Moving to room 'Kingmaker AP'..
(764) DM (enter): 17:57
(0) Server Administrator->
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Attempting to assign the role of GM to (764) DM...
(765) Reckless (enter): 17:59
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (765) Reckless...
(763) Baron Cairne (enter): 18:01
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (763) Baron Cairne...
(763) Baron Cairne: It would appear the password is case sensetive.
(763) Baron Cairne: My first guess was King rather than king.
(763) Baron Cairne: but fortunatly the GM has a pattern of reusing passwords and I was able to crack this room's passsword.
(764) DM: Funktasticdog posted that he already has a game on Tuesdays.
(770) No Name (enter): 18:18
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (770) No Name...
(773) Napalmmoose (enter): 18:20
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (773) Sir Jeremiah...
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Sup guys
(770) Lady Andraste: hello alll
(764) DM: howdy
(773) Sir Jeremiah: So whats the plan for todays game? City Building or exploration?
(763) Baron Cairne: exploration for this month then another four months of city building.
(765) Ser Segrid: I think we were going to explore for tonight and back to building next week, is that right?
(765) Ser Segrid: Secure our southern border?
(763) Baron Cairne: explore it
(773) Sir Jeremiah: I say develop the plains area as much as we can before moving bacl to the forest
(765) Ser Segrid: Yes, get the mines, build a road up to meet the south rostland road and other civ
(764) DM: Carden emailed that he might be a little late tonight.
(765) Ser Segrid: I take it we've lost Mason as well? Haven't seen him in a couple
(763) Baron Cairne: acording to carden he's busy with school right now.
(765) Ser Segrid: Understandably higher priority
(770) Lady Andraste: Ahh =o
(765) Ser Segrid: Well, shall we ride, gentlemen and lady?
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( Lets ))
(770) Lady Andraste: Here here
(763) Baron Cairne: clip clop clip clop.
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( How did you get ahold of coconuts?
(764) DM: After defeating the white wolf Howl-of-the-North-Wind you camped in hex 7-6.
(770) Lady Andraste: Coconuts in Europe Cairne?
(770) Lady Andraste: :P
(764) DM: It is now early morning 16 Rova.
(764) DM: You set out for hex 7-7, which is a hills hex.
** (773) Sir Jeremiah redies himself and his spells for the day **
** (765) Ser Segrid rides ahead, eyes peeled **
(764) DM: It takes until the late afternoon to fully explore this area.
(763) Baron Cairne: Perception [1d20+11] => [9,11] = (20)
(763) Baron Cairne: now I have to learn a hundred or so fire spells.
(764) DM: As you are riding along, Cairne sees what looks like a small crack in the side of a small hill up head.
(770) Lady Andraste: "An uneventful exploration today," she says.
(763) Baron Cairne: Not so fast, look at that crack over there.
(765) Ser Segrid: ((can't seem to keep my character node any more since changing to Traipse.)
(764) DM: (you have to move the top-level subnodes around in order to cause them to reappear)
(764) DM: (drag one on top of another but when it asked if you want to make it a child, say no. That swaps their order in the tree list)
(763) Baron Cairne: I dismount and cast mage armor.
(770) Lady Andraste: "While I congratulate your observation skills, my Lord. I do fail to see how that is significant," she stares at the crack.
** (773) Sir Jeremiah looks were Cairne points " **
(765) Ser Segrid: [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
(763) Baron Cairne: last time I spotted a crack in a hill we found the golden bear.
(773) Sir Jeremiah: "Shall we invistagate?"
** (765) Ser Segrid smiles"It bears further exploration, my lady. The Baron likes to leave no crack unexplored." **
(764) DM: The crack appears to lead into a larger cave. It is dark inside.
(764) DM: The crack is about 7' tall.
** (773) Sir Jeremiah chuckles **
(763) Baron Cairne: I cast protection from evil on Segrid.
(764) DM: Is most of the map fogged on your screens?
** (765) Ser Segrid dismounts,
readying his shield and sword as he approaches the crack. He drops a
small stone, which begins circling his head, emiting a light (ioun
torch) **
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( yep ))
(765) Ser Segrid: nope
(765) Ser Segrid: just the last chamber
(770) Lady Andraste: "Alright,
let us tether our horses somewhere secure," she says, leading all their
horses by the reins and tying them somewhere secure before following
them, drawing her bow
(765) Ser Segrid: now it is
(764) DM: how about now?
(764) DM: ok
(764) DM: The walls of this octagonal chamber are decorated with crude
mosaics of simple village life: hunting, fishing, and farming.
A thick carpet of guano covers the floor--it's crawling with
insects, and the sharp tang of ammonia hangs in the air. A
cobweb-filled tunnel to the east leads deeper underground.
mosaics of simple village life: hunting, fishing, and farming.
A thick carpet of guano covers the floor--it's crawling with
insects, and the sharp tang of ammonia hangs in the air. A
cobweb-filled tunnel to the east leads deeper underground.
(770) Lady Andraste: "Spiders, why did it have to be spiders..."
(764) DM: Just above your head, hanging from the ceiling, are hundreds of bats...
** (765) Ser Segrid begins slicing through the cobwebbing as he enters "Some kind of primitive cave system? **
** (765) Ser Segrid raises his shield above his head. **
** (773) Sir Jeremiah draws his sword and follows **
(765) Ser Segrid: "Bats? Seems like I'm going to miss the child after all today."
(763) Baron Cairne: Perception [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13)
(770) Lady Andraste: "I doubt a shield will help much against so many bats, love," she looks up, staring with her darkvision
(765) Ser Segrid: "Yes, but it'll keep the guano off my shirt."
** (765) Ser Segrid smiles and winks. **
(763) Baron Cairne: I see no threats, shall we to the next room?
(764) DM: You realize,as the bats appear to be stirring, that it is getting close to nightfall, when they exit the cave to feed...
(770) Lady Andraste: "Oh heavens Segrid, I think bat guano would be an improvement to that shirt,"
(765) Ser Segrid: "Perhaps we should wait outside until they leave and then come back."
(765) Ser Segrid: "Don't make me take it off, Lady Andraste. You know how that affects you." Segrid begins backing out.
(763) Baron Cairne: shall we go deeper?
(773) Sir Jeremiah: "Lets"
(764) DM: (move your minis)
(765) Ser Segrid: "As you wish, My Baron."
(770) Lady Andraste: "Perhaps later, Segrid. Bats and spiders await."
(765) Ser Segrid: Perception [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
(763) Baron Cairne: I cast dancing lights down the hall
(764) DM: The sound of fluttering bats' wings begins to fill the air as the bats begin to fly out of the cavern.
(763) Baron Cairne: (I cover my hair and duck)
(764) DM: Cairne exits the entry chamber just in time to avoid the flurry of bats!
