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(278) DM (enter): 17:56
(67) Mini (enter): 17:56
(205) cypher (enter): 17:56
(269) Napalmmoose (enter): 17:56
(277) Laure (enter): 17:56
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Moving to room 'Kingmaker AP'..
(278) DM (enter): 17:56
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (278) DM...
(277) Laure (enter): 17:56
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (277) Ser Segrid...
(277) Ser Segrid: Hi Andy
(278) DM: Hi
(269) Napalmmoose (enter): 17:59
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (269) Napalmmoose...
(277) Ser Segrid: Hay, your moose is on fire. :P
(269) Jarrak: Nah he's just made of Living Napalm
(269) Jarrak: I have a bit of somewhat bad news
(277) Ser Segrid: Huh, he smells strangely of morning victory.
(277) Ser Segrid: Yeah?
(269) Jarrak: Thats his Natural Musk
(269) Jarrak: I promised my family I would spend some time with them so here in about 2 hours I will have to Call it a night
(278) DM: Jason (Andraste) emailed me earlier today saying that he might be late.
(278) DM: and Mimwar isn't coming tonight?
(277) Ser Segrid: correct
(281) Lady Andraste (enter): 18:10
(277) Ser Segrid: hi
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (281) Lady Andraste...
(277) Ser Segrid: at least the Baron is back from vacation
(278) DM: I haven't heard anything from the new guy, Roderick.
(281) Lady Andraste: Helo
(269) Jarrak: Sup
(282) 2lt.Alvaro (enter): 18:20
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (282) Carden...
(277) Ser Segrid: hi
(278) DM: It is now the morning of 26 Rova.
(278) DM: You have spent the night on the northwestern shoreline of Lake Candlemere.
(278) DM: Are you preparing to travel to hex 9-3 on land or in the boat in the Murque River?
(281) Lady Andraste: (I'd elect for the boat)
(269) Jarrak: (9 boat if we can ))
(277) Ser Segrid: (We won't be able to put our horses on the boat. So, we could say we sent Mimwar back to Boudica with the horses))
(278) DM: After breaking camp you set out down the Murque River.
(278) DM: It is not very long until the river runs into the beginnings of the forests of the Narlmarches region.
(282) Carden: (yea I thought boat as well)
** (277) Ser Segrid keeps his eyes peeled for any signs of the boy or anything else. Percep [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11) +2 vs human **
(278) DM: After rowing/flowing along the river for about 2 miles, up ahead you notice an island set out in the middle of the river...
(278) DM: A low, muddy hummock protrudes from the middle of the
widening river, surrounded by a palisade of outward-facing,
sharpened wooden stakes. Inside, tendrils of smoke rise from a
handful of mounds clustered around a single larger mound. A
simple wooden gate on the eastern side of the hummock seems
to be the only entrance to the fortified island.
widening river, surrounded by a palisade of outward-facing,
sharpened wooden stakes. Inside, tendrils of smoke rise from a
handful of mounds clustered around a single larger mound. A
simple wooden gate on the eastern side of the hummock seems
to be the only entrance to the fortified island.
(277) Ser Segrid: "Huh. A fort on an island. Another bandit king?"
(278) DM: The island sits about 10' above the level of the surrounding waters.
(269) Jarrak: "Wonder who lives there"
(278) DM: As you get a bit closer, you can just begin to make out some movement along the top of the palisade...
(278) DM: You are approaching from the east.
(269) Jarrak: (9 Perception to see whats moving around ? ))
** (282) Carden gets bow ready **
(278) DM: yes, you can make perception checks
(269) Jarrak: Class Skills: Perception: [1d20+1+6] => [5,1,6] = (12)
(277) Ser Segrid: [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11) +2 vs human
(282) Carden: perception [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25)
(278) DM: Carden
makes out what appear to be two reptilian humanoid guards walking along
the palisade walkway near the gate about 10' above the ground level of
the island
** (282) Carden whispers "Lizard men" **
(269) Jarrak: "Hells" pulls out his flask and takes a drink
** (269) Jarrak offers it to Carden **
(277) Ser Segrid: "Well, shall we go meet our neighbors? Maybe ask if they've seen the boy?"
