Zelata: O_o I is snuggling with mom, but she's not hurr hmmmm
(4) Zelata: I sharpen all mai daggers
(4) Zelata: ((Is the only girl here.....*shivers*))
(8) Cairne: (is going to be worse for you in the mining camp.
(1) DM: (Carden and Mason say they will be here in 10-15 minutes)
(4) Zelata: (( a:( ))
(8) Cairne: We could really Andraste too.
(8) Cairne: use andraste too.
(1) DM: You travel into hex 7-1, which is a forest hex.
(8) Cairne: perception [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)

(7) Segrid: Perception [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)
(1) DM: There are signs of game animals all around, similar to what you have seen in other parts of the forest.
(8) Cairne: ok for a moment there I was worried I was broken again, must just be Zelata affecting my screen.
(7) Segrid: (my open stopped working after I downloaded traipse, so my segrid file is effectively gone. Luckily, I have my sheet to work from)
(4) Zelata: ((Oh, it unfroze )_( ))
** (7) Segrid says "Looks like we've moved from the tainted area." **
(1) DM: Do you want me to "fast track" you along this last row of hexes?
(2) Jeremiah: (( Im good with that ))
(4) Zelata: I play with balls of fire. Juggling them like a juggler.
(8) Cairne: Yes, we will ge tto the bottom of that travisty.
(8) Cairne: BTW zel, we found a murdered unicorn. That probably bothers you.
(1) DM: 21 Gozran, explore hex 7-2 (forest), no encounters, camp
(4) Zelata: (( O_O *is pissed off nao* No body murders mai Fay! D:<))>
(4) Zelata: Noobody murders mai fay! >:( )
(1) DM: 22 Gozran, explore hex 7-3 (forest), no encounters, camp
(8) Cairne: there is a poorly written account on the blog along with the game log.
(1) DM: The Skunk River winds through hex 7-3.
(8) Cairne: Something above our pay grade killed a unicorn and took its horn.
** (7) Segrid gives Zelata a bath in the Skunk River. **
(1) DM: 23 Gozran, expore hex 7-4 (mostly forest), no encounters, camp. Skunk River flows E-W through this hex.
(4) Zelata: ((we have a blog, hey, DM this is kind of off topic, but I've been wanting to make a Website based around yer campaigns, you know, campaign updates, pictures, downloads, ect)) ((and yeah, no thanks, one fire spell and we all go to hell because of all the flames in the sky))
(1) DM: I have an account on Obsidian Portal
(1) DM: that's an RPG campaign website / wiki
(4) Zelata: ((Oh, but I wanted to make one for chu :( ))
(8) Cairne: Cough cough.
(8) Cairne: http://deadeyesfellowship.blogspot.com/search/label/Welcome
(4) Zelata: (( notices we have become like a family ))
(8) Cairne: its only THE place to go for Deadeye's fellowship news and musings.
(10) HUGM (enter): 19:21
(9) Mason (enter): 19:21
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (9) Mason...
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (9) Mason...
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (10) Carden...
(8) Cairne: Hammer boy! grumpykins!
(8) Cairne: now its a party.
(2) Jeremiah: (( supguys ))
(1) DM: It is now 24 Gozran.
(1) DM: You travel into hex 7-5, which is a hills hex.
(1) DM: Around mid-day, you see a structure off in the distance.
(1) DM: (I'm going to reload the map.)
(8) Cairne: I cast mage armor and motion for zel to do the same.
(4) Zelata: I cast Mage Armor
(4) Zelata: And Shield
(4) Zelata: ;)
(8) Cairne: shield is a bit hasty, it lasts for 10/mins a level not 1 hour/level
(4) Zelata: Oh true, nvm then
(7) Segrid: 1 min/lvl
(8) Cairne: I',m not getting map
(8) Cairne: or that
(4) Zelata: ((can't wait until I get fire sheild))
(8) Cairne: why do you like fire or something?
(4) Zelata: ((She's a Pyromancer, so yeah, that's a noice spell to have))
(8) Cairne: still only getting the top corner of the map.
(8) Cairne: Zel casts fire spells? this si the first I've heard of it.
(1) DM: While exploring along the shore of Tuskwater lake, you can see a wooden palisade surrounding a stone building with several watchtowers.
(1) DM: flush your map cache and I'll flush mine and try loading it again
(4) Zelata: I run up to the door and knock
(4) Zelata: ((how do I flush?))
(1) DM: (Map->Flush Image Cache)
(8) Cairne: flushed
(4) Zelata: ((flushed as well))
(10) Carden: (ok)
(1) DM: The fort stands atop a gently sloping hillside.
(9) Mason: ((flushed))
(10) Carden: "oh joy"
(4) Zelata: I run up to any discernable door and pound on the door saying loudly "Hello? It's the Were-wolf from next door!"
** (2) Jeremiah stops Zelata from running up and knocking on the door **
** (10) Carden casts daze on Zelata **
(4) Zelata: After some thought she also says "Rawr"
(9) Mason: "time to kill"
(1) DM: From this distance (~ 300 ft.) you are still in somewhat heavily vegetated ground.
