Thus ends chapter one of Kingmaker, next week prepare for chapter two!
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(1) DM (enter): 16:46
You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.8.0', named 'ARC Game Server'.
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(1) DM (enter): 17:10
You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.8.0', named 'ARC Game Server'.
Moving to room 'Kingmaker AP'..
(1) DM (enter): 17:11
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) DM...
Game disconnected!
Locating server at
Game connected!
(2) DM (enter): 17:25
You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.8.0', named 'ARC Game Server'.
Moving to room 'Kingmaker AP'..
(2) DM (enter): 17:25
(1) DM (enter): 17:25
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) DM...
(2) DM: Booting '(1) DM' from server...
(1) DM (exit): 17:26
(3) Napalmmoose (enter): 17:33
(3) Napalmmoose: Bad Weather, Internet may be spotty at best
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (3) Jeremiah...
(2) DM: ok
(4) Reckless (enter): 17:40
(3) Jeremiah: Sup man
(6) Cairne (enter): 17:47
(6) Cairne (exit): 17:48
(6) Cairne (enter): 17:48
(6) Cairne: THEY KNOW MAN!
(4) Segrid: howdy
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (4) Segrid...
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (6) Cairne...
(7) Zelata (enter): 18:34
(7) Zelata: :O
(4) Segrid: Hiya firebritches.
(6) Cairne: Hiya,
(7) Zelata: HI! >: O
(6) Cairne: So there is this fight we are in, hopefully the GM's graphics troubles are behind him and then we are basically done.
(7) Zelata: Wait
(7) Zelata: Wasn't I here last week?
(6) Cairne: And Zelata will burn people in the face.
(6) Cairne: with her face burniness.
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (7) Zelata...
(7) Zelata: Oh yeah
(7) Zelata: I was
(7) Zelata: Zombies
(7) Zelata: :o
(7) Zelata: One tried to eat mai purrty awesomeness
(6) Cairne: now its erf elementals.
(7) Zelata: mmhmm
(7) Zelata: What is it about a dark room, a good DnD game, and some munchies that is so comforting?
(6) Cairne: It is really comforting.
(7) Zelata: It is no?
(6) Cairne: Pathetic
earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the
slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything
about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would've
hidden from it in terror.
(8) Carden (enter): 18:55
(4) Segrid: hiya
(7) Zelata: Heyy
(9) Mason (enter): 18:56
(7) Zelata: Frowns at the mysterious voice "We knew everything about it! WE DID IT WILLINGLY! >: O WE WILL KILL CHU!"
(6) Cairne: Hello Carden and son
(7) Zelata: (confims everyone is late except me, Secred, and the DM)
(4) Segrid: nobody's late yet
(6) Cairne: yeah, andraste has three more minutes before she is late.
(7) Zelata: Oh
(7) Zelata: But that's were yer wrong Segrid
(7) Zelata: I say yer late because I decided none of you got here before 4:30 (30 mins ago) so therefore by my esitmations you are late
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (8) Carden...
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (9) Mason...
(6) Cairne: yeah its 8 oclock here.
(7) Zelata: Hmmmm
(7) Zelata: Well
(7) Zelata: Oh well
(7) Zelata: Les kill some Earth Elementals! :)
(6) Cairne: I casted bless as my last action in the last game, so everyone is sitting on a +1.
(7) Zelata: *nods*
(7) Zelata: I cast Grease, so, glad someone remembered
(6) Cairne: I
don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking
for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a
very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long
career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let
my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I
will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find
you, and I will kill you.
(8) Carden (exit): 19:07
(8) Carden (enter): 19:07
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (8) Carden...
(6) Cairne:
(7) Zelata: Cairne, I loved that movie o,..,o
(8) Carden (exit): 19:08
(8) Carden (enter): 19:08
(7) Zelata: Bye Carden
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (8) Carden...
(7) Zelata: Hai Carden
(8) Carden: resetting map
(2) DM: Jeremiah was in earlier but said he was experiencing bad weather
(7) Zelata: Oh ok
(2) DM: Do you want to wait some more for Andraste to show?
(6) Cairne: lets give her five.
(2) DM: Segrid, you got your ears on?
(4) Segrid: yup
(7) Zelata: Wait what about Ears?