(765) Ser Segrid: (You have a duck? :P ))
(770) Lady Andraste: (The duck is very important)
(764) DM: Four tunnels exit this circular chamber in the cardinal directions.
Four large monstrous faces, carved from stone, leer and
grimace from each of the walls between the tunnel entrances.
A skeleton sprawls facedown in the middle of the room.
Four large monstrous faces, carved from stone, leer and
grimace from each of the walls between the tunnel entrances.
A skeleton sprawls facedown in the middle of the room.
(765) Ser Segrid: ((It's a royal duck))
(770) Lady Andraste: (Its the witch catching duck)
(765) Ser Segrid: "This does not bode well." Segrid looks to see any obvious trap signs [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
(763) Baron Cairne: (quack)
(764) DM: You don't see any signs of traps.
(770) Lady Andraste: "Hmm...I
wonder who carved these designs," she glances at the faces, then looks
at the body, "And who did that to that poor sold."
(763) Baron Cairne: Andraste, if you could check this place for evil I would appreciate it.
(764) DM: You can roll know (religion)...
(763) Baron Cairne: Know: Religion [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
(764) DM: You're not sure about the designs.
** (770) Lady Andraste casts detect evil **
** (765) Ser Segrid looks at the nearest face a bit closer, looking in the mouth [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20) **
(777) Tiber (enter): 18:59
(770) Lady Andraste: "A moment my lord, give me about half a minute to fully discern," she says, closing her eyes.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (777) Tiber...
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( what about Know Arcana? ))
(763) Baron Cairne: there
is a pathfinder chronicle on one of the pack animals dealing with
religion, if we want to go back and get it it can give a +2 to a know
religion check.
(764) DM: no, just religion. Andraste, do you have that?
(770) Lady Andraste: (I think so, lemme check my sheet)
(770) Lady Andraste: [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7) Knowledge Religion
(770) Lady Andraste: (Nothing on my end)
(777) Carden: rel [1d20}
(777) Carden: rel [1d20}
(777) Carden: rel [1d20] => [14] = (14)
(764) DM: Carden's entry into the hall is delayed by the exodus of bats leaving the cavern at twilight to feed.
(777) Carden: (+6 I think)
(764) DM: After studing the faces, you believe that they are representations of the 4 winds, incarnated as malevolent elemental spirits.
(764) DM: Andraste, you detect evil at the extent of your range directly to the east.
(765) Ser Segrid: "How very friendly. Which way, milord?"
(770) Lady Andraste: "To the east, there is a source of evil. That is all I can sense, Milord. I apologize,"
** (773) Sir Jeremiah walks into the chamber and takes a look at the skeleton in the middle of the room **
(765) Ser Segrid: "East is is." Segrid grips his sword and moves eastward.
(763) Baron Cairne: Everyone gear up (how long have we been in the cave?)
(764) DM: maybe 5 minutes
** (777) Carden quirks a brow and cast light on his bow before entering. **
(763) Baron Cairne: (Segrid the prot evil is done)
(763) Baron Cairne: (but I has a buff you will like more)
(764) DM: cairne, show where you are in the room
(764) DM: Carden, you too...
(765) Ser Segrid: "Once more into the breach, my light?" Segrid gives Andraste a quick kiss on the cheek before moving forward.
(764) DM: stay where you are for a sec...
(763) Baron Cairne: (ac is 14 btw)
(764) DM: As
you pass the center of the chamber, you hear as if the four faces
inhale deeply, and then breathe out black tendrils of mist...
(764) DM: Effect: Spell effect (ray of exhaustion): [1d20+5] => [18,5] = (23) ranged touch; DC 19 Fortitude partial
(764) DM: Effect: Spell effect (ray of exhaustion): [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11) ranged touch; DC 19 Fortitude partial
(764) DM: Effect: Spell effect (ray of exhaustion): [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15) ranged touch; DC 19 Fortitude partial
(764) DM: Effect: Spell effect (ray of exhaustion): [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19) ranged touch; DC 19 Fortitude partial
(763) Baron Cairne: Fort [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
(764) DM: First targets Segrid, second targets Andraste, third targets Cairne, and the fouth targets Jeremiah.
(765) Ser Segrid: Fort [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Fortitude (CON): [1d20+4+1] => [19,4,1] = (24)
(764) DM: If you make your save you are Fatigued.
(764) DM: If you fail, you are exhausted.
(770) Lady Andraste: (Second one misses me luckily)
(764) DM: You are fatigued or exhausted for 5 minutes.
(763) Baron Cairne: A
fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a –2 penalty to
Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause
fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours
of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.
(770) Lady Andraste: "Are you all alright?" she says, looking at everyone, being the only one who dodged properly.
(764) DM: Effect: Spell effect (burning hands): 2d4 fire damage, DC 11 Reflex for half
(763) Baron Cairne: An
exhausted character moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and
takes a –6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete
rest, an exhausted character becomes fatigued. A fatigued character
becomes exhausted by doing something else that would normally cause
** (770) Lady Andraste brings
up a hand, which glows faintly with healing energies, "I can expend
some of energy to make you all...less tired. Or we could rest for a bit
before continuing." **
(764) DM: Also, as Cairne entered the center of the chamber, a cone of flame shoots out of the SE face.
(764) DM: Andraste and Segrid are within the cone.
(763) Baron Cairne: Ref [1d20+1] => [7,1] = (8)
(764) DM: [2d4] => [2,4] = (6)
(770) Lady Andraste: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
(765) Ser Segrid: "Nothing says these traps won't reset, and I don't think we have the skills necessary to prevent them from going off. "
** (770) Lady Andraste dodges the worst of the fire, but still comes out a bit singed*takes 3 damage* **
(773) Sir Jeremiah: "I'm good, mist took it out of me though
(765) Ser Segrid: [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27)
(764) DM: With
that thought, you hear soft clacking sounds coming from both the north
and south, like something round and hollow tapping the floor...
(764) DM: roll initiative
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Initiative: [1d20+2] => [2,2] = (4)
(765) Ser Segrid: [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11)
(770) Lady Andraste: [1d20+3] => [13,3] = (16) Initiative
(765) Ser Segrid: (20s couldn't last forever)
** (777) Carden is surprised by the traps being set off. He looks around "I can aid in healing if need." Init [1d20+4] => [6,4] = (10) **
(770) Lady Andraste: (btw Andraste has Darkvision of 60 feet, so she can peeer pretty fair down the tunnel.
(764) DM: Initiative [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
(764) DM: Initiative [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
(765) Ser Segrid: And I have my Ioun torch which sheds some light as well
(763) Baron Cairne: Channel Energy [1d6] => [4] = (4)
(763) Baron Cairne: Initiative [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17)
** (777) Carden 's bow is a light source as well **
(763) Baron Cairne: Its plenty bright down here, only a human would have visibility troubles.
(764) DM: While
you were dealing with the trap damage, four skeletal warriors clamber
into the chamber, two from the north, and two from the south...