(8) Cairne: I Yell up in a slurring voice, ask us the damned question so we can go on about st gilmorg!"
(1) DM: Beyond this point, a narrow path of hard-packed earth winds up the hillside approaching the fort.
** (7) Segrid watches the keep for any signs we've been spotted **
(8) Cairne: "We have hooch for the boss!"
(4) Zelata: ((No discernable door?))
** (10) Carden knotches an arrow **
(1) DM: The rest of the hillside surrounding the fort is mostly devoid of shrubbery save for isolated thorny vines and large boulders.
(1) DM: (perception checks)
(4) Zelata: ((lots of burnables))
(2) Jeremiah: (( Perception [1d20+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(8) Cairne: (zel ohold it in for now, I promise burning later)
(4) Zelata: [1d20+4] => [18,4] = (22)
(4) Zelata: ((holy crap))
(8) Cairne: (or freezing, cold is your thing.)
(10) Carden: perception [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
(7) Segrid: Perception [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16)
(4) Zelata: ((WOOPIE! I love to brun!))
(4) Zelata: burn**
(8) Cairne: perception [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25)
(9) Mason: Skill check: [1d20+1] => [9,1] = (10)
(1) DM: Zelata, you see guards in the three guard towers that rise up about 20' above the ground.
(1) DM: One guard per tower.
(4) Zelata: I shout and say "look! Tin soldiers!"
(4) Zelata: And I then point
(8) Cairne: Guys we have the codephrase so play it cool.
(1) DM: And you notice that they seem to only really pay attention to the main path leading up to the fort.
(7) Segrid: "Hooch and a girl for the stag lord!"
(7) Segrid: "Open up!"
(8) Cairne: 'By the Bloody Bones of St. Gilmorg, let us the fuck in already!?'
(1) DM: Are you going up to the gate then along the path?
(7) Segrid: Yep
(1) DM: Z saw all of this while you where in cover 300' away
(2) Jeremiah: (( Looks that way ))
(8) Cairne: Yes, while holding zel
(4) Zelata: >,..,> *groin shots*))
(4) Zelata: ((screams rape))
(4) Zelata: ((O_O wrong chat))
(4) Zelata: ((that was meant for skype >,..,> ignore))
(8) Cairne: (you ohonestly think thats going to do anything but get bandits to help us>
(8) Cairne: Ouch brain hurties.
(4) Zelata: ((rofl, I meant to put that on Skype, so ignore that! :( ))
(1) DM: The gate is at the top.
(1) DM: It is closed.
(1) DM: The red Xs are where the guards are up in their watchtowers.
(1) DM: The guard closest to the front leans out and shouts at you.
(4) Zelata: "Shouting isn't nice!"
(8) Cairne: I conjure a bandit medailon and a green bottle, and hold them up "Let us in"
(1) DM: "Halt! Who goes there? Hey, Fal and Jex, we got company!"
(8) Cairne: 'By the Bloody Bones of St. Gilmorg, who wants to know?'

(1) DM: You see the other two guards look out towards you, longbows in hand
(8) Cairne: (create gear is nifty)
** (2) Jeremiah makes sure to keep his hands away from his weapons **
(1) DM: "That's the old passphrase. Where did you hear it? You're not dressed like the rest of us."
(8) Cairne: We've been up north hitting Olg's supplies!
(4) Zelata: "We're undercover! We just heard something about the military coming here! You gotta hurry!"
(8) Cairne: (technically not a lie)
(1) DM: (make a bluff check anyways)
(8) Cairne: "someone shut that wench up!"
(7) Segrid: "Besides, we have The Stag Lord's Booze."
(8) Cairne: Bluf [1d20+1] => [12,1] = (13)
(7) Segrid: "And a girl to apologize for being late... heh."
(4) Zelata: I glare at Cairne and I say "Don't make me stab you"
(1) DM: Sense Motive [1d20-1] => [14,-1] = (13)
(4) Zelata: I then slap Segrid
(1) DM: "You got booze for the boss, huh? Let me see it."
(1) DM: "How much you got?"
(8) Cairne: I'm holding one of the bottles
(8) Cairne: "Is the boss listening? Maybe I've got a case, maybe I've got two cases"
(4) Zelata: "Maybe we gots three!"
(1) DM: "Well, then, why didn't you say so?"
(1) DM: "Hold on and I'll come down and open the gate."
** (10) Carden rubs the side of his head as hearing Zelata's voice **
(8) Cairne: (I cast shield and motion for szel to do the same.
(4) Zelata: ((am I being annoying?))
(4) Zelata: I cast sheild too
(8) Cairne: (ready mason?)
(4) Zelata: I ask "Can I burn them?"
(4) Zelata: I say with that evilish Impish look and a giggle
(7) Segrid: "She's not all there, but not all of her has to be."