(2) DM: well, I never got a reply from Lycos about my Tripod account
(6) Cairne: ?
(2) DM: They locked me out of my account last week
(2) DM: where I stored all of my game images
(6) Cairne: So how do you guys feel about "Boudica" for the name of the nation?
(7) Zelata: :( I like the name for our Nation "Terrence"
(4) Segrid: don't really have much of an opinion on the national name, in that I don't have any alternatives to offer
(7) Zelata: XD
(7) Zelata: I say we name it Segrid
(7) Zelata: "Segrid" **
(6) Cairne: I swear one of these days I'm going to load traipse on my old lappy, log in on andraste and pretend tobe her till she loads.
(8) Carden: hehe
(7) Zelata: ((XD Doooooooo eet!))
(6) Cairne: Making kisses with Segrid woukld be awkward but I think I can cover teh "kick wholesale ass" part.
(7) Zelata: Cairne
(7) Zelata: You wish
(7) Zelata: Only I could kick whole sale booty like her
(6) Cairne: you are nearly flamnked by EEs and you are a full caster, your ass will suffer kicking.
(4) Segrid: Well, lets get this thing started, huh?
(7) Zelata: Cairne
(7) Zelata: So are you
(7) Zelata: :P
(6) Cairne: Uthere is a wall between us.
(6) Cairne: Hey DM how high is the ceiling in this room?
(7) Zelata: Cairne, ceelings can't get high
(7) Zelata: They have no lungs or veisn to get high
(2) DM: This room feels miserably damp, and greasy swaths of mold
cake the carved stone walls and floor. The ceiling fifteen feet
overhead is thick with cobwebs. Three archways in the walls
open into other rooms, all of which are filled with mounds of
crates, furs, sacks, weapons, and other obviously stolen loot.
cake the carved stone walls and floor. The ceiling fifteen feet
overhead is thick with cobwebs. Three archways in the walls
open into other rooms, all of which are filled with mounds of
crates, furs, sacks, weapons, and other obviously stolen loot.
(2) DM: So, Cairne cast bless at the end of round 2.
(2) DM: The wolverine that Carden can see is hanging upside down from the ceiling
(2) DM: Start of round 3
(2) DM: Segrid's turn
** (4) Segrid steps up and attacks EE1 [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12) for [1d8+3] => [7,3] = (10) "Get behind me, Zelly." **
(10) Napalmmoose (enter): 19:30
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (10) Napalmmoose...
(4) Segrid: ha!
(2) DM: miss (AC is 17)
(10) Jeremiah: (( So what did I miss? ))
(2) DM: just restarting the battle
(2) DM: please add your mini
(2) DM: you are just to the right of EE3
(2) DM: and it is also now your turn
(10) Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Longsword: Attack[1d20+4+1] => [18,4,1] = (23)
(10) Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2+1] => [2,2,1] = (5)
(10) Jeremiah: (( Against the earth elemental ))
(2) DM: hit
(10) Jeremiah: (( and then a 5ft step back ))
(2) DM: Carden's turn
** (8) Carden casts bowstaff and swings his bow at the wolverine [1d20+5] => [5,5] = (10), dmg [1d8+3] => [6,3] = (9) **
(2) DM: miss (AC is 12)
(2) DM: The wolverine smiles down at you and begins making gestures with its one paw...
(2) DM: EE1 attacks Segrid
(2) DM: Slam (EM, both on ground) [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25) melee, Damage [1d6+5] => [1,5] = (6)
** (8) Carden quirks at brow at the wolverine **
(4) Segrid: hit
(2) DM: EE2 attacks Mason
(2) DM: Slam (EM, both on ground) [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23) melee, Damage [1d6+5] => [4,5] = (9)
(2) DM: EE3 moves towards Jeremiah at half-speed
(2) DM: acrobatics [1d20-1] => [7,-1] = (6)
(2) DM: Reflex [1d20-1] => [18,-1] = (17)
(2) DM: what's the DC of that grease spell?
(2) DM: EE3 struggles to maintain its footing on the slippery floor
(2) DM: Zelata's turn
(7) Zelata: Wooo!
(7) Zelata: One second
(7) Zelata: Looking at mai spells
(7) Zelata: Could I ask for a Touch Attack AC?
(2) DM: first, what is the DC of your grease spell?