(770) Lady Andraste: (Arent most of youhuman?)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( Tiefling))
(764) DM: Start of round 1.
(770) Lady Andraste: (Yep cept Jere)
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(764) DM: Did you channel against the skeletons?
(770) Lady Andraste: (He was channeling pre combat I think)
(763) Baron Cairne: Actually I cast bull's strength on Segrid
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
(770) Lady Andraste: [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12) Knowledge Religion to figure out their DR
(763) Baron Cairne: +4 str for Segrid, 4 minute duration.
(770) Lady Andraste: (Do I sense evil from them? Seeing as I still have it up most likely)
(764) DM: You figure that piercing weapons aren't as effective since they are mostly just bones.
(764) DM: Yes, you sense that they are NE.
(763) Baron Cairne: eeeeeeeebil!
(764) DM: They are coming at you with their swords drawn...
(765) Ser Segrid: (Not Evil? is that what NE stands for? XP))
(770) Lady Andraste: "My
friends, please use blunt weapons for this fight!" she says, notching
an arrow and declaring smite on Skeletal Champion 3. Unleashing a dual
salvo of Arrows aimed for its vile head! [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13) [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
(763) Baron Cairne: Neutral evil
(764) DM: both arrows miss
(765) Ser Segrid: ((I know thus the XP ))
(773) Sir Jeremiah: "At lest it's not giant bugs"
(764) DM: #1 and 2 close with and attack Cairne!
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [4,3] = (7)
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [3,3] = (6)
(763) Baron Cairne: Ouch!
(770) Lady Andraste: (Our ACs are too high for such attacks to work!)
(764) DM: 3 attacks Andraste and 4 Jeremiah
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [5,3] = (8)
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [6,3] = (9)
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
(770) Lady Andraste: If first attack is for me, it misses
** (765) Ser Segrid steps up "Behind me, Baron." he swings at SC #1 bulls strength/fatigued [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29) for [1d8+4] => [8,4] = (12) **
(765) Ser Segrid: crit confirm [1d20+9] => [9,9] = (18)
(764) DM: crit doesn't confirm (AC is 21)
(764) DM: Carden's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: (well, max damage anyway I'll take that)
(770) Lady Andraste: "Looks like we are surrounded," she says, dodging aside a stroke
(770) Lady Andraste: (7 damage in the end though :P)
** (777) Carden aims with his hand and a beam of energy fires from it at a skeleton (#2) (disrupt undead; ranged touch [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15); dmg [1d6+1] => [3,1] = (4)) **
(764) DM: hit
(764) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( I enhance my longsword and then attack Skeleton 4 ))
(770) Lady Andraste: (I should either get deadly aim or precise shot xD)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Attack: Longsword: Attack[1d20+5+2] => [18,5,2] = (25)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2+2] => [8,2,2] = (12)
(764) DM: hit
(764) DM: Start of round 2
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(763) Baron Cairne: 5 foot, cast bull's str on jeremiah
(763) Baron Cairne: Concentration Wizard [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( so +4 on strength? ))
** (770) Lady Andraste looks
around, noticing all her avenus of escape were bad choicest. She
instead steels her resolve and fires another dual shot at number 3!
[1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22) [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26) **
(764) DM: both hit
(763) Baron Cairne: yes
(763) Baron Cairne: for four minutes
(770) Lady Andraste: [1d8+2+8] => [8,2,8] = (18) [1d8+6] => [1,6] = (7) Auto pass all Evil creature's DR
(770) Lady Andraste: I provoke an AoO before I do my attack though
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [6,3] = (9)
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [7,3] = (10)
(763) Baron Cairne: Segrid you better love that lady right!
** (777) Carden shakes his head as Andraste takes a brutal hit **
** (770) Lady Andraste coughs
abit of blood from that devastating attack, before finishing it off
with her retributive arrows! She quickly swift action uses a Lay on
hands [2d6] => [5,3] = (8) **
(770) Lady Andraste: (End turn)
(764) DM: 1 attacks Segrid
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [8,3] = (11)
(764) DM: 25 AC with flanking, still misses
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( is one of those against me? ))
(764) DM: 2 attacks Cairne again
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [5,3] = (8)
(764) DM: 4 attacks Jeremiah
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [2,3] = (5)
(764) DM: but really misses!
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
** (765) Ser Segrid decides to use a different tactic and performs Shield Slam [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24) for [1d4+3] => [1,3] = (4) and attack roll works as a bull rush vs. cmd. on #1 **
(765) Ser Segrid: cmd?
(764) DM: CMD is 16
(765) Ser Segrid: he is pushed back 10'
(765) Ser Segrid: and that was bludgeoning damage
(764) DM: S1 is just barely hanging on
(764) DM: Carden's turn
(770) Lady Andraste: (As in, he's badly hurt?)
** (777) Carden moves by sliding against the chamber wall before firing another energy beam at the skeleton (#2) (disrupt undead [1d20+6] => [3,6] = (9) dmg [1d6+1] => [5,1] = (6)) **
(764) DM: (yes, 1 hp remaining until destroyed)
(777) Carden: (boo)
(764) DM: the beam misses
(764) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( attacking 4 again ))
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Attack: Longsword: Attack[1d20+8+2] => [5,8,2] = (15)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+4+2] => [1,4,2] = (7)
(764) DM: miss
(764) DM: Start of round 3
(764) DM: Cairne's back up
(763) Baron Cairne: cast bless
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
** (770) Lady Andraste moves south of Segrid, capitalizing on the pushed back Champion with a pair of notched arrows! [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26) [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26) on Champion 1 [1d8+2] => [3,2] = (5) [1d8+2] => [8,2] = (10) **
(763) Baron Cairne: Bless
fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on
attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.
(764) DM: S2 mindlessly pursues Cairne
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [4,3] = (7)
(764) DM: S4 swings at Jeremiah again
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [7,3] = (10)
(764) DM: hits AC 25 with flanking
(770) Lady Andraste: (You all have some crazy AC)
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( hits down to 6 hp ))
(764) DM: They are wearing breastplates and wielding heavy steel shields...
** (765) Ser Segrid moves and performs Shield Slam [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18) for [1d4+3] => [3,3] = (6) and attack roll works as a bull rush vs. cmd. on #4 **
(770) Lady Andraste: (I mean our party members)
(764) DM: pushes against CMD 16
(764) DM: so 5' back?