** (282) Carden shakes his head to Jarrak, replies to Segrid "If anyone feels they can communicate with them" **
(281) Lady Andraste: "A good idea, would anyone know which tongue they speak?"
(277) Ser Segrid: "I could try draconic, but maybe they speak common."
(269) Jarrak: "No idea, doubt they speak dwarven though"
(277) Ser Segrid: kn:Nature [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
(278) DM: You're pretty sure they speak Draconic.
(277) Segrid in Draconic: "Hello, neighbors of the mighty fortress! We are looking for a lost boy. Perhaps you've seen him? He likes the rivers."
(278) DM: Both guards are startled and begin looking around and at each other, then see your boat (how far are you from the gate?)
(277) Segrid in Draconic: ((probably called out from 30 or 40 feet.))
(277) Segrid in Draconic: ((out of repect :) ))
(278) DM: "Who's out there? Show yourselves!"
(277) Segrid in Draconic: "I
am Ser Segrid of Boudica, and my companions are likewise from Boudica.
Lady Andraste, Ser Carden, and Jarrak. We are looking for a boy named
** (277) Segrid in Draconic stands and waves. **
(277) Segrid in Draconic: "His parents are very worried about him."
(278) DM: (they look at each other...)
(278) DM: "Uh, there is no human child here."
(278) DM: (you can make sense motive checks)
(277) Segrid in Draconic: [1d20] => [12] = (12)
(269) Jarrak: Skills: Sense Motive [1d20+1] => [7,1] = (8)
(278) DM: Well, they could be telling the truth...
(277) Segrid: "They say he's not here."
(278) DM: "We don't like humans. Go away!"
(269) Jarrak: "Still don't trust'em"
(277) Segrid in Draconic: "Well, we're neighbors, and there's more humans about every day. Perhaps we could speak with your commander."
(278) DM: (Currently they are indifferent. You can try to diplomacize them to perhaps make them friendly or even helpful...)
(277) Segrid in Draconic: "We certainly would want there to be any misunderstandings between our peoples."
(277) Segrid in Draconic: [1d20] => [17] = (17)
(278) DM: (now friendly...)
(278) DM: "You want to speak with King Vesket?"
(282) Carden: "Just ask if they saw a boy travel by and direction maybe"
(277) Segrid in Draconic: "It would be our great pleasure to speak with your mighty king. We would welcome peace between our peoples."
(277) Segrid in Draconic: [1d20] => [12] = (12)
(278) DM: All of a sudden you hear a cry (perception to identify)
(269) Jarrak: Class Skills: Perception: [1d20+1+6] => [16,1,6] = (23)
(277) Segrid in Draconic: [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25) +2 vs human
(278) DM: It is the sound of a child crying out in fear
(278) DM: "Help!'
(278) DM: The two guards look at each other again...
(278) DM: "Ruh row!"
** (277) Segrid in Draconic furrows
his brow. "I thought you said you had no human child there, yet I hear
one now. We would be friends, not enemies. Give us the child." **
(278) DM: And they each throw a javelin, one at Segrid and one at Jarrak...
(278) DM: javelin [1d20+1] => [11,1] = (12) ranged, Damage [1d6+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(278) DM: javelin [1d20+1] => [18,1] = (19) ranged, Damage [1d6+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(277) Segrid: "Dammit."
(278) DM: (roll initiative please)
(278) DM: Initiative [1d20+0] => [20,0] = (20)
(278) DM: Initiative [1d20+0] => [8,0] = (8)
(281) Lady Andraste: "Negotaitions have broken down, Segrid." she says. [1d20+3] => [3,3] = (6) initiative
(269) Jarrak: Initiative: [1d20] => [20] = (20)
(277) Segrid: [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24)
(282) Carden: [1d20+4] => [20,4] = (24)
(278) DM: Segrid is up first.