(2) Jeremiah: "Not et"
(8) Cairne: (remember your wand, this is the big fight)
(9) Mason: ((yep cairne))
(4) Zelata: ((is weaker than if I cast the spell myself))
(1) DM: The bandit unlocks and opens the gate.
(1) DM: "Come on in. I'm Ayles."
(1) DM: A small, dusty yard separates the palisade from the inner
structures. The ground here is of hard-packed barren earth.
Dozens of barrels lie stacked against the inner wall of the
palisade, each with a wooden or metal bucket sitting nearby.
(4) Zelata: I follow, my head down
(8) Cairne: (mason, plan is to make you large, that gives you a +2 size bonus to strength and makes your hammer do 2d6 instead of 1d10. It however makes you easier to hit)
(9) Mason: ((good))
(1) DM: Ayles closes the gate after you come in.
(8) Cairne: This spell causes instant growth of a humanoid creature, doubling its height and multiplying its weight by 8. This increase changes the creature's size category to the next larger one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a -1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.
** (2) Jeremiah follows after the others **
** (7) Segrid looks at Ayles. "God, i need a bed and to get away from that shrew. A few nights with the boss might shit her mouth, but nothing else has worked." **
(1) DM: The two other watchtower guards come around the right side of the fort's stone wall.
(8) Cairne: shut her mouth.
(1) DM: Ayles: "Let me get the boss..."
(2) Jeremiah: "We tried rope,and she ate through it"
(7) Segrid: (yes, shut)
(4) Zelata: ((ROFL brb my side hurts))
(8) Cairne: Not as bad as your mouth.
(4) Zelata: :\ shush
** (7) Segrid tries to stroll casually towards the structure **
** (10) Carden follows like his head is hurting. **
(8) Cairne: Mason, Segrid, when the stag lord shows flank him, if there is a fight I want him to have no chance. Inverse
(1) DM: Ayles goes inside the fort but before he returns, another man, this one more imposing, comes around from the other side of the fort.
(1) DM: "Falgrim and Jex, who are these people?"
(1) DM: "Uh, Ayles let them in, Akiros. They say they have booze for the boss. Ayles went to get him."
** (7) Segrid looks inside the structure **
(1) DM: You are met by Ayles and a towering beefy man wearing a creepy stag helmet
(1) DM: "You best wait outside" Ayles tells you as he shoos you out.
(4) Zelata: "You have horns, are you a devil?"
(7) Segrid: "Hey,boss, got your booze over there. And a little bonus prize as well."
(1) DM: (perception checks)
(7) Segrid: Perception [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
(9) Mason: Skill check: [1d20+1] => [11,1] = (12)
(10) Carden: perception [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
(2) Jeremiah: Perception [1d20+1] => [5,1] = (6)
(4) Zelata: [1d20+4] => [18,4] = (22)
(8) Cairne: perception [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
(8) Cairne: Perception [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22)
(1) DM: Most of you can tell that the Stag Lord seems hungover.
(8) Cairne: only the first counts testing
(1) DM: "Got booze for me, huh?"
(4) Zelata: "You look drunk Demon"
** (7) Segrid points towards the gate **
(4) Zelata: "Do you know any fire demons?"
(8) Cairne: Zel shut up.
(4) Zelata: "I was just curious"
(1) DM: "Who's this bitch?" he growls, glaring at Zelata.
(4) Zelata: "I'm Zelata! And you got horns, so you must be a demon"
(4) Zelata: "I must admit, you look really impressive! I bet you get all kinds of people worshipping you as a demon"
(7) Segrid: "A little morsel we found at a trading post. She ain't all there, but...."
(1) DM: "Ah, I see."
(1) DM: (looks at the cases of booze)
(2) Jeremiah: "She never shuts up"
(1) DM: "These look good. Fal and Jex, take these cases and put them away."
(4) Zelata: "I bet you'd be cooler than the Demon King"
(7) Segrid: "Thought you might enjoy the challenge."
(4) Zelata: "I heard stories about him"
(4) Zelata: "are you him? You look awesome enough"
(1) DM: "Akiros, pay these fine men and woman 20 gp each as a bonus."
(1) DM: "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some more drinkin' to do!"
(7) Segrid: "Yeah!"
(1) DM: (Stag Lord goes back inside.)
(4) Zelata: "Then you must be a Booze Demon, never mind then, yer just a loser"
(8) Cairne: I'm afraid we did not announce our full intentions at the gate,
(1) DM: (Akiros pays each of you 20 gp.)
** (2) Jeremiah pockets the gpld **
(4) Zelata: I nibble on one of the gold coins
** (10) Carden pockets the gold as well **
(4) Zelata: I position myself so that if I have to cast Burning hands, I can get all of the bodyguards at the same time
(8) Cairne: squares are 5x5?
(7) Segrid: "Where's that arsehole Sneed?"
(1) DM: (yes)
(4) Zelata: "bless you"
(1) DM: "You mean Sneeg?"
(4) Zelata: "bless you too, man, there must be pollen in the air"
(1) DM: You saw them carry off the cases of booze towards the back of the fort.