(765) Ser Segrid: Have to hit for that to work
(765) Ser Segrid: so,no
(764) DM: ok
(764) DM: Carden's turn
(770) Lady Andraste: (Carden, use quick attack)
** (777) Carden fires another energy beam at the skeleton (#2) (disrupt undead [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27) dmg [1d6+1] => [4,1] = (5)) "Erastil don't fail me now" **
(764) DM: hit
(765) Ser Segrid: crit threat
(764) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(777) Carden: (dont know if the disrupt undead does crit or not)
(765) Ser Segrid: it has an attack roll, so yes
(770) Lady Andraste: (Yay for Erastilians!)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( Going to move 5ft and cast Defensive Shock ))
(770) Lady Andraste: (We need to work on a Temple/shrine back in our Capital)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: L2: Defensive Shock: Casting Time 1 Standard Range Personal TargetMyself Duration 4 minutes or until discharged EFFECT Any Creature striking me with its body or a weapon takes [1d6]
=> [2] = (2) Electricity Damage.Spell resistance applies to damage.
With each spell discharge the damage is halved, when it reaches 0 the
spell ends.
(777) Carden: crit [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
(765) Ser Segrid: (woot!0
(764) DM: Is that also an attack?
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( Or that should be rolled when I actually get hit ))
(764) DM: what did you roll the d20 for?
(765) Ser Segrid: (Carden was confirming crit with his beam, and it's confirmed, so he needs to roll the extra damage)
(765) Ser Segrid: ((that was Carden)
(764) DM: oh, ok
(765) Ser Segrid: (see above)
(764) DM: I already took off another 5
(765) Ser Segrid: (k)
(764) DM: Start of round 4
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(777) Carden: (extra dam [1d6+1] => [6,1] = (7) was waitin on DM to call for it)
(764) DM: S2 has 1 hp remaining!
(763) Baron Cairne: I cast acid splash on s2
(763) Baron Cairne: [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17)
(764) DM: hits
(763) Baron Cairne: [1d3] => [1] = (1)
(770) Lady Andraste: (nothing like kill stealing :P)
(763) Baron Cairne: I'm helping!
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
** (770) Lady Andraste notches a pair of arrows at Skeletal Champion 4, firing off another pair of deadly shots at the Champion's ribcage! [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21) [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23) **
(763) Baron Cairne: and that fucker hurt me a lot!
(770) Lady Andraste: [1d8+2] => [5,2] = (7) [1d8+2] => [3,2] = (5) Damage
(770) Lady Andraste: (xD I was playing around :3)
(764) DM: both hit, but for only minor damage
(764) DM: S4 attacks you!
(763) Baron Cairne: [1d9999999999] => 1d9999999999
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [1,3] = (4)
(764) DM: Mwk longsword [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17) melee, Damage [1d8+3] => [7,3] = (10)
(770) Lady Andraste: (I seem to attract 20s)
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
(770) Lady Andraste: (At least it was a non crit)
(765) Ser Segrid: "Oh no you don't"
** (770) Lady Andraste gets a nasty gash on her left hand, and she winces in pain. **
** (765) Ser Segrid shield slams the last one [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28) for [1d4+3] => [1,3] = (4) **
(765) Ser Segrid: crit threat
(765) Ser Segrid: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
(777) Carden: (wow lots of 20 tonight)
(765) Ser Segrid: [1d4+3] => [1,3] = (4)
(770) Lady Andraste: (Like I said, I attract a lot of 20s tonight :P)
(765) Ser Segrid: he's pushed back 15'
(765) Ser Segrid: in pieces
(765) Ser Segrid: :)
(764) DM: just enough to destroy S4!
(770) Lady Andraste: "Ah...thank you, love," she says, rubbing her injured hand.
(763) Baron Cairne: Channel Energy [1d6] => [4] = (4)
(763) Baron Cairne: Channel Energy [1d6] => [3] = (3)
(763) Baron Cairne: Channel Energy [1d6] => [5] = (5)
(765) Ser Segrid: "there's still that evil to the east, stay alert!"
(764) DM: Among the remains of these 4 skeletons are 4 breastplates, 4 heavy steel shields, and 4 masterwork longswords.
(763) Baron Cairne: Channel Energy [1d6] => [4] = (4)
(763) Baron Cairne: 16 hit points for entire party
(764) DM: You notice a copper ring on the finger of the first skeleton you saw slumped in the middle of the room.
** (765) Ser Segrid moves over and watche sto the east **
(770) Lady Andraste: "Thank you, my lord. I am fully healed," she says, hiding a minor cut still prevailent under her wrist.
(773) Sir Jeremiah: "thank you kindly"
(770) Lady Andraste: "Hmm...shall we collect our spoils of victory my friends? And then perhaps give these poor souls a proper burial?"
(763) Baron Cairne: Detect magic
(764) DM: The tarnished copper ring detects as magic.
(765) Ser Segrid: "After we deal with whatever you saw to the east."
(763) Baron Cairne: what is it with this AP with copper jewlery?
(765) Ser Segrid: "Send your lights down that way My Baron?"
** (773) Sir Jeremiah picks up one of the swords and gives it a few swings "Think I'll keep this" **
(765) Ser Segrid: (Copper's easy to forge)
(763) Baron Cairne: recast dancing lights, direct it as requested.
(763) Baron Cairne: (it also turns your skin green)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( And its fits with the fonteer setting ))
(764) DM: It appears that there is something inscribed on the ring...
** (777) Carden prepares to follow to the east **
** (770) Lady Andraste will collect the breastplates, steel shields and masterwork longswords, putting it in a pile to get later. **
(765) Ser Segrid: ((I wonder if it turns a half-orcs skin pink :P ))
(763) Baron Cairne: :P
(764) DM: "The wearer of this ring shall never lack for sustenance."
(764) DM: Up ahead you see the body of a long fallen warrior lying upon the top of a stone slab...
(763) Baron Cairne: Anyone want a ring of not eating or sleeping?
(764) DM: As Segrid enters the room, he is attacked by more skeletons!
(770) Lady Andraste: "Give it to Segrid. It might stop his snoring,"
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( Right here0)
(765) Ser Segrid: "I have been given enough trinkets, Milady. I believe it's someone else's turn."
(763) Baron Cairne: (how much time has passed?
(764) DM: 5 minutes
(765) Ser Segrid: Init [1d20+5] => [13,5] = (18)
(770) Lady Andraste: [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5)
(763) Baron Cairne: ok, str boost and bless is gone.
(764) DM: Initiative [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
(765) Ser Segrid: (so is fatigue)
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [11,0] = (11) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [6,0] = (6)
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [8,0] = (8) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [2,0] = (2)
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [11,0] = (11) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [1,0] = (1)
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [11,0] = (11) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [3,0] = (3)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: "I'll take it"
(764) DM: The skeletons make a single attack each for the surprise round.
(764) DM: Everyone else roll initiative
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Initiative: [1d20+2] => [1,2] = (3)
(777) Carden: Init [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
(770) Lady Andraste: (Is the lonely warrior up? Or still seemingly dead?)
(764) DM: Initiative [1d20+4] => [1,4] = (5)
(764) DM: Andraste and Cairne, initiative?
(763) Baron Cairne: Initiative [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
(770) Lady Andraste: init [1d20+3] => [20,3] = (23)
(764) DM: Start of round 1
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
(764) DM: You see the figure on the slab starting to move slightly...
