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Find A Game You can also check out out recruiting games on our boards. If you're new, you can lurk games, but be sure to whisper with the GM to make sure it's ok. Our official server is Mayhem Gaming (NEW--Traipse) and our backup is Mayhem Gaming (1.8). Should the server go down move your games to our alternate server. A 1.8 Server is being maintained due to Traipse servers not being compatible with those running 1.8. This will be done until we can get everyone moved over. Please upgrade to Traipse. |
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[Tue May 08 17:51:10 2012] : Moving to room 'Kingmaker AP'..
[Tue May 08 17:51:10 2012] : (102) DM (enter): 17:51
[Tue May 08 17:51:11 2012] : (0) Server Administrator->
| ||
Welcome! We are a community of over 500 gamers who meet to play and learn new RPG's and we welcome new players. Please visit and join our forums. Once you join check out The Portal and post there. Our lobby is G Rated and if you need any help contact an Administrator. Mayhem Gaming is not responsible for Minors on this public server. There may be adult themed games or adult oriented content. |
Find A Game You can also check out out recruiting games on our boards. If you're new, you can lurk games, but be sure to whisper with the GM to make sure it's ok. Our official server is Mayhem Gaming (NEW--Traipse) and our backup is Mayhem Gaming (1.8). Should the server go down move your games to our alternate server. A 1.8 Server is being maintained due to Traipse servers not being compatible with those running 1.8. This will be done until we can get everyone moved over. Please upgrade to Traipse. |
Gaming Tools Miniatures D&D 3.5 D&D 2e D&D 4e Pathfinder NWoD Dark Heresy Rifts |
Serving the OpenRPG Community For 7 Years Join Our Forums Today! |
[Tue May 08 17:51:16 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of GM to (102) DM...
[Tue May 08 17:54:31 2012] : (99) Napalmmoose (enter): 17:54
[Tue May 08 17:55:24 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: Sup man
[Tue May 08 18:00:04 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (99) Jeremiah...
[Tue May 08 18:00:06 2012] : (102) DM: Hi
[Tue May 08 18:08:14 2012] : (104) Roderick (enter): 18:08
[Tue May 08 18:08:20 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (104) Roderick...
[Tue May 08 18:11:42 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: Sup
[Tue May 08 18:15:27 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste (enter): 18:15
[Tue May 08 18:15:36 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: hey sorry
[Tue May 08 18:15:42 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: Sup
[Tue May 08 18:15:47 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: Will be gone for a few minutes
[Tue May 08 18:15:51 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (106) Lady Andraste...
[Tue May 08 18:19:18 2012] : (98) Mimwar (enter): 18:19
[Tue May 08 18:19:23 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (98) Mimwar...
[Tue May 08 18:19:28 2012] : (98) Mimwar: Hello everyone!
[Tue May 08 18:19:40 2012] : (102) DM: Hey
[Tue May 08 18:19:54 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: Sup
[Tue May 08 18:20:09 2012] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Tue May 08 18:20:09 2012] : (98) Mimwar: (whispering): I'm
sorry my dad hasn't sent you my character sheet yet. I'm not sure why
he hasn't? As soon as he gets home I'll make sure he does, though.
Hopefully he'll be home soon...
[Tue May 08 18:20:28 2012] : (102) DM: (whispering): np
[Tue May 08 18:31:28 2012] : (98) Mimwar: Ah, Reck should be here soon
[Tue May 08 18:31:33 2012] : (98) Mimwar: He just got home
[Tue May 08 18:35:31 2012] : (104) Roderick: So...
[Tue May 08 18:35:42 2012] : (109) Galadlaure Suvoni (enter): 18:35
[Tue May 08 18:35:53 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (109) Segrid...
[Tue May 08 18:36:08 2012] : (102) DM: Carden said that he might not be home in time to join us tonight.
[Tue May 08 18:37:20 2012] : (102) DM: The evening of 19 Rova spent camping in hex 8-5 passes uneventfully and it is now dawn 20 Rova.