** (277) Segrid pulls out his bow and shoots at #1 [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21) for [1d8] => [2] = (2) **
(278) DM: It takes a DC 15 climb check to scale the palisade, or a DC 30 Escape Artist check to squeeze between the logs.
(278) DM: Segrid hits.
(278) DM: Carden's turn
** (282) Carden fires an arrow at the other guard ([1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24) dmg [1d8+4] => [5,4] = (9)) **
(278) DM: Hit!
(278) DM: L1 chucks another javelin at Segrid...
(278) DM: javelin [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17) ranged, Damage [1d6+1] => [4,1] = (5)
(278) DM: Jarrak's turn
(278) DM: The palisade's wooden gate is about 8 feet high and barred on the inside.
(278) DM: It will take a DC 25 strength check to break through, or a DC 15 disable device to remove the gate from its hinges.
(277) Segrid: ((did any of those javelins land near me?))
(269) Jarrak: (( Going to try and bust through the gate ))
(278) DM: J1 25% in boat, otherwise went in the water: [1d100] => [43] = (43)
(278) DM: J2: [1d100] => [7] = (7)
(269) Jarrak: Str Check [1d20+3] => [18,3] = (21)
(278) DM: yeah, one landed in the boat
(278) DM: L2 climbs down from the wall and runs over to one of the mounds.
(278) DM: Andraste's turn
(281) Lady Andraste: ((Uh, I'll never get a good shot in with all this people getting into melee =/))
** (281) Lady Andraste would
fire a pair of shots at Lizardfolk 1, muttering a bit of a word under
her breath as she has to compensate for Jarrak's bulk [1d20+2] => [7,2] = (9) [1d20+2] => [9,2] = (11) **
(277) Segrid: ((not really in melee, its on the pallisades and he's at the gate))
(281) Lady Andraste: ((Fair enough)
(281) Lady Andraste: (But still, my point stands)
(278) DM: both arrows miss
(278) DM: Start of round 2
(278) DM: Segrid's turn
(281) Lady Andraste: (I really wish we'd level up already xD))
** (277) Segrid picks up the javelin and returns it to sender [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24) for [1d6+2] => [4,2] = (6) **
(278) DM: L1 takes it in the gut and falls over the front of the palisade, landing in the river with a splash!
** (277) Segrid then motions for Tiberius to back Jarrak up **
(278) DM: Carden's turn
(277) Segrid: "I'm going to have to teach you these clever tongues, so you may lend your grace to these proceedings, my lady."
** (282) Carden hops out of the boat and moves to climb (climb [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)) **
(278) DM: You're able to scale the palisade with a full-round action, landing on the ground inside the gate...
(278) DM: Jarrak's turn
** (269) Jarrak tries to bust down the gate again **
(269) Jarrak: Str Check [1d20+3] => [4,3] = (7)
(269) Jarrak: (( End my turn ))
(278) DM: Carden, you see L2 scurry to the SE hut and then to the larger, center hut.
(278) DM: Andraste's turn
(278) DM: ?
(278) DM: Initiative [1d20+0] => [19,0] = (19)
(278) DM: Initiative [1d20+0] => [5,0] = (5)
(278) DM: Andraste takes no action
(278) DM: Start of round 3
(278) DM: Segrid's turn
** (277) Segrid puts away his bow and moves to the gate, drawing his shield as he goes. Tiberius tries climbing over the wall [1d20+1] => [8,1] = (9) **
(281) Lady Andraste: (Yea, I am kinda distracted)
(282) Carden: (gate still closed/locked?)
(278) DM: Tiberius is unable to make any headway climbing
(278) DM: The gate is still barred, but you are right there and can easily remove it and open the gate...
(281) Lady Andraste: "Hold on, perhaps another chance at diplomacy?"
** (282) Carden calls for Erastil (judgement of protection) and goes about removing the barring boards. **
(278) DM: Jarrak's turn
(269) Jarrak: (( so gate is Unlocked then? ))
(278) DM: (yes)
** (269) Jarrak opens the gate and moves inside **
(278) DM: After coming inside, you see more lizardmen come out from the two front huts, 3 from each...