(770) Lady Andraste: (Is the Lonely warrior up? Because these skeletons dont seem like a threat)
(765) Ser Segrid: (ninja'd)
** (770) Lady Andraste will
ready an action, *if the Lonely warrior is evil* she will declare smite
on it, before firing a pair of arrows at his direction. **
(770) Lady Andraste: (She is readying, condition is. Lonely warrior gets up or round ends)
(764) DM: Yes, it is the primary source of evil that you were detecting earlyer
(764) DM: Carden's turn
(770) Lady Andraste: (Smite then)
** (777) Carden holds **
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(777) Carden: (actuall no; cast divine favor on myself0
(770) Lady Andraste: "This is the source of the evil presence I felt earlier my friends," she says.
(763) Baron Cairne: cast grease
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
** (765) Ser Segrid shield slams S3 [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13) for [1d4+2] => [4,2] = (6) and bull rush=attack roll **
(764) DM: miss (AC is 16)
(764) DM: The skeleton's attack Segrid again...
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [9,0] = (9) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [3,0] = (3)
(764) DM: Secondary claw [1d20-3] => [15,-3] = (12) melee, Damage [1d4+1] => [4,1] = (5)
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [12,0] = (12) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [5,0] = (5)
(764) DM: Secondary claw [1d20-3] => [8,-3] = (5) melee, Damage [1d4+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [4,0] = (4) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [3,0] = (3)
(764) DM: Secondary claw [1d20-3] => [15,-3] = (12) melee, Damage [1d4+1] => [2,1] = (3)
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [19,0] = (19) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [2,0] = (2)
(764) DM: Secondary claw [1d20-3] => [5,-3] = (2) melee, Damage [1d4+1] => [1,1] = (2)
(764) DM: all miss
(777) Carden: (segrid which square you in?)
(763) Baron Cairne: Segrid, what are your thoughts on being big?
(765) Ser Segrid: (works for me)
(770) Lady Andraste: (Andraste wont complain)
(764) DM: The figure on the slab sits up and climbs off the slab (1 = to the left, 2 = to the right): [1d2] => [2] = (2)
(770) Lady Andraste: (He could use the upgrade :P)
** (770) Lady Andraste fires her shots at him as soon as he gets up! [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18) [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28) **
(765) Ser Segrid: ((And least when he tries to make me big, it works :P ))
(764) DM: both miss
(764) DM: (AC is 29)
(764) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: (yikes)
(770) Lady Andraste: (oh darn)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: ((attacl 1))
(764) DM: You'll have to move into the room
(764) DM: That's a hard corner there
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( still under bulls str?))
(765) Ser Segrid: (no)
(770) Lady Andraste: (Ran out already I believe)
(765) Ser Segrid: (but not fatigued either)
(763) Baron Cairne: Nope, 4 mins.
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Attack: Longsword: Attack[1d20+5+2+1] => [13,5,2,1] = (21)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+4+2] => [3,4,2] = (9)
(770) Lady Andraste: (Does the sarcophagus give him cover?)
(764) DM: partial cover
(764) DM: Start of round 2
(770) Lady Andraste: (I shot him before he got behind :P)
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: (smite his ass!)
** (770) Lady Andraste runs
up, ignoring the threats next to her in favor of the lonely warrior.
moving towards the Grease and firing a single a pair of arrows at the
warrior once more! [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13) [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) **
(770) Lady Andraste: (noluvk cF)
(770) Lady Andraste: (no luck xD)
(764) DM: Carden's turn
** (777) Carden moves up and cast disrupt on a skeleton (2) [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18) [1d6+2] => [3,2] = (5) **
(764) DM: S2 crumbles into a pile of bones.
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: (guess not now :( ))
(763) Baron Cairne: I cast web.
(770) Lady Andraste: (I still have the best chance of hitting him so far :P aside from touch)
(770) Lady Andraste: (o-o now he's gonna be even harder to hit xD)
(763) Baron Cairne: dc is 16 ref,
(765) Ser Segrid: (easier if he's entangled)
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
(763) Baron Cairne: now we can deal with his minions while he struggles and then burn the web with him in it.
** (765) Ser Segrid shield slams S4 [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8) for [1d4+2] => [1,2] = (3) and bull rush=attack roll **
(765) Ser Segrid: (ug)
(770) Lady Andraste: (True, but is he entangled?)
(764) DM: Not yet, I don't think the web was shot at him, right?
(763) Baron Cairne: Anyone
in the effect's area when the spell is cast must make a Reflex save. If
this save succeeds, the creature is inside the web but is otherwise
unaffected. If the save fails, the creature gains the grappled
condition, but can break free by making a combat maneuver check or
Escape Artist check as a standard action against the DC of this spell.
The entire area of the web is considered difficult terrain. Anyone
moving through the webs must make a combat maneuver check or Escape
Artist check as part of their move action, with a DC equal to the
spell's DC. Creatures that fail lose their movement and become grappled
in the first square of webbing that they enter.
If you have at least 5 feet of web between you and an opponent, it provides cover. If you have at least 20 feet of web between you, it provides total cover.
The strands of a web spell are flammable. A flaming weapon can slash them away as easily as a hand brushes away cobwebs. Any fire can set the webs alight and burn away one 5-foot square in 1 round. All creatures within flaming webs take 2d4 points of fire damage from the flames.
If you have at least 5 feet of web between you and an opponent, it provides cover. If you have at least 20 feet of web between you, it provides total cover.
The strands of a web spell are flammable. A flaming weapon can slash them away as easily as a hand brushes away cobwebs. Any fire can set the webs alight and burn away one 5-foot square in 1 round. All creatures within flaming webs take 2d4 points of fire damage from the flames.
(765) Ser Segrid: ((haven't seen his reflex save to see)
(764) DM: Is that blue line a line of web sheeting, or is the whole back of the room filled with webs?
(770) Lady Andraste: (Well I think it is :P)
(763) Baron Cairne: yes
(765) Ser Segrid: (the whole area)
(764) DM: Reflex [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8)
(764) DM: S3 attacks Segrid
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [5,0] = (5) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [5,0] = (5)
(764) DM: Secondary claw [1d20-3] => [11,-3] = (8) melee, Damage [1d4+1] => [2,1] = (3)
(764) DM: S4 attacks Andraste
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [12,0] = (12) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [3,0] = (3)
(764) DM: Secondary claw [1d20-3] => [2,-3] = (-1) melee, Damage [1d4+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(764) DM: LW tries to untangle himself...
(764) DM: CMB [1d20+11] => [9,11] = (20)
(764) DM: So can he also move once this round?
(765) Ser Segrid: yep, standard to escape, difficult terrain
(770) Lady Andraste: (Yea freeing self is standard, should still have one move)
(765) Ser Segrid: must make anopther cm check to move through
(764) DM: he moves around the slab, sliding into the grease!