(4) Zelata: ((is booze flamable?))
(7) Segrid: "Yeah, that's the name."
(4) Zelata: ((Please say it is))
(1) DM: "That was the older gray haired man who took one of the cases."
(8) Cairne: Segrid, mason, prepare to engage here, I'll grease the ground there. the rest of you arrest these men, take any alive who surrender.
(1) DM: "So, what are your plans?"
(7) Segrid: "Right." Segrid draws his sword.
(4) Zelata: This place needs to burn
(4) Zelata: I cast Firebolt on Akiros
(8) Cairne: Zel, Jeremiah and Carden, deliver justice, I want sneeg alive.
(4) Zelata: "B-b-b-but :("
(2) Jeremiah: (( So attacking? ))
(1) DM: (Does firebolt = MM?)
(4) Zelata: ((yes, fire dmg))
(8) Cairne: we are in, I'm not sure how this became getting paid.
(7) Segrid: ((looks like, Cairne just told us too right in front of them
(1) DM: don't go into Z5 yet
(4) Zelata: [1d4+1] => [4,1] = (5)
(1) DM: there are more people in there
(4) Zelata: Z5?
(4) Zelata: I deal 5 dmg btw with my Firebolt
(1) DM: The room with the label Z5
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+1] => [17,1] = (18)
(4) Zelata: Oh ok
(9) Mason: "size me up,cairne!"
(8) Cairne: Initiative [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21)
(10) Carden: Initiative [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
(9) Mason: Initiative: [1d20+3] => [20,3] = (23)
(2) Jeremiah: Init [1d20+2] => [12,2] = (14)
(7) Segrid: init [1d20+5] => [18,5] = (23)
(4) Zelata: [1d20+1] => [5,1] = (6)
(1) DM: "What the...(shouts) INVADERS!"
(4) Zelata: ((always the low initiative))
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
(8) Cairne: Try to take prisoners if the oppertunity presents but don't risk it.
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7)
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11)
(8) Cairne: I heartiy support the DM using a d6 as a d20
(7) Segrid: .
(4) Zelata: ((ROFL!))
(4) Zelata: I suppord you too DM!
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9)
(1) DM: I think that's everyone for now...
(1) DM: ok, start of round 1
(1) DM: Mason's turn
** (9) Mason swings at ayles and yells"shut up!" **
(9) Mason: *Maul Power attack*: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25) Damage [1d10+5] => [2,5] = (7)
(1) DM: You see there are more bandits inside the room on your right.
(9) Mason: Confirm Critical Hit: [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20)
(8) Cairne: sweet
(1) DM: You smash and kill Ayles with a single blow.
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(8) Cairne: Can a large mason move in that room?
(7) Segrid: ((missed me))
(7) Segrid: ((23 init))
(4) Zelata: ((is there a lot of wood in that room?))
(1) DM: ok, sorry
(1) DM: go ahead
(8) Cairne: can mason move in that room if he is large?
** (7) Segrid moves over and attacks Avery [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26) for [1d8+4] => [1,4] = (5) **
(1) DM: hit
(1) DM: yes
(1) DM: The edges of this drafty room are crammed with crates, barrels, and boxes. Hammocks strung on wooden posts denote sleeping areas, while dirty bowls and utensils rest atop rickety and makeshift furniture. Elsewhere, chamber pots sit tucked into corners, while a large iron gate is wedged into a ten-foot-wide gap in the western wall. Chips of ancient plaster flake from the walls, exposing the stone construction; whatever plaster still clings to stonework is covered with strange and erratic scribbles and pictographs. The floor consists only of hard-packed earth.
(8) Cairne: then I cast enlarge person on Mason
(8) Cairne: mason you have an extra square iof reach as well.
(1) DM: Falgrim: "Jex, did you hear somebody shout?"
(1) DM: Jex: "Aw, there's always somebody shouting. Let's open a bottle and have a drink!"
(10) Carden: (hehehe)
(1) DM: Akiros, caught off guard at first, quickly regains his composure.
(1) DM: He draws his longsword and flys into a rage, swinging at Zelata...
(1) DM: +1 Longsword [1d20+11] => [17,11] = (28) melee, Damage [1d8+5] => [3,5] = (8)
(1) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(4) Zelata: He ummm, doesn't hi hold on
(4) Zelata: Nvm, he got me by 4 :(
(2) Jeremiah: (( Enhance my Longsword, take a 5ft step and attack Akiros ))
(1) DM: (AC is 19)
(2) Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Longsword: Attack[1d20+4+1] => [11,4,1] = (16)
(1) DM: miss
(1) DM: Carden's turn
(8) Cairne: Mason your weapon does 2d8 not 2d6
** (10) Carden moves to the nearby rock to get some elevation and cast divine favor on himself. **
(1) DM: The bands in Z5 begin to separate, some closing with Segrid and Mason, and the others backing off and loading their longbows
(4) Zelata: DM, how flamable is the room?