(278) DM: The first three chuck javelins at Jarrak...
(278) DM: javelin [1d20+1] => [10,1] = (11) ranged, Damage [1d6+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(278) DM: javelin [1d20+1] => [20,1] = (21) ranged, Damage [1d6+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(278) DM: javelin [1d20+1] => [1,1] = (2) ranged, Damage [1d6+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(278) DM: javelin [1d20+1] => [7,1] = (8) ranged, Damage [1d6+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(278) DM: One hits for 4
** (269) Jarrak pulls one javalin out of his leg "HAH! That It?" **
(278) DM: L2 continue to visit the huts, yelling "Intruders!"
(278) DM: Andraste's turn
(281) Lady Andraste: "Wait," she says, "Before you all slaughter lizardfolk by the half dozen, one last chance to speak!"
** (282) Carden looks to Andraste and motions with a hand to try **
(278) DM: Initiative [1d20+15] => [12,15] = (27)
(281) Lady Andraste: (A moment to check a spell please))
(278) DM: (Jeopary music...lol)
(281) Lady Andraste: (Is Cairne with us?)
(281) Lady Andraste: (I recall he could cast Clerical spells)
(278) DM: (nope)
(281) Lady Andraste: "Segrid, could you just ask for the child's life?"
(281) Lady Andraste: ((My turn ends)
(278) DM: The other 3 lizardmen toss javelins at Jarrak...
(278) DM: javelin [1d20+1] => [14,1] = (15) ranged, Damage [1d6+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(278) DM: javelin [1d20+1] => [8,1] = (9) ranged, Damage [1d6+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(278) DM: javelin [1d20+1] => [9,1] = (10) ranged, Damage [1d6+1] => [2,1] = (3)
(278) DM: but miss
(278) DM: Start of round 4
(278) DM: A strange, but somehow familar glow appears floating above the ground, right next to Andraste!
(278) DM: shock [1d20+18] => [1,18] = (19) melee touch, damage [2d8+2] => [7,7,2] = (16) elec
(278) DM: You hear an almost disembodies voice say in common, "The boy is mine! He is such a great source of fear for me to feed upon!"
(281) Lady Andraste: (seems to have missed me)
(278) DM: Segrid's turn
(281) Lady Andraste: (somehow )
** (277) Segrid moves
forward, drawing his longsword as he does, trying to speak calmly to
the lizardfolk in Draconic. "Please, we only want our child back.
There is no need for anyone to die here today. Give us the child and we
will leave yo in peace." [1d20] => [20] = (20) (YAY for 1s!!Spirit of Sss) **
(281) Lady Andraste: (perfect time for a 20)
(277) Segrid: (and 20s)
(278) DM: The lizardmen seem to regard the Spirit of Stisshak with awe and reverence.
(278) DM: Carden's turn
** (282) Carden calls for Erastil's favor again as he readies his bow to the fire at the evil one near Andraste **
(282) Carden: (done)
(278) DM: Jarrak's turn
(277) Segrid: ((Smite that glowing ball of pain, honey. I'll hold these guys off.))
(269) Jarrak: (( Charging Lizardfolk 1 and attacking ))
(278) DM: (#s are 3 to 8 now)
(277) Segrid: ((maybe 3,4 , or 5)
(277) Segrid: (1 is floating in the river)
(281) Lady Andraste: ((Ah despite our attempts at diplomacy x.x)
(269) Jarrak: Attack: +1 Great Axe Charging Power Attack : Attack[1d20+4+3+1+2] => [11,4,3,1,2] = (21)
(269) Jarrak: Damage: Damage [1d12+4+1+6] => [5,4,1,6] = (16)
(281) Lady Andraste: (Sigh)
(277) Segrid: ((which one Jarrak?))
(278) DM: (yeah, move your mini)
(281) Lady Andraste: "By Erastil Jarrak. Reign in your battlelust!"