(764) DM: CMB [1d20+11] => [16,11] = (27)
(770) Lady Andraste: (By Erastil I hope he doesnt slip)
(764) DM: Reflex [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8)
(763) Baron Cairne: I'm just slowing down Mr AC.
(764) DM: Arrrgg!
(764) DM: LW falls prone!
(764) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( Goin g o move then attack )) )
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( #4))
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Attack: Longsword: Attack[1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2] => [1,2] = (3)
(764) DM: You run the skeleton through with your blade, but it is not damaged.
(764) DM: Start of round 3
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: (smite his prone ass!)
** (770) Lady Andraste draws
her longsword with her free hand, leaving her other hand on her bow and
bringing the Divine Empowered Weapon crashing on the warrior's meaty
head! [1d20+9] => [10,9] = (19)! Should have -4 AC for this attack for being prone. **
(770) Lady Andraste: (Argh!)
(764) DM: Carden's turn
** (777) Carden takes a step back and calls forth the judgement of justice against the evil as pulls out an arrow; aiming and then firing at the evil( [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20) dmg [1d8+5] => [4,5] = (9)) **
(777) Carden: (oh well)
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(763) Baron Cairne:
I cast enlarge person on Segrid
I cast enlarge person on Segrid
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
** (765) Ser Segrid moves up, ignoring the ineffectual skeletons and attacking the prone warrior [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16) for [1d8+3] => [8,3] = (11) **
(763) Baron Cairne: (Segrid is bigger and stronger)
(770) Lady Andraste: (his to hit should be exactly the same though xD)
(764) DM: S3 takes a 5' step and attacks Cairne
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [3,0] = (3) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [3,0] = (3)
(764) DM: Secondary claw [1d20-3] => [8,-3] = (5) melee, Damage [1d4+1] => [2,1] = (3)
(765) Ser Segrid: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15) reflex
(764) DM: S4 attacks Jeremiah
(763) Baron Cairne: sword does 2d6, +2 to str as well.
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [5,0] = (5) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [6,0] = (6)
(764) DM: Secondary claw [1d20-3] => [3,-3] = (0) melee, Damage [1d4+1] => [2,1] = (3)
(764) DM: LW stands up
(764) DM: provoking..
(765) Ser Segrid: AoO [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25) for [2d6+4] => [1,4,4] = (9)
(764) DM: acrobatics [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
** (770) Lady Andraste smiting smashes her longsword at the warrior [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10) ! [1d8+2+8] => [1,2,8] = (11) **
(770) Lady Andraste: (grrr!)
(764) DM: I'll say that hit before he fully stood up.
(770) Lady Andraste: ( i am going to get ready for class)
(764) DM: LW swings his bastard sword at Andraste...
(764) DM: 1st Atk Broken +2 fey bane bastard sword [1d20+12] => [6,12] = (18) melee, Damage [1d10+5] => [9,5] = (14) plus energy drain
** (770) Lady Andraste nimbly dodges aside the deadly blow, "That...blade.." **
(765) Ser Segrid: "Andraste flank with me!"
(764) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( attacking #4 again ))
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Attack: Longsword: Attack[1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2] => [1,2] = (3)
(764) DM: hits, but no damage due to DR
(764) DM: start of round 4
(764) DM: Andraste's up
(770) Lady Andraste: "Right, be very careful of that blade love." she says, moving to flank with Segrid and slashing the warrior from behind [1d20+11] => [14,11] = (25) and [1d8+10] => [3,10] = (13) damage
(773) Sir Jeremiah: "These things are almost as bad as the bugs"
(764) DM: miss
(764) DM: Carden's turn
(770) Lady Andraste: "Does anyone have anything that can make him easier to hit?" she says, her sword bouncing off his bones again.
** (777) Carden moves over and tries again to hit the evil [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14) dmg [1d8+5] => [6,5] = (11) **
(777) Carden: (nope)
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(763) Baron Cairne: acid splash on s3 [1d20+1] => [17,1] = (18)
(763) Baron Cairne: [1d3] => [3] = (3)
(764) DM: hit
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21) for [2d6+4] => [4,3,4] = (11)
(764) DM: miss
(765) Ser Segrid: misses
(764) DM: S3 takes a 5' step and attacks Cairne again
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [18,0] = (18) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [6,0] = (6)
(764) DM: Secondary claw [1d20-3] => [6,-3] = (3) melee, Damage [1d4+1] => [2,1] = (3)
(764) DM: S4 attacks Jeremiah
(764) DM: Broken scimitar [1d20+0] => [16,0] = (16) melee, Damage [1d6+0] => [4,0] = (4)
(764) DM: Secondary claw [1d20-3] => [16,-3] = (13) melee, Damage [1d4+1] => [1,1] = (2)
(764) DM: LW wails on Andraste...
(764) DM: 1st Atk Broken +2 fey bane bastard sword [1d20+12] => [18,12] = (30) melee, Damage [1d10+5] => [2,5] = (7) plus energy drain
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( first one hit barely ))
(764) DM: 2nd Atk Broken +2 fey bane bastard sword [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9) melee, Damage [1d10+5] => [3,5] = (8) plus energy drain
(770) Lady Andraste: First one hit
(764) DM: You are drained 1 level.
(764) DM: Jeremiah's turn
** (770) Lady Andraste looks weakened, after that sword strike, much weakened. **
(765) Ser Segrid: "Focus your touch spells on this creature if you can!"
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( Going to cast Elemental Touch and channel it with my Longsword ))
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Attack: Longsword: Attack[1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2] => [7,2] = (9)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: L2: Elemental Touch Fire: Casting Time 1 Standard Range Personal Target Myself Duration 4 rounds Saving Throw Fort Vs DC 15 EFFECT: Melee Touch attack [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11) Deals [1d6]
=> [1] = (1) Fire Damage.Hands Ignite and shed light like a torch,
may cause Target to catch fire. Additional Attacks inflict Damage,
Affect does not stack
(764) DM: the attack with the longsword misses
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( so does the speel so just ignore all that ))
(764) DM: Start of round 5
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
** (770) Lady Andraste hits the skeletal warrior once more with her sword, a bit slower, a bit less finesse in the blow [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16) Damage [1d8+1+8] => [1,1,8] = (10) **
(764) DM: Carden's turn
** (777) Carden turns about; casting bowstaff and swings at the skeleton [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20) dmg [1d8+4] => [1,4] = (5); concentration if needed [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15) **
(764) DM: A wicked smile appears on the ghastly warrior's face
** (770) Lady Andraste drops her bow and draws out her shield for better defense. **
(764) DM: is that bludgeoning damage, Carden?
(777) Carden: (yes)
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(763) Baron Cairne: (Draw my wand) Magic Missile on big bad [2d4+2] => [4,2,2] = (8)
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: (is he wielding that sword 1 handed or 2?)