(7) Zelata: It is 14
(2) DM: ok, EE3 couldn't move but didn't fall down
(2) DM: touch AC on the EEs is 10
(7) Zelata: K, I cast "Finger Fire" My classes special ability
(7) Zelata: [1d20+2] => [14,2] = (16)
(7) Zelata: YES! >: O
(7) Zelata: [1d6+3] => [6,3] = (9)
(7) Zelata: 9 Fire Damage on EE 2
(7) Zelata: I do appologize, but I am coughing uncontrollably, so, I may be slow.
(2) DM: Mason's turn
** (9) Mason spins from the hit and swings his maul around to bash the elemental (swing of shields; AC is 21; attack EE2 [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24); dmg [1d5+2] => [3,2] = (5)) **
(2) DM: EE2 crumbles into rubble
(2) DM: Andraste withdraws to area b...
(2) DM: Cairne's turn
(6) Cairne: I cast mage armor and flank EE1
(2) DM: Start of round 4
(2) DM: Segrid's turn
** (4) Segrid slashes at EE1 again [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28) for [1d8+3] => [7,3] = (10) **
(2) DM: hit
(2) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(7) Zelata: ((Holy crap, we are creaming these Earth Elementals!))
(10) Jeremiah: (( Going to draw my Crossbow and Fire at the Earth Elemental ))
(6) Cairne: Wolverine is probably a nasty bit of buisness, don't get cocky.
(10) Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Crossbow Attack[1d20+4+1] => [15,4,1] = (20)
(10) Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(2) DM: hit, but EE3 is still up (but just barely)
(2) DM: Carden's turn
(7) Zelata: (( True ))
** (8) Carden tries to whack the wolverine again [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20) dmg [1d8+3] => [2,3] = (5) **
(2) DM: hit
(2) DM: Spell Concentration check: [1d20+12] => [19,12] = (31)
(7) Zelata: (( Wait, why are we worried about a Wolverine? ))
(7) Zelata: (( Oh, it can use magic............ ))
(2) DM: (there is a wolverine hanging upside down from the ceiling!)
(6) Cairne: because it is evil and making concentration checks.
(4) Segrid: (because it's on the ceiling)
(2) DM: the wolverine steps back and flings a glob of acid at Carden...
(7) Zelata: (( I like Segrids response better Cairne ))
(2) DM: Acid Dart [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20) ranged touch, Damage [1d6+3] => [6,3] = (9) acid
(7) Zelata: (( Damn, what did the poor thing EAT?! ))
(7) Zelata: (( Sheild wore off, gonna recast it again, giving me another healthy +8 AC again :) ))
(2) DM: Carden, you also hear the chatter of hundreds of rats and see them swarming up around you...
** (8) Carden hit by ACID!
(2) DM: Swarm, Damage [1d6+0] => [4,0] = (4) plus disease
(2) DM: Carden, roll a fort save please
(8) Carden: [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)
(7) Zelata: Ooooooooooooh, carden, you failed by 1 :(
(7) Zelata: jk jk jk jk jk
(2) DM: EE1 attacks Cairne
(2) DM: Slam (EM, both on ground) [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8) melee, Damage [1d6+5] => [2,5] = (7)
(2) DM: but misses
(2) DM: EE 3tries to move towards Jeremiah again
(2) DM: acrobatics [1d20-1] => [18,-1] = (17)
(2) DM: and attacks
(2) DM: Slam (EM, both on ground) [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25) melee, Damage [1d6+5] => [2,5] = (7)
(2) DM: Zelata's turn
(7) Zelata: kk
(7) Zelata: Which Elemental is almost dead?
(2) DM: both don't look too good, but EE3 is worse than EE1
(7) Zelata: I cast Firebolt on EE3
(7) Zelata: [2d4+2] => [3,3,2] = (8)
(7) Zelata: 8 Damage
(2) DM: Mason's turn
(7) Zelata: (( What I wouldn't give to be in this world ))
** (9) Mason moves over and goes to bash the other elemental (power attack, ee1 attack [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14) dmg [1d10+5] => [10,5] = (15)) **
(2) DM: miss
(2) DM: Cairne's turn
(6) Cairne: cast shield defenesively Concentration Wizard [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10) Cleric [1d20+3] => [20,3] = (23), draw wand.