(269) Jarrak: (( Lizard folk , but open is being weird atthe moment so hold on a sec ))
(277) Segrid: ((#3 looks like))
(278) DM: #3 looks dead!
(278) DM: L4 and 5 attack Jarrak...
(278) DM: morningstar [1d20+2] => [4,2] = (6) melee, Damage [1d8+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(278) DM: bite [1d20+0] => [7,0] = (7) melee, Damage [1d4+0] => [1,0] = (1)
(278) DM: morningstar [1d20+2] => [7,2] = (9) melee, Damage [1d8+1] => [8,1] = (9)
(278) DM: bite [1d20+0] => [2,0] = (2) melee, Damage [1d4+0] => [4,0] = (4)
(277) Segrid: "I don't think they'll listen as long as they're under the influence of that wil'o'wisp."
(278) DM: (man, I'm rolling crap again tonight!)
(278) DM: Andraste's turn
(269) Jarrak: (( Going to Disconnect and then Reconnect right quick ))
(269) Jarrak (exit): 19:39
(281) Lady Andraste: "Stall them off, I shall see what I can do about this beast' she says.
** (281) Lady Andraste takes
a step back, calling up the divine wrath of the heavens upon the spirit
as she fires a pair of shots into its form [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11) [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13) **
(277) Segrid: (Smite!Smite!Smite!)
(278) DM: both arrows miss
(292) Jarrak (enter): 19:41
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (292) Jarrak...
(278) DM: L6, 7, and 8 move towards the gate area...
(292) Jarrak: (( ah good I can see all the lizard folk now ))
(278) DM: L7 takes a swing at Segrid
(278) DM: morningstar [1d20+2] => [3,2] = (5) melee, Damage [1d8+1] => [2,1] = (3)
(281) Lady Andraste: (brb)
(278) DM: Start of round 5
(278) DM: The Spirit laughs...
(278) DM: shock [1d20+18] => [11,18] = (29) melee touch, damage [2d8+2] => [3,5,2] = (10) elec
(278) DM: and shocks Andraste
(278) DM: Segrid's turn
(277) Segrid: "Damn it! I'm going to see if I can get the boy!" Segrid moves, telling Tiberius" Sic" and pointing tat the will
(278) DM: Initiative [1d20+2] => [20,2] = (22)
(277) Segrid: Tiberius Bite [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
(281) Lady Andraste: (takes 5 damage)
(278) DM: The glowing green apparation, in the shape of a lizard skull, easily dodges the bite
(278) DM: Carden's turn
** (282) Carden moves a few feet and fires at the evilness ([1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21) [1d8+5] => [5,5] = (10)) **
(278) DM: miss (AC is 28)
(278) DM: 3 more lizardfolk, these adorned with blue woad and red ocher warpaint, pour out of the hut in the back...
(281) Lady Andraste: (Welp I highly doubt any of us are ever hitting it)
(278) DM: Jarrak's turn
(292) Jarrak: (( Arent you a Paladin? ))
(277) Segrid: ((That's why I want you smiting.))
(281) Lady Andraste: ((She is Smiting, but even then her total bonus is only +10)
(277) Segrid: ((That and you're resistant and can heal yourself.))
(292) Jarrak: (( power attack Liz4))
(281) Lady Andraste: (Could you move back Tiberius?)
(292) Jarrak: Attack: +1 Great Axe Power Attack : Attack[1d20+4+3+1] => [4,4,3,1] = (12)
(292) Jarrak: Damage: Damage [1d12+4+1+6] => [1,4,1,6] = (12)
(277) Segrid: ((next round, sure)
(278) DM: miss (AC is 17)
(277) Segrid: ((maybe :P))
(292) Jarrak: (( cant Paladins Channel Energy at lvl4 ?))
(281) Lady Andraste: (And what? Deal like 2d6 damage for about twice?)
(292) Jarrak: (( 5ftstep and end turn ))
(278) DM: L4 and 5 attack Jarrak...