(8) Cairne: Mason should have a AoO on mark or cel
(8) Cairne: burn the people
(8) Cairne: not the room
(4) Zelata: Like if I threw a vial of grease on a dresser or w/e
(9) Mason: cel
(9) Mason: Large Maul Smash!!!: [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14) Damage [2d8+4] => [2,2,4] = (8)
(1) DM: AoO on Cel
(1) DM: hits
(1) DM: smashes
(1) DM: FA attacks Segrid
(1) DM: Short sword [1d20+2] => [15,2] = (17) melee, Damage [1d6+1] => [2,1] = (3)
(7) Segrid: miss
(1) DM: Markard attacks Mason
(1) DM: Short sword [1d20+2] => [12,2] = (14) melee, Damage [1d6+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(1) DM: Topper Red shoot an arrow at Mason
(1) DM: Longbow [1d20+2] => [6,2] = (8), Damage [1d8+0] => [2,0] = (2)
(1) DM: Cragger and DJ also shoot at Mason
(1) DM: Longbow [1d20+2] => [13,2] = (15), Damage [1d8+0] => [4,0] = (4)
(1) DM: Longbow [1d20+2] => [6,2] = (8), Damage [1d8+0] => [3,0] = (3)
(1) DM: -4 for shooting into melee
(4) Zelata: ((after this guys, I gottta gcall it short))
(1) DM: so all miss
(9) Mason: ((ac 14))
(4) Zelata: AC 24
(9) Mason: ((1 hit))
(1) DM: Dovan moves over towards the gate and then steps back.
(7) Segrid: ((not with the -4 Mason))
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11)
(1) DM: Zelata's turn
(4) Zelata: Hmmm
(4) Zelata: I cast burning hands into the fray
(4) Zelata: [2d6+1] => [6,3,1] = (10)
(4) Zelata: Save is half dmg
(1) DM: at Akiros or at Cairne?
(4) Zelata: Akiros
(1) DM: Reflex [1d20+2] => [12,2] = (14)
(1) DM: what's your save DC?
(4) Zelata: 16
(1) DM: whew--end of round 1
(1) DM: start of round 2
(1) DM: Mason is back up
(4) Zelata: mmhmmm
** (9) Mason hits markard **
(4) Zelata: brb
(9) Mason: #Shield of swings#: [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21) Damage [1d8+2] => [2,2] = (4)(+4 to AC)
(1) DM: hit
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
(7) Segrid: ((danage should havwe been 2d8 Mason))
** (7) Segrid attacks Avery again. [1d20+9] => [6,9] = (15) for [1d8+4] => [3,4] = (7) **
(10) Carden: (damage is half)
(7) Segrid: (oh, ok)
(1) DM: Avery goes down.
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(8) Cairne: Cast bless
Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.
** (7) Segrid steps to flank **
(7) Segrid: .
(1) DM: Falgrim: "Hey, Jex, this is pretty good stuff (hic)."
(1) DM: Jex: "Yup, I'll drink to that."
(1) DM: Akiros swings at Zelata again..."Time to die, bitch!"
(1) DM: +1 Longsword [1d20+11] => [9,11] = (20) melee, Damage [1d8+5] => [7,5] = (12)
(1) DM: Z, what's your AC?
(4) Zelata: 24
(1) DM: How do you get that?
(4) Zelata: With mage armor and sheidl
(4) Zelata: sheild
(4) Zelata: Plus a 16 normal AC
(8) Cairne: that gets you to 18.
(8) Cairne: how do you have a 16 normal ac?
(4) Zelata: No, +4 from shield, and a +4 from ma
(4) Zelata: Yeah
(4) Zelata: nvm
(4) Zelata: That's my healt
(4) Zelata: I have a 19 >,..,
(7) Segrid: mage armor doesn't stack with normal armor
(7) Segrid: dex +1
(1) DM: Z doesn't wear any armor
(4) Zelata: I dun have normal armor
(7) Segrid: ?
(4) Zelata: I have a 11 base
(4) Zelata: Sorry
(8) Cairne: so 19
(4) Zelata: If that hits, I die
(4) Zelata: I drop straight to -10
(11) Mason (enter): 20:52
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (11) Mason...
(12) Carden (enter): 20:52
(2) Jeremiah: (( ouch ))
(12) Carden: (last thing we saw (1) DM: Falgrim: "Hey, Jex, this is pretty good stuff (hic)."
(1) DM: Jex: "Yup, I'll drink to that.")
(1) DM: You had 16 HP to start at full?
(7) Segrid: .
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (12) Carden...
(4) Zelata: -8 from what he did before
(4) Zelata: Plus 12, that's 28
(4) Zelata: 20**
(4) Zelata: So, not quite
(12) Carden: (map hasnt reloaded for us)
(1) DM: not a natural 20
(4) Zelata: I'll be at -4
(4) Zelata: I know
(1) DM: yes, so at -4 HP
(4) Zelata: He did 8 last round
(8) Cairne: -4 we can handle
(1) DM: (map messed up for me too)
(4) Zelata: And 12 this round
(8) Cairne: map messed up for me as well.