(6) Cairne: Its a cleric spell
(2) DM: you're good
(2) DM: Start of round 5
(2) DM: Segrid's back up
(7) Zelata: (( Hey, how come I'm not good?! ))
** (4) Segrid slashes at EE1 again [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18) for [1d8+3] => [3,3] = (6) **
(2) DM: (I meant that he was able to cast defensively)
(2) DM: EE1 crumbles
** (4) Segrid stows his shield **
(2) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(10) Jeremiah: (( Going to carefully make my way through the grease
(10) Jeremiah: (( Do I need to roll reflex? ))
(2) DM: roll acrobatics DC 10 first
(2) DM: to move at 1/2 speed
(10) Jeremiah: Skills: Acrobatics [1d20+3] => [10,3] = (13)
(6) Cairne: slip and slide that bitch
(2) DM: so you get across without falling
(2) DM: Carden's turn
** (8) Carden dives out of the swarm of rats (acrobatics [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24)) in hopes to clear them before tries to cast daze on the wolverine (DC 12) **
(2) DM: Will [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
(8) Carden: (wow deceptive booger)
(2) DM: the Wolverine climbs down the side of the room and onto the floor
(2) DM: the rat swarm moves to get at Carden and Segrid (provoking AoOs from each of you)
(2) DM: Swarm, Damage [1d6+0] => [4,0] = (4) plus disease
(4) Segrid: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15) for [1d8+3] => [4,3] = (7)
(4) Segrid: Fort [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
(2) DM: hit (AC is 14) for half damage
(2) DM: First save is good
(2) DM: so you're fine
(2) DM: Zelata's turn
(7) Zelata: Hmmmm
(7) Zelata: No EE left are there?
(2) DM: nope
(7) Zelata: k
(7) Zelata: I cast Firebolt on the Wolverine
(7) Zelata: [2d4+2] => [1,4,2] = (7)
(2) DM: Mason's turn
(2) DM: Mason?
** (9) Mason clears dust of his maul (dont know what to do) **
(2) DM: You can attack at the swarm, but your weapon will only do half damage (due to the rats being size tiny)
(6) Cairne: you hit the wolverine with ayour hammer till only a fine paste remains.
(4) Segrid: (could attack the rat swarm
** (8) Carden swings at rats [1d20+5] => [13,5] = (18) [1d8+3] => [2,3] = (5) (AoO now fort [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12)) **
(2) DM: Mason picks his nose.
(2) DM: Cairne's turn
(6) Cairne: Cast Enlarge on Mason
This spell causes instant growth of a humanoid creature, doubling its height and multiplying its weight by 8. This increase changes the creature's size category to the next larger one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a -1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size. His hammer fdoes 2d8 now.
This spell causes instant growth of a humanoid creature, doubling its height and multiplying its weight by 8. This increase changes the creature's size category to the next larger one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a -1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size. His hammer fdoes 2d8 now.
(2) DM: Start of round 6
(2) DM: Segrid's turn
** (4) Segrid attacks the rat swarm [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27) for [1d8+3] => [2,3] = (5) **
(4) Segrid: (can swarms be critted??)
(2) DM: no
(2) DM: can't be flanked either (no discernable anatomy)
(2) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(4) Segrid: (didn't think so, but couldn't remember)
** (4) Segrid moves out of the swarm after attacking it **
(10) Jeremiah: (( Going to Move up and take a shot at the Wolverine ))
(10) Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Crossbow Attack[1d20+4+1] => [17,4,1] = (22)
(10) Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+1] => [2,1] = (3)
(2) DM: hit
(2) DM: Carden's turn
(7) Zelata: (( Did I miss my turn? Sorry, I was hunting for cough medecine ))
(2) DM: (no)
(10) Jeremiah: (( end my turn ))
** (8) Carden moves out of the swarm and fires an arrow at the wolverine [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15) dmg [1d8+4] => [5,4] = (9) **
(7) Zelata: (( k ))
(2) DM: hit
(2) DM: The wolverine takes a 5' step back and flings a dart of acid at Segrid
(2) DM: Acid Dart [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19) ranged touch, Damage [1d6+3] => [2,3] = (5) acid
(2) DM: The swarm moves over Mason and Zelata
(2) DM: You can each make an AoO
(2) DM: Swarm, Damage [1d6+0] => [5,0] = (5) plus disease
(2) DM: also roll fort saves
(7) Zelata: ((Don't get hit by the Acid :o it summons rats!))