(277) Segrid: ((won't do anything to a will-o-wisp anyway))
(278) DM: morningstar [1d20+2] => [8,2] = (10) melee, Damage [1d8+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(278) DM: bite [1d20+0] => [5,0] = (5) melee, Damage [1d4+0] => [3,0] = (3)
(278) DM: morningstar [1d20+2] => [17,2] = (19) melee, Damage [1d8+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(278) DM: bite [1d20+0] => [11,0] = (11) melee, Damage [1d4+0] => [1,0] = (1)
(277) Segrid: ((not undead))
(278) DM: looks like one hit for 7
(278) DM: Andraste's turn
** (281) Lady Andraste jumps backwards, waiting for Tiberius to move out of her shot before she fire another pair (Held action) **
(278) DM: L7 and 8 attack Carden
(278) DM: morningstar [1d20+2] => [4,2] = (6) melee, Damage [1d8+1] => [3,1] = (4)
(278) DM: morningstar [1d20+2] => [12,2] = (14) melee, Damage [1d8+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(278) DM: but miss
(281) Lady Andraste: [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30) [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29) [1d8+6] => [7,6] = (13) [1d8+6] => [4,6] = (10) Should Tiberius move out of the way. -4 if not (Gonna go brb again)
(281) Lady Andraste: [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29) Threat
(281) Lady Andraste: booyah
(278) DM: Start of round 6
(281) Lady Andraste: (Thats 13 x3=39 damage >:3)
(281) Lady Andraste: (brbing now)
(278) DM: The Spirit tries to shock Tiberius...
(278) DM: shock [1d20+18] => [14,18] = (32) melee touch, damage [2d8+2] => [8,4,2] = (14) elec
(278) DM: Segrid's turn
(277) Segrid: ((Tiberius falls unconscious, Andraste takes her shots rolled above then??) Segrid runs over to Tig. Is he tied up?
(277) Segrid: ((second one would have hit too above))
(278) DM: Yes, Tig is sitting on the ground with his back to a pole, his hands tied behind his back and to the pole
(278) DM: Andraste's arrows severly hurt the will-o'-wisp, and with an errie groan it moves out over the river, away from the island
(281) Lady Andraste: "Someone tell them to surrender, Segrid?"
(277) Segrid: ((woot!))
(281) Lady Andraste: "Their worshipped spirit has retreated like the cur it is."
(281) Lady Andraste: (Thats one tough Will o Wisp)
(277) Segrid: ((is it still visible or did it blink out?))
(278) DM: It faded out as it fled the fort
(292) Jarrak: (( sorry guys but I have to end here for the Night ))
(281) Lady Andraste: (Not the last we've seen of it)
(281) Lady Andraste: (aww, later Jarrak :3)
(292) Jarrak: (( If Someone want to Npc me i will send them the Node ))
(278) DM: Segrid, are you going to take an action?
(277) Segrid: ((I moved as my action))
(278) DM: Carden's turn
(277) Segrid: ((took me whole round to get here)
(281) Lady Andraste: (Could you tell them to give up as well?)
(281) Lady Andraste: (I am sure "Surrender! Your god has fled!" is a free action :3)
** (282) Carden is surprised he is rushed and summons divine energy to cast daze on one of the lizards (#7) (daze vs will 14) **
(277) Segrid: ((If DM lets me, I'll do Jarrak's turns))
(278) DM: Will [1d20+0] => [17,0] = (17)
(278) DM: (ok)
(277) Segrid: ((send me node, J)
(278) DM: The three lizardben braves run around the back of the hut...
(278) DM: but hesitate to attack...