(1) DM: so Z drops to the ground, bleeding badly
(1) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(2) Jeremiah: (( Goingto attack Akiros again ))
(2) Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Longsword: Attack[1d20+4+1] => [19,4,1] = (24)
(1) DM: hits
(7) Segrid: (crit threat!)
(2) Jeremiah: Crit Confirm [1d20+4+1] => [1,4,1] = (6)
(2) Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2+1] => [3,2,1] = (6)
(7) Segrid: (grrr)
(1) DM: Carden's turn
(2) Jeremiah: (( Move and stand over zelata as shes laying on the ground ?))
** (12) Carden fires an arrow at Akiros (attack [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21) dmg [1d8+4] => [3,4] = (7)) then slides down the other side of the rock to cross the rubble **
(1) DM: hit
(1) DM: Suddenly a huge angry owlbear pushes through the (now unlocked) gate, and heads right at Topper!
(1) DM: Claw 1 [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13) melee, Damage [1d6+6] => [5,6] = (11) plus grab
(12) Carden: (hope our ranger can play nice with owlbears)
(1) DM: Beaky cuts down Topper Red!
(1) DM: Markard stabs at Segrid
(1) DM: Short sword [1d20+2] => [6,2] = (8) melee, Damage [1d6+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(1) DM: Only Fat Nory manages to take a bowshot at Mason
(1) DM: Longbow [1d20+2] => [19,2] = (21), Damage [1d8+0] => [8,0] = (8)
(4) Zelata: ((guys, I gotta run down to the hospitable, sorry, but I gotta cut it loose here, make sure I dun die please, here's the link to my char, can you ghost if she comes back to life? http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=340219 ))
(1) DM: hits AC 17
(1) DM: Dovan withdraws away from Beaky
(7) Segrid: (his ac was +4 for shield of swings)
(1) DM: Z attempts to stabilize (50% chance, 1-50 = success)
(1) DM: [1d100] => [96] = (96)
(1) DM: doesn't stablize
(12) Carden: (correct Mason AC is 18 for now)
(8) Cairne: how hurt are you mason?
(1) DM: start of round 3
(1) DM: Mason's turn
(1) DM: Booting '(10) Carden' from server...
(10) Carden (exit): 21:03
(1) DM: Booting '(9) Mason' from server...
(9) Mason (exit): 21:04
(11) Mason: ((13 hp))
(8) Cairne: Ok.
(11) Mason: *Large Maul Power attack*: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17) Damage [2d6+6] => [6,2,6] = (14)
** (11) Mason swings at markard **
(8) Cairne: 2d8
(8) Cairne: [2d8+6] => [4,5,6] = (15)
(7) Segrid: +2 for flanking, if you didn't include that'
(1) DM: Mason smashes Markard's skull...
(8) Cairne: kill it moar!
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
(7) Segrid: "Get away from her you bastard!"
(7) Segrid: [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18) for [1d8+4] => [8,4] = (12)
(7) Segrid: on Akiros
(1) DM: miss
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(8) Cairne: Cure Light Wounds on mason [1d8+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(1) DM: Falgrim: "I guess we'd better go see what's going on (hic)..."
(1) DM: Jex: "Yup..."
(1) DM: Akiros attacks Jeremiah...
(1) DM: +1 Longsword [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12) melee, Damage [1d8+5] => [8,5] = (13)
(7) Segrid: (thumbs up!)
(1) DM: but slips on Zelata's blood on the ground
(1) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(2) Jeremiah: (( Attack ))
(8) Cairne: man andraste would be so welcome right now.
(2) Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Longsword: Attack[1d20+4+1] => [8,4,1] = (13)
(1) DM: miss
(1) DM: Carden's turn
** (12) Carden moves through the collasped area as quickly as he can (acrobatics [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)) **
(1) DM: you can get to about there on your turn
(1) DM: Though ruined walls still separate this area from the other
rooms, most of the ceiling has collapsed. The only remaining
bit of roof covers the inside corner. Hides strung from a wooden
frame partition this corner off, creating a dry storage area.
(1) DM: A shallow, stone-lined cooking pit containing ash and partially
burnt logs sits in this rubble-filled room.
(1) DM: (desciptions of Z9 and Z10)
(1) DM: Beaky moves at Mason and swings a claw at him...
(12) Carden: (ok can I go stealth before crossing?)
(7) Segrid: (AoO from Mason)
(1) DM: Claw 1 [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28) melee, Damage [1d6+6] => [1,6] = (7) plus grab
(1) DM: (go ahead AC is 19)
(11) Mason: Large Maul Smash!!!: [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23) Damage [2d8+4] => [2,2,4] = (8)
(8) Cairne: mason drop the shield it does not matter on this fudger, just hurt it.
(1) DM: AoO hits
(1) DM: Carden, make a stealth check as you hunker down in the roast pit.