(9) Mason: [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18) dmg [1d10+3] => [6,3] = (9)
(9) Mason: fort [1d20+5] => [11,5] = (16)
(2) DM: Mason is fine
(2) DM: Z?
(7) Zelata: Hmm?
(2) DM: make your AoO if you are able and then roll your fort save
(7) Zelata: Sorry, hunting for Cough Syrup, is it my time?
(7) Zelata: Oh, mai bad
(7) Zelata: k
(2) DM: no, you just got swarmed
(2) DM: please play attention
(7) Zelata: [1d20+2] => [7,2] = (9)
(7) Zelata: I am trying, I swing with my dagger, I think that fails
(7) Zelata: [1d20+2] => [13,2] = (15)
(7) Zelata: My Fort save
(2) DM: ok, no filth fever
(7) Zelata: Sorry, I've had a chest cold all week, and is so bad I'm coughing up blood, so I was looking for cough medacine
(2) DM: It's your turn now
(7) Zelata: kk
(10) Jeremiah: (( that sounds pretty bad ))
(7) Zelata: I am now upset at the Wolverine! "BAD DOGGY!" I then cast Firebolt
(7) Zelata: [2d6+2] => [3,4,2] = (9)
(7) Zelata: [2d4+2] => [3,1,2] = (6)
(7) Zelata: Sorry, the second roll is the correct one
(2) DM: Mason's turn
(7) Zelata: ((
It is, but the doctor said when I went to the ER "It's just a simple
flu, nothing we can do, take tylonal and go home" and I was like O_O ))
(2) DM: M A S O N
(8) Carden: (sorry he is sickly and going to bed)
** (9) Mason smashes the swarm [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8) dmg [1d10+3] => [4,3] = (7) **
(2) DM: wow, must be something going around
(6) Cairne: Mason is big right now so his damage is 2d8
(2) DM: hope I don't catch it
(7) Zelata: (( Agreed DM it is not pleasent ))
(2) DM: Mason misse
(2) DM: s
(2) DM: Cairne's turn
(6) Cairne: Cast protection from evil on Segrid
the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures.
the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures.
(2) DM: Start of round 7
(2) DM: Segrid's turn
** (4) Segrid throws his shield on again, steps forward and attacks the wolverine [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16) for [1d8+3] => [4,3] = (7) (+2 to each if he counts as human) **
(2) DM: hits for 7 damage
(2) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(10) Jeremiah: (( Reload and Fire at the Badger again ))
(10) Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Crossbow Attack[1d20+4+1] => [13,4,1] = (18)
(10) Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+1] => [5,1] = (6)
(10) Jeremiah: (( I mean Wolverine and end my turn ))
(2) DM: Carden's turn
** (8) Carden fires another arrow at the wolverine [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27) dmg [1d8+3] => [4,3] = (7) **
(8) Carden: [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
(8) Carden: 21 dmg
(2) DM: You hit it right between the eyes!
(2) DM: it drops to the ground and then morphs back into an old man
(2) DM: Notes: Treasure: A large amount of stolen wealth can be found
in these three rooms--the bandits have been stockpiling
their ill-gotten goods for months. The majority of the
wealth kept here consists of mundane trade goods like
pelts, furs, tobacco, iron, bronze, miscellaneous weapons
and armor (none masterwork or magic), and miscellaneous
adventuring gear and tools worth a combined total of 6,850
gp. In addition, one chest in area Z11a contains 4,500 cp,
2,052 sp, 894 gp, and 21 pp, while a large bag in area Z11b
contains 2,900 gp in various pieces of stolen jewelry.
in these three rooms--the bandits have been stockpiling
their ill-gotten goods for months. The majority of the
wealth kept here consists of mundane trade goods like
pelts, furs, tobacco, iron, bronze, miscellaneous weapons
and armor (none masterwork or magic), and miscellaneous
adventuring gear and tools worth a combined total of 6,850
gp. In addition, one chest in area Z11a contains 4,500 cp,
2,052 sp, 894 gp, and 21 pp, while a large bag in area Z11b
contains 2,900 gp in various pieces of stolen jewelry.