(764) DM: 1 handed
(764) DM: he also has a heavy wooden shield
** (765) Ser Segrid attacks [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) for [2d6+4] => [1,2,4] = (7) **
(765) Ser Segrid: (ug)
(764) DM: S3 claws at Cairne
(764) DM: Primary claw 1 [1d20+2] => [14,2] = (16) melee, Damage [1d4+2] => [4,2] = (6)
(764) DM: Primary claw 2 [1d20+2] => [1,2] = (3) melee, Damage [1d4+2] => [4,2] = (6)
(770) Lady Andraste: (Zelata would be soo useful right now)
(764) DM: LW attacks Segrid this time...
(764) DM: 1st Atk Broken +2 fey bane bastard sword [1d20+12] => [15,12] = (27) melee, Damage [1d10+5] => [7,5] = (12) plus energy drain
(764) DM: 2nd Atk Broken +2 fey bane bastard sword [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14) melee, Damage [1d10+5] => [8,5] = (13) plus energy drain
(765) Ser Segrid: ((Baron Cairne is going to have to burn through that damn wand ))
(765) Ser Segrid: 1st hits
(764) DM: you are drained 1 level
(764) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(770) Lady Andraste: "Cairne...perhaps we should try to disarm him of that sword."
(770) Lady Andraste: (segrid*
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( Step forward and attack 3 ))
(763) Baron Cairne: thanks jeremiah
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Attack: Longsword: Attack[1d20+6+2] => [20,6,2] = (28)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2] => [8,2] = (10)
(770) Lady Andraste: (good hit at last!)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Crit Check [1d20+6+2] => [18,6,2] = (26)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Extra damage [1d8+2+2] => [5,2,2] = (9)
(764) DM: it had 1 hp
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( so 19 damage ))
(764) DM: Start of round 6
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
(770) Lady Andraste: (Guys gonna leave for class. Can one of you control me?)
(765) Ser Segrid: (I can)
(770) Lady Andraste: (Question, whats the CMD of this thing =o is it high?)
(764) DM: CMD is 26
(770) Lady Andraste: (Hard with a +10, but its better than fighting its AC)
(763) Baron Cairne: I have andraste's sheet
** (770) Lady Andraste tries to twist her sword around, to disarm the Skeletal warrior of its blade! AoO **
(770) Lady Andraste: (Any more spells Cairne?)
(764) DM: 1st Atk Broken +2 fey bane bastard sword [1d20+12] => [20,12] = (32) melee, Damage [1d10+5] => [6,5] = (11) plus energy drain
(764) DM: 1st Atk Broken +2 fey bane bastard sword [1d20+12] => [12,12] = (24) melee, Damage [1d10+5] => [9,5] = (14) plus energy drain
(770) Lady Andraste: (guh, xD)
(770) Lady Andraste: (I attract so many 20s today)
(763) Baron Cairne: OK if you go segrid is not allowed to rp kissing himself.
(764) DM: You are drained two more levels
(770) Lady Andraste: (No threat, thank god for this shield)
(770) Lady Andraste: (Otherwise I'd be dead)
(764) DM: oh, so only drained one more level
(765) Ser Segrid: ((yeah, don't forget the protection of smite)
(770) Lady Andraste: [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29) to Disarm
(765) Ser Segrid: Woot!
(764) DM: Andraste forces the sword out of its hand
(770) Lady Andraste: "Quick grab that blade!" she shouts out, placing a hand on herself for another lay on hands [2d6] => [1,4] = (5)
(770) Lady Andraste: (19 hp and I go now good luck guys)
(764) DM: Carden's turn
** (777) Carden moves over and tries to nail the evilness with energy beam [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12) dmg [1d6+1] => [1,1] = (2) (disrupt; touch) "Erastil, let us remove this vileness from this plane" **
(777) Carden: (man)
(765) Ser Segrid: (well, touch may have hit????)
(770) Lady Andraste: (Anyone have a hand free? :P)
(764) DM: (miss, touch AC is 15)
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: (mage hand his sword!)
(765) Ser Segrid: (probably too heavy)
(763) Baron Cairne: I'll cast mage hand and drag the sword into web.
(763) Baron Cairne: A bastard sword should be five pounds.
(770) Lady Andraste: (Its 6 pounds. But its also broken so should be lighter)
(770) Lady Andraste: (Ok going for reals now!)
(764) DM: Weight of sword = 4 + [1d2] => [2] = (2) pounds
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
** (765) Ser Segrid attempst to disarm his shield arm [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25) **
(763) Baron Cairne: magic missile on big bad [2d4+2] => [2,1,2] = (5)
(765) Ser Segrid: (yay for being big!)
(764) DM: Does he get an AoO?
(765) Ser Segrid: Not unless he has combat reflexes
(765) Ser Segrid: he already took one on Andraste
(764) DM: nope, no CR
(765) Ser Segrid: just missed, thought it was 25, darn. Level drain wins vs me
(764) DM: ok
(765) Ser Segrid: unless his cmd dropped without the sword?
(764) DM: LW moves outside the grease (acrobatics [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19))
(764) DM: LW slams at Carden...
(764) DM: 1st Slam [1d20+11] => [12,11] = (23) melee, Damage [1d4+5] => [1,5] = (6) plus energy drain
(777) Carden: (hits)
(764) DM: You are drained 1 level
(764) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: (did he provoke with that move?)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( Move and Cast Corrosive Touch ))
(777) Carden: (is that a shield slam or shield bash?)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( I dont think so ))
(773) Sir Jeremiah: L1: Corrosive Touch: Casting Time 1 Standard Range Touch Duration Instant Effect: Melee Touch Attack [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11) Deals [4d4] => [2,3,1,4] = (10) Acid Damage
(765) Ser Segrid: ( I think it was a creature slam)
(764) DM: Yes, he provoked because he had to move instead of take a 5' step out of the grease.
(764) DM: But his slam was with his fist.
** (765) Ser Segrid attacks [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17) for [2d6+4] => [2,4,4] = (10) **
(765) Ser Segrid: (Andraste gewts AoO too)
(777) Carden: (unarmed provoke?)
(764) DM: no, a wight creature has a slam attack
(777) Carden: (k)
(765) Ser Segrid: (Cairne, Andrastes's flanking AoO?)
(763) Baron Cairne: magic missile on big bad [2d4+2] => [1,2,2] = (5)
(763) Baron Cairne: oops
(763) Baron Cairne: +1 longsword [1d20+4} [1d8+2] => 1d20+4} [1d8+2
(763) Baron Cairne: +1 longsword [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13) [1d8+2] => [6,2] = (8)
(764) DM: Andraste misses
(764) DM: Jeremiah's corrosive touch misses.