(292) Jarrak: ( alright, If he gets To half Rage and power attack,until then Just Power attack all the time ))
(278) DM: Jarrak's turn
(281) Lady Andraste: (Really? Expect to be reprimanted)
(292) Jarrak: (( attack Liz 4 ))
(292) Jarrak: Attack: +1 Great Axe Power Attack : Attack[1d20+4+3+1] => [18,4,3,1] = (26)
(292) Jarrak: Damage: Damage [1d12+4+1+6] => [5,4,1,6] = (16)
(292) Jarrak: (( and I will see yall later ))
(278) DM: L4 dead
(281) Lady Andraste: (Sure thing)
(292) Jarrak (exit): 20:03
(278) DM: L5 attacks Jarrak
(278) DM: morningstar [1d20+2] => [19,2] = (21) melee, Damage [1d8+1] => [5,1] = (6)
(278) DM: bite [1d20+0] => [3,0] = (3) melee, Damage [1d4+0] => [2,0] = (2)
(278) DM: L2 stands over Tig, morning star raised, poised to strike, when ...
(278) DM: (in Draconic) "Stop! Everyone Stop!"
(277) Segrid: "He says stop!"
(278) DM: A large lizardman comes out of the center hut, leading two black and red colored blood caimans on leashes
(278) DM: Andraste's turn
(281) Lady Andraste: "Cease fighting," she yells out at everyone, waving her hand energetically, sheathing her bow.
(281) Lady Andraste: (Thats my turn)
(278) DM: The other lizardmen cease hostilities...
** (277) Segrid cuts the boy free, wrapping him in his arms. "You're ok now, you'll be ok. Your mom and dad sent us." **
(278) DM: "Who are you, and why have you attacked us?"
(278) DM: (in Draconic)
(281) Lady Andraste: "Segrid, good work, love"
(277) Segrid: "I am Ser Segrid of Boudica. Your people attacked us when we discovered that you had this boy captured here."
(277) Segrid: "We only asked for the boys safe return and they threw javelins at us."
(278) DM: "The Spirit of Shissak commanded us to torment the boy (instead of eating him)."
(277) Segrid: "We only want the boy, and peace with your people."
(278) DM: "We had to obey the spirit of our ancestor."
(277) Segrid: "That spirit was a vile creature, and the might of Erastil has sent it running."
(278) DM: "Erastil, what is that?"
(277) Segrid: "How could it be your ancestor, if it would not allow you to eat the boy?"
(277) Segrid: "Erastil is the God of the Hunt and Hearth, worshipped by my people."
(278) DM: "Uh, well, his pitiful cries were starting to get to us I have to say."
(277) Segrid: "The creature was a will-o-wisp, and deceived you."
(278) DM: "A will-o'-wisp? You mean it wasn't an ancestral spirit?"
(277) Segrid: "Please allow us to take the boy. We wound rather kill no more of your people this day."
(278) DM: "Lizardmen have been killed this day."
(277) Segrid: "No, it was a will-o-wisp.. they seem to be attracted to the area."
(278) DM: "I
will grant your wish on one condition: This fair female of yours
(motions towards Andraste) must stay with us for a week and teach us
about Erastil!"
(277) Segrid: "She speaks no Draconic. I will have to stay and translate for her."
(278) DM: "Also, I will give you the "offerings" that I thought I had made to the ancestral spirit."
(277) Segrid: "And you must swear to not eat either of us." he smiles.
(278) DM: "Very well. The rest of your party may rest here tonight but must leave in the morning."
** (282) Carden listens intently to the discussion even though he doesnt understand it **
(281) Lady Andraste: (hmm I do hope we level up soon)
(281) Lady Andraste: (Then I can learn draconic)
** (277) Segrid translates the Kings offer to the group. **
(278) DM: You may take your payment from the Spirit Hut.
** (282) Carden nods to Segrid "Very well, while you are here we'll take the boy back home" **
(281) Lady Andraste: "I agree to this. Whatever it takes to stop further bloodshed."
(277) Segrid: "I'll leave him in your charge, then, Ser. Please give his parents our best wishes."
** (282) Carden nods **
(278) DM: Notes: These offerings lie in a small pile in the middle of the floor
and include: a +1 cold iron longspear, a tree
feather token, a ring of swimming, animal skins worth a
total of 600 gp, 3 citrines (worth 50 gp each), and 119 gp
in assorted coins.
and include: a +1 cold iron longspear, a tree
feather token, a ring of swimming, animal skins worth a
total of 600 gp, 3 citrines (worth 50 gp each), and 119 gp
in assorted coins.