(1) DM: Perception [1d20+0] => [12,0] = (12)
(1) DM: Perception [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19)
(1) DM: (Dovan sees you)
(1) DM: While the other bandits are cheering Beaky on, Dovan notices Carden as he ducks down.
(1) DM: "There's one of them over there (points)"
(1) DM: Dovan throws a dagger at Carden (who has partial cover)
(1) DM: Dagger [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11) ranged, Damage [1d4+2] => [1,2] = (3)
(1) DM: dagger misse
(1) DM: misses
(1) DM: Z tries to stablize again
(1) DM: [1d100] => [50] = (50)
(1) DM: and does so this time
(1) DM: start of round 4
(1) DM: Mason's up
** (11) Mason smashes owlbear with fists **
(11) Mason: [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)
(11) Mason: [1d4+4] => [4,4] = (8)
(1) DM: hits
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
** (7) Segrid shifts over and attacks Akiros again [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22) for [1d8+4] => [2,4] = (6) **
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5)
(1) DM: hits
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(8) Cairne: I give Segrid the touch of the Irish.
Bit of Luck (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
(1) DM: Falgrim and Jex move out front, not sure what to make of what is going on...
(1) DM: Akiros swings at Segrid...
(1) DM: +1 Longsword [1d20+11] => [15,11] = (26) melee, Damage [1d8+5] => [4,5] = (9)
(1) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13) +2 in hills
(1) DM: The Stag Lord pushes out into the room.
(2) Jeremiah: (( attack ))
(2) Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Longsword: Attack[1d20+4+1] => [20,4,1] = (25)
(1) DM: "What's going on out here?"
(1) DM: crit threat
(2) Jeremiah: Crit Confrim [1d20+4+1] => [6,4,1] = (11)
(2) Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2+1] => [8,2,1] = (11)
(1) DM: ah, doesn't confirm
(1) DM: Carden's turn
** (12) Carden raises up and fires at Nory (attack [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26) dmg [1d8+4] => [5,4] = (9)) before moving back into the rubble area for cover (acrobatics is needed [1d20+5] => [7,5] = (12); stealth again [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21)) **
(7) Segrid: ((goddamn this guy is tough. taken a coupla solid hits and Zel's burning hands and still up)
(12) Carden: (yea nailed him once as well)
(1) DM: Fat Nory drops
(12) Carden: (is=if)
(1) DM: Beaky goes full attack on Mason...
(1) DM: Claw 1 [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21) melee, Damage [1d6+6] => [2,6] = (8) plus grab
(1) DM: Claw 2 [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14) melee, Damage [1d6+6] => [3,6] = (9) plus grab
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) melee, Damage [1d6+6] => [5,6] = (11)
(1) DM: CMB (grapple) [1d20+16] => [4,16] = (20)
(8) Cairne: Jeremiah, if you have a smoke it would be appreciated.
(1) DM: Beaky grabs hold of Mason with one claw.
(2) Jeremiah: (( I Do,are ya'll sure yall want me too? ))
(1) DM: Cragger and Jeb advance along side SL
(12) Carden: (just a comment the owlbear already has mason grab last turn just saying)
(1) DM: Dovan takes off after Carden...
(1) DM: Arobatics, Escape Artist, or Slight of Hand [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
(1) DM: and swings his rapier at him...
(1) DM: +1 Rapier [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27) melee, Damage [1d6+3] => [6,3] = (9)
(1) DM: +1 Rapier [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10) melee, Damage [1d6+3] => [6,3] = (9)
(12) Carden: (hit)
(1) DM: doesn't confirm crit
(1) DM: Auchs: "Hey, Valkeri, they are fighting down here. We had better help them. Auchs doesn't want anyone to take his toy solders and dragons!"
(1) DM: Start of round 5
(1) DM: Mason's turn
(1) DM: You are grappled
(1) DM: Beaky's CMD is 25
** (11) Mason bashes with firt again [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25) dmg [1d4+4] => [1,4] = (5) **
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
** (7) Segrid attacks Akiros "Die, why don't you? [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30) OR [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15) for [1d8+4] => [8,4] = (12) **
(7) Segrid: crit confirm [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21) or [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
(7) Segrid: [1d8+4] => [7,4] = (11)
(7) Segrid: 23 damage
(1) DM: You manage to cut deep into his neck, felling him!
** (7) Segrid takes out a potion **
(7) Segrid: 5' step
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(8) Cairne: I cast grease
(8) Cairne: dc 14
(1) DM: Reflex [1d20+1] => [2,1] = (3)
(1) DM: Cragger falls down
(8) Cairne: A grease spell covers a solid surface with a layer of slippery grease. Any creature in the area when the spell is cast must make a successful Reflex save or fall. A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a DC 10 Acrobatics check. Failure means it can't move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Acrobatics skill for details). Creatures that do not move on their turn do not need to make this check and are not considered flat-footed.