(7) Zelata: IT WAS A DRUID! :O
(6) Cairne: I cast detect magic.
(7) Zelata: I also cast Detect Magic
(4) Segrid: holy horde
(8) Carden: (show me da money)
** (10) Jeremiah walks over to the old man and nudges him with his foot "Wonder who he was " **
(2) DM: Jeremiah, you recall that the face of the Stag Lord was scarred (after you removed his helm) with acid burns.
(2) DM: But there is some resemblance between the Stag Lord and the old man's appearances
(4) Segrid: Any resemblance to the hermit?
(10) Jeremiah: "Actually he kinda looks like the Staglord"
(2) DM: no, not to Bokken
** (8) Carden comes over to look at the old man "indeed" **
(4) Segrid: "Perhaps his father? Wonder if the way he threw acid around was responsible for Staggie's facial scars?"
(7) Zelata: I see if I can't salvage any of the Earth Elementals body parts, they would make good spell components or to make magical items.
(7) Zelata: Hey
guys, I'm sorry, but my mom is going to take me to get medacine, and
then she wants me to sleep, I am going to have stop here. Have a great
game! :)
(10) Jeremiah: "Could be or an Uncle or an older brother."
(7) Zelata: "Or maybe a nephew! Don't forget Nephew!"
(10) Jeremiah: (( Will do and hope you get over your Flu thing ))
(7) Zelata: (( Thanks! :) ))
(6) Cairne: So, to the crossing, then the golden bear, the temple and Olegs for some of Svetlana's wonderful cooking.
(2) DM: wrong one
(7) Zelata: Disconnecting from server...
(7) Zelata (exit): 20:37
(2) DM: You'll notice that I had to add back some cover for the hexes to the west of the fort
(4) Segrid: (I think you had the right one the first time around)
(2) DM: there are encounters in there in chapter 2 that I was thinking were located in the next row
(4) Segrid: (ah)
(2) DM: so you only explored the northern parts of those so far
(2) DM: when I upload the file to mediafire, it is a separate file and doesn't overwrite the old one like it did on Tripod
(2) DM: I just learned that
(10) Jeremiah: (( kk ))
(2) DM: actually, you should leave those two hexes to the right until after we start chapter 2 as well
(2) DM: but we'll say that hex 6-7 is explored
(8) Carden: k
(4) Segrid: We throw the stag lord's body to the river spirit.
(6) Cairne: Run
to Nettle's crossing for drop off, then Gold mine to drop off payroll
and inspect the work, then temple for the same then olegs for turn in.
(4) Segrid: yup
(2) DM: As
you deposit the body of the stag lord into the Shrike river, it floats
out a ways and then the undead remains of Davik Nettles appear in the
water and drag the body below the surface.
(10) Jeremiah: (( Sounds like a plan ))
(2) DM: Davik's weapon suddenly washes up to the bank at your feet
(4) Segrid: ((We'll bury the dead bandits except the SL first, of course))
(6) Cairne: (pyre)
(2) DM: a +1 ranseur
(4) Segrid: ((Nice))
(6) Cairne: I order it to be a glaive, does my non existant ability to order innainmate objects around work?
(10) Jeremiah: (( lol ))
(6) Cairne: man, I never get to order around objects.
(2) DM: you spend the next 5 days or so visiting the mine and temple, and return to Oleg's on 30 Gozran
(2) DM: The foreman of the mine says that they are just now getting to the point where they should be able to start extracting gold
(4) Segrid: [6850+2900+45+205.2+894+210] => 10000.1106
(6) Cairne: I appologise for being late and pay what we owe plus the next week.
(2) DM: Jhod
is very pleased with the progress on the temple restoration and
compliments the workers for the good job that they are doing
(4) Segrid: [6850+2900+894+210+205.2] => 11059.2
(2) DM: and appreciates the patience that the men have shown towards the occasional pranks played by Perlivash and Tyg-titter-tut
(4) Segrid: [11059.2/7] => 11059.0
(4) Segrid: [11059/7] => 1579
(2) DM: So that's the end of chapter 1
(2) DM: everyone, including Mason and Zelata, are now level 4
(4) Segrid: yay!
(2) DM: please send me updated character sheet links
(6) Cairne: YAY!
(6) Cairne: I is measurably smarter.