(277) Segrid: "Take a look to see what offerings the will-o-wisp left behind."
(278) DM: We'll stop here for tonight.
(278) DM: (Well, that didn't go exactly as I was expecting...)
(277) Segrid: Lol, no?
(277) Segrid: Looks like we could've got our heads handed to us there
(281) Lady Andraste: Hehe
(277) Segrid: especially without that crit
(281) Lady Andraste: Erastil blessed us :3
(278) DM: Vesket shows you around their humble mounds.
(281) Lady Andraste: Erastil=RNG
(278) DM: There is a tunnel that leads from the center hut to the one without an outer flap.
(277) Segrid: I was already to cut tig loose and bust out the back side of the pallisades
(278) DM: That is the mound where his harem of 3 female lizardfolk live.
(281) Lady Andraste: (I bet Segrid is going all gaga over them)
(278) DM: "Don't wander into that southern hut...that's where we keep our two "pet" Narlmarch muggers."
(277) Segrid: "Narlmarch muggers?"
(278) DM: (basically monitor lizards)
(277) Segrid: ((Nah, Lizardfolk don't have bewbs))
(277) Segrid: (( :P ))
(281) Lady Andraste: (Hmm~))
(281) Lady Andraste: (Welp, I do hope you all stick around during the week of Andraste's stay. In case they decide to eat her or something)
(281) Lady Andraste: (like wander around :P)
(278) DM: Do you guys think it would help attendance if we switched to only playing every other week instead of weekly?
(277) Segrid: ((The
others are taking Tig back home while you and I stay. I told them you
needed me to translate. A whole week with no other humans around....)
(281) Lady Andraste: ((Andraste is an aasimar :P)
(281) Lady Andraste: ((And I dont think so x3 it will make it a bit more spotty because people will forget)
(277) Segrid: I kind of doubt it. I'm surprised Cairne wasn't here tonight
(282) Carden: I dont think so; games during the summer time usually have a lower turn out in my experience
(277) Segrid: Biweekly games give people an excuse to forget,or "I thought it was next week.
(278) DM: well, I'd still send out my reminder emails
(277) Segrid: Jen should be back with us next week
(277) Segrid: True
(282) Carden: alright; I shall see you all next week
(277) Segrid: I know I'd rather keep them weekly
(282) Carden: Disconnecting from server...
(282) Carden (exit): 20:30
(277) Segrid: but I also know it can be frustrating to dm an inconsistant group
(278) DM: I also need to determine how I want to approach running Chapter 3
(278) DM: I
spend a lot of time having to enter everything into node rollers, and
I'd rather spend more time actually reading over and thinking about the
(278) DM: so I may switch to just rolling dice on my end for my rolls
(281) Lady Andraste: Thats no problem I believe
(277) Segrid: we should do some kingdom mbuilding to help you catch up :)
(281) Lady Andraste: to me at least
(278) DM: then I just have to prepare maps and minis
(281) Lady Andraste: Indeed :3
** (281) Lady Andraste totally takes over Cairne's job when he isn't around (Out on official matter sin Brevoy *snicker) **
(278) DM: any idea where you plan to explore next?
(281) Lady Andraste: None from me
(281) Lady Andraste: I need to head to class. Pleasure gaming with you all
(281) Lady Andraste: I'd suggest we turn west then head back to stagfell
(278) DM: ok
(278) DM: I'll see you next time then.
(281) Lady Andraste: Disconnecting from server...
(281) Lady Andraste (exit): 20:34
(277) Segrid: I'll try to keep them in the northern reaches so we don't get our asses kicked
(277) Segrid: :)
(277) Segrid: but our dwarven friend will want to head west to look for that wee beasty we were told about
(277) Segrid: goodnight, Andy
(277) Segrid (exit): 20:37
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