(764) DM: Start of Round 7
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: (should be +10 to hit with flank and smite, I think)
(763) Baron Cairne: draw longbow and start shoowing
(763) Baron Cairne: composite longbow [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17) [1d8+1] => [4,1] = (5) + smity bonuses
(764) DM: miss
(764) DM: Carden's turn
** (777) Carden staggers from the hit, moving backward. He draws his sickle before trying to disrupt the undead evil again ([1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11) dmg [1d6+1] => [5,1] = (6)) **
(764) DM: miss
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(764) DM: (this dude is undead, so he can be harmed by channeling positive energy, or by Andraste's lay-on-hands if she can touch him)
(763) Baron Cairne: Magic Missile [2d4+2] => [1,3,2] = (6)
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
** (765) Ser Segrid attacks [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28) for [2d6+4] => [5,4,4] = (13) "Oh by the gods will someone kill this thing already?" **
(765) Ser Segrid: Yay crit roll [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
(764) DM: hit
(765) Ser Segrid: no crit
(764) DM: LW is now at 46 hp
(765) Ser Segrid: (holy crap)
(764) DM: LW takes a 5' step and makes his first slam at Carden
(764) DM: 1st Slam [1d20+11] => [5,11] = (16) melee, Damage [1d4+5] => [3,5] = (8) plus energy drain
(764) DM: then makes his 2nd slam at Jeremiah
(764) DM: 2nd Slam [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25) melee, Damage [1d4+5] => [3,5] = (8) plus energy drain
(764) DM: Jeremiah's turn
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( going to use arcane accuracy Arcana and then attack ))
(763) Baron Cairne: Maybe we should be running?
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Acuracy Longsword: Attack[1d20+6+2+3] => [15,6,2,3] = (26)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2] => [1,2] = (3)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: (( done ))
(764) DM: Start of round 8
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
(763) Baron Cairne: composite longbow [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19) => [11,6] => (11, 6) = (17) [1d8+1] => [1,1] = (2) => [4,1] => (4, 1) = (5) + smitey bonuses
(764) DM: she should be able to convert 2 lay on hands into a single channel if she has LoH remaining
(763) Baron Cairne: I don't know if that is a thing she has. Segrid?
(765) Ser Segrid: I think she used most of them up healing herself.. how many does her sheet say she has
(765) Ser Segrid: (I think she's used 3 so far)
(763) Baron Cairne: so what would burning two touches do>
(763) Baron Cairne: ?
(764) DM: 2d6
(765) Ser Segrid: will save for half
(763) Baron Cairne: ok, top of the round next round.
(764) DM: Carden's turn
(764) DM: (if you decide to withdraw I'll say that the entire party can make it out without incurring any more attacks)
** (777) Carden is hit and tries one thing before falling back. He swings his sickle low and tries to trip the warrior [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28) then shifts back towards Cairne. **
(777) Carden: (yay!)
(764) DM: does he get an AoO?
(777) Carden: (no, improved trip)
(764) DM: ok, so down he goes!
(765) Ser Segrid: (nice!)
(764) DM: Cairne's turn
(763) Baron Cairne: magic missile [2d4+2] => [2,4,2] = (8)
(777) Carden: "Finish him!" (in mortal combat voice)
(764) DM: Segrid's turn
(763) Baron Cairne: are we not being cowards?
(777) Carden: (we cuahgt a break; lets try)
(777) Carden: (caught*)
(763) Baron Cairne: well I have long range so I'll try from over there.
** (765) Ser Segrid attacks and moves to block the passage from the warrior. [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23) vs prone [2d6+4] => [5,6,4] = (15) **
(763) Baron Cairne: but I have another web if we decide to run.
(765) Ser Segrid: "Move passed me while he's down. I'll slow his pursuit"
(777) Carden: "hit and run"
(764) DM: LW slowly rises to his feet again, provoking...
(765) Ser Segrid: (hits prone, right?)
(764) DM: no, prone AC is still 25
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Acuracy Longsword: Attack[1d20+6+2] => [11,6,2] = (19)
(773) Sir Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2] => [1,2] = (3)
(765) Ser Segrid: -4 vs melee attacks
(765) Ser Segrid: prone is
(764) DM: Start of round 9
** (765) Ser Segrid attacks [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15) vs prone [2d6+4] => [1,2,4] = (7) **
(764) DM: Andraste's turn
(765) Ser Segrid: prone:
Prone: The character is lying on the ground. A prone attacker has a –4
penalty on melee attack rolls and cannot use a ranged weapon (except for
a crossbow). A prone defender gains a +4 bonus to Armor Class against
ranged attacks, but takes a –4 penalty to AC against melee attacks.
Standing up is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Standing up is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
(764) DM: (give him one good channel and he's a goner)
(763) Baron Cairne: channel energy 2d6 [dc 15] => dc 15
(763) Baron Cairne: [2d6[
(763) Baron Cairne: [2d6] => [4,5] = (9)
(765) Ser Segrid: heh heh try that again
(764) DM: (I should give you all a break since this was the 6-player version of the encounter)
(764) DM: At first the wretched creature laughs at you, but then its eyes glow a bright yellow as its head explodes!
(763) Baron Cairne: Oooh, youi prepare the game on the hard setting.
(777) Carden: (hehe always prepare for us to be under full strength :) )
(763) Baron Cairne: my fault for spending my best buffs on the lesser fight.
** (765) Ser Segrid sighs a relieved sigh **
(764) DM: I didn't expect Zelata to bail on us.
(777) Carden: shame cairne, shame!
(765) Ser Segrid: Yeah, her throwing autohit fire at his ass would have helped... if she'd have done that
(773) Sir Jeremiah: "Dead things should stay dead"
(764) DM: So the only treasure you find is that +2 fey bane bastard sword (broken condition)
(765) Ser Segrid: "Anyone else feel that chill in your bones?"
(763) Baron Cairne: (50% chance of explainging to the big bad that we are gods.
(764) DM: and a +1 heavy wooden shield
(764) DM: LW is wearing a mundane chain shirt
(765) Ser Segrid: any treasure in his crypt?
(764) DM: No.
(763) Baron Cairne: well, it was not a mine.
(764) DM: The other two chambers are crypts
(764) DM: The walls of each dusty chamber are decorated with mosaic
scenes of hunting and battle. Six biers line the walls, the resting
places of respected warriors.
scenes of hunting and battle. Six biers line the walls, the resting
places of respected warriors.
(763) Baron Cairne: Does the place still radiate evil?
(764) DM: No, not now that the skeletons and the wight have been destroyed.
(773) Sir Jeremiah: "i do feel a chill but its passing"
(764) DM: All
of you who took negative levels have 24 hours to get restored or you'll
have to make a DC 18 fort save to avoid the negative level(s) becoming
(764) DM: (one save per level drained)
(763) Baron Cairne: I say we spend a good two days getting back to full strength.
(764) DM: so we'll stop here for tonight
(763) Baron Cairne: and if possible I'll lend Guidnace to the fort saves.
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