(2) DM: we will start chapter 2 with you at Oleg's
(4) Segrid: I will be getting my Breastplate and Shield turned into magic (+1), so my update will include that too
(6) Cairne: I'm taking a poll, would you like to be stronger or more agile?
(8) Carden: coolness
(8) Carden: I suggest we get a messenger system going ravens/pigeons or such
(9) Mason: Disconnecting from server...
(9) Mason (exit): 20:56
(4) Segrid: stronger, until I get mithral armor anyway
(2) DM: we will be switching to the Traipse client and Mayhem Gaming server starting next time
(6) Cairne: Ok
(6) Cairne: How much time is going on between this session and next chapter in game?
(2) DM: you will need to work out several things for your new kingdom: name, alignment, and first hex
(2) DM: there are some minor advantages to selecting some of the hexes
(2) DM: for example, if you start in the temple hex then you can complete a temple for only half the normal BP cost
(2) DM: I think there may also be some bonuses to certain kindgom checks
(2) DM: I'll review those before next time
(6) Cairne: I'll have the sheet posted in the forums and on the bolog by next session
(6) Cairne: Spoils of todays haul is 1388.025 gp
(6) Cairne: each
(8) Carden: cool
(2) DM: ok, here's the poop on certain hexes:
(2) DM: Notes: Northern Greenbelt Locations
Three of the locations in the northern Greenbelt the PCs
had a chance to discover and explore in Stolen Land could
make excellent sites to found cities, due to the presence of
buildings or ruins. These three sites are as follows.
Oleg’s Trading Post: The trading post is a versatile
structure built to serve as a place of business. If the PCs
decide to found a city in this hex, they can incorporate Oleg’s
as a free Shop, Stable, or Watchtower in their city grid (once
chosen, the function of Oleg’s within the new city cannot
be changed).
Temple of the Elk: Although the Temple of the Elk is
partially ruined, building a city here gives the PCs a head
start on a Temple, halving the initial cost of building such
a structure.
The Stag Lord’s Fort: Located at the heart of the
Greenbelt on a defensible hill near a plentiful source
of water, fishing, and trade, the Stag Lord’s Fort may be
the single best place to place a capital city. The fort itself
gives the PCs a head start on building a castle, halving the
initial cost of such a structure. In addition, if the PCs make
this site their capital city, their nation gains a +1 bonus
on Economy, Loyalty, and Stability due to its centralized
location and ease of defense.
Three of the locations in the northern Greenbelt the PCs
had a chance to discover and explore in Stolen Land could
make excellent sites to found cities, due to the presence of
buildings or ruins. These three sites are as follows.
Oleg’s Trading Post: The trading post is a versatile
structure built to serve as a place of business. If the PCs
decide to found a city in this hex, they can incorporate Oleg’s
as a free Shop, Stable, or Watchtower in their city grid (once
chosen, the function of Oleg’s within the new city cannot
be changed).
Temple of the Elk: Although the Temple of the Elk is
partially ruined, building a city here gives the PCs a head
start on a Temple, halving the initial cost of building such
a structure.
The Stag Lord’s Fort: Located at the heart of the
Greenbelt on a defensible hill near a plentiful source
of water, fishing, and trade, the Stag Lord’s Fort may be
the single best place to place a capital city. The fort itself
gives the PCs a head start on building a castle, halving the
initial cost of such a structure. In addition, if the PCs make
this site their capital city, their nation gains a +1 bonus
on Economy, Loyalty, and Stability due to its centralized
location and ease of defense.
(8) Carden: carden will only take 1300
(10) Jeremiah: I like the sound of the Stag Lords Fort ))
(8) Carden: I like stag lords
(6) Cairne: I like temple.
(6) Cairne: Lack of a bonus sucks, but Erastil has earned it.
(4) Segrid: Is there any rule saying our first city has to be the capitakl?
(6) Cairne: Poll is up
(2) DM: yes
(2) DM: You will pay to claim your 1st hex, pay to clear it for a city, and found your first capital city district there
(2) DM: well, I'll see you all next week
(8) Carden: night
(2) DM: I'll be shutting the server down in a few minutes
(10) Jeremiah: Night and see yall next week
(10) Jeremiah (exit): 21:13
(8) Carden (exit): 21:13
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