The spell can also be used to create a greasy coating on an item. Material objects not in use are always affected by this spell, while an object wielded or employed by a creature requires its bearer to make a Reflex saving throw to avoid the effect. If the initial saving throw fails, the creature immediately drops the item. A saving throw must be made in each round that the creature attempts to pick up or use the greased item. A creature wearing greased armor or clothing gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks and combat maneuver checks made to escape a grapple, and to their CMD to avoid being grappled.
(1) DM: Reflex [1d20+11] => [8,11] = (19)
(1) DM: The Stag Lord manages to keep his footing
(1) DM: Fal and Jex shoot their bows at Jeremiah...
(1) DM: Longbow [1d20+2] => [10,2] = (12), Damage [1d8+0] => [6,0] = (6)
(1) DM: Longbow [1d20+2] => [15,2] = (17), Damage [1d8+0] => [6,0] = (6)
(1) DM: one hits
(1) DM: The Stag Lord attempts to move out of the grease...
(1) DM: Arobatics [1d20+15] => [12,15] = (27)
(1) DM: and takes a shot at Mason...
(1) DM: +1 Composite Longbow 1 [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) ranged, Damage [1d8+6] => [4,6] = (10), +2/+2 vs. humans
(1) DM: Mason, what is your AC now?
(7) Segrid: (does he get soft cover from the owlbear?)
(11) Mason: AC 14 grab and in melee
(1) DM: yes, I guess so
(1) DM: Beaky is a large creature
(1) DM: so SL misses
(7) Segrid: (phew)
(1) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(12) Carden: (Mason has 2 hp remaing)
(2) Jeremiah: (( Yall want an Obscuring mist?))
(7) Segrid: (yes)
(2) Jeremiah: (( Going to cast Obscuring mist, then move 5ft ))
(2) Jeremiah: (( end My turn ))
(1) DM: draw the area of the mist
(1) DM: can it go through the walls like that?
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(4) Zelata' from server... Removing dead client
(4) Zelata (exit): 21:44
(2) Jeremiah: (( No but it can Spread around Corners ))
(1) DM: Carden's turn
** (12) Carden withdraws from Dovan towards the gate (double move; acrobatics if needed [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)) **
** (12) Carden puts Dovan to shame **
(12) Carden: (cant see map but thats about right)
(1) DM: Beaky continues to try to grapple Mason
(1) DM: CMB (grapple) [1d20+16] => [16,16] = (32)
(11) Mason: (CMD is 16 nothing to do there)
(1) DM: then he bites him (auto hit)
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26) melee, Damage [1d6+6] => [2,6] = (8)
** (11) Mason is out (-6) **
(1) DM: DJ runs over to try and help Cragger get up...
(1) DM: Reflex [1d20+1] => [14,1] = (15)
(1) DM: and slides but doesn't fall down
(1) DM: Cragger tries to stand up
(12) Carden: (think we should end after this round, maybe our paladin will arrive next week ;) )
(1) DM: [1d20+1] => [9,1] = (10)
(1) DM: but slips prone again
(1) DM: Dovan goes after Carden
(1) DM: "Hey, where did he go?"
(1) DM: Auchs: "Duh, I didn't see nobody Dovan. What is all this fog?"
(1) DM: Valkeri moves towards Dovan.
(1) DM: "What's going on, Dovan?"
(1) DM: "I was up on the roof with Auchs and heard a commotion."
(1) DM: End of Round 5
(1) DM: Do you want to pause here?
(8) Cairne: I was going to move and channel energy.
(2) Jeremiah: (( We can ))
(7) Segrid: ((I'd rather keep going myself, but whatever thegroup decides
(12) Carden: (yes; mason has went to bed 20 minutes ago)
(12) Carden: (I think we need our paladin)
(8) Cairne: our chances would be better if Andraste would suddenly jump out of the bushes.
(1) DM: ok, I'll make a screenshot of the map so we can set everyone back next time.
(1) DM: note how many more rounds your spells have
(8) Cairne: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
(8) Cairne: [1d6] => [6] = (6)
(8) Cairne: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
(8) Cairne: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
(1) DM: So Cairne, has the fight been epic enough so far?
(12) Carden: we were definitely out gunned here
(2) Jeremiah: but not outclassed
(1) DM: Akiros was going to offer to give you a tour of the fort until Z zapped him
(11) Mason: Disconnecting from server...
(11) Mason (exit): 21:58
(12) Carden: geez
(8) Cairne: 5 more rounds bless, 2 more shield, 2 hours mage armor, 28 rounds grease.
(1) DM: Can't really run room-by-room encounters once the fighting broke out
(7) Segrid: I figured we'd give them time to get good and drunk before attacking, but then Cairne gave the order.
(8) Cairne: my next round is to move and channel energy.
(2) Jeremiah: Well I will see ya'll next week
(7) Segrid: goodnight
(12) Carden: death to the group next week ? :)
(2) Jeremiah: maybe
(7) Segrid: probably
(2) Jeremiah: Disconnecting from server...
(2) Jeremiah (exit): 22:02
(8) Cairne: Well I will learn from this mistake, letting our enemies get drunk thinking we are friends is a little beyound the pale for me.

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