[Tue May 08 18:38:29 2012] : (109) Segrid: I believe the plan was to follow the lake down and around (so hex 9-5 would be next)
[Tue May 08 18:38:48 2012] : (109) Segrid: then 8-4
[Tue May 08 18:39:01 2012] : (109) Segrid: then 7-4
[Tue May 08 18:39:13 2012] : (109) Segrid: then home
[Tue May 08 18:39:57 2012] : (102) DM: As you begin exploring hex 9-5, you find that it is mostly a hills hex.
[Tue May 08 18:40:37 2012] : (109) Segrid: Perception [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[Tue May 08 18:40:44 2012] : (102) DM: The
northern edge of this hex, however, is comprised of the southwestern
tip of the Tuskwater lake (so to cross to hex 8-4 would require a boat).
[Tue May 08 18:41:42 2012] : (109) Segrid: so to continue around the lake requires we explore 9-4?
[Tue May 08 18:42:04 2012] : (109) Segrid: (ok)
[Tue May 08 18:42:52 2012] : (102) DM: There is a narrow channel connecting the Tuskwater to Candlemere lake in hex 9-4.
[Tue May 08 18:43:12 2012] : (109) Segrid: Is the channel fordable?
[Tue May 08 18:43:55 2012] : (102) DM: No, a boat or ferry or swim would be needed to cross the channel.
[Tue May 08 18:44:15 2012] : (104) Roderick: what about a horse?
[Tue May 08 18:44:23 2012] : (104) Roderick: I have a horse, its a rather good horse
[Tue May 08 18:44:45 2012] : (102) DM: (you are approaching the center of this map from the upper right corner)
[Tue May 08 18:45:35 2012] : (109) Segrid: Perception [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[Tue May 08 18:45:55 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Look, a convientantly round raft for us to use!))
[Tue May 08 18:46:02 2012] : (102) DM: As you expore towards the center of the hex, you notice a pool of bubbling mud up ahead
[Tue May 08 18:46:17 2012] : (102) DM: everyone, please place your mini on the map
[Tue May 08 18:46:38 2012] : (113) Baron Cairne (enter): 18:46
[Tue May 08 18:46:43 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (113) Baron Cairne...
[Tue May 08 18:46:52 2012] : (109) Segrid: Our fearless leader!
[Tue May 08 18:47:12 2012] : (113) Baron Cairne: will be absent for the next month or so the way things are going.
[Tue May 08 18:47:31 2012] : (98) Mimwar: Knowledge: Nature [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17) for the bubbly mud!
[Tue May 08 18:47:41 2012] : (113) Baron Cairne: I have to leave in 30 minutes
[Tue May 08 18:47:43 2012] : (109) Segrid: (( >:(
[Tue May 08 18:48:03 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((Sorry to hear that, boss))
[Tue May 08 18:48:22 2012] : (102) DM: You feel a slight shift in the breeze, and you are overcome with the foul-smelling vapors arising from the mud.
[Tue May 08 18:48:24 2012] : (113) Baron Cairne: First Job I've had in 6 months.
[Tue May 08 18:48:43 2012] : (102) DM: Everyone make fort saves, please (DC 15) or be nausiated for [2d6] => [4,6] = (10) rounds...
[Tue May 08 18:48:47 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((Well, that part's good, then.))
[Tue May 08 18:49:09 2012] : (109) Segrid: Fort [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21)
[Tue May 08 18:49:22 2012] : (98) Mimwar: [1d20+1] => [3,1] = (4)
[Tue May 08 18:49:26 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((yay :D))
[Tue May 08 18:49:35 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: Fortitude (CON): [1d20+4+1] => [10,4,1] = (15)
[Tue May 08 18:49:40 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Zelata?"
[Tue May 08 18:50:01 2012] : ** (109) Segrid smiles. **
[Tue May 08 18:50:26 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Also,
anyone happen to have the image from last game that we used for me?
Just throw me in the back, diagnol from Andra and Jerem))
[Tue May 08 18:50:37 2012] : (102) DM: Andraste Fort: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25)
[Tue May 08 18:51:33 2012] : ** (98) Mimwar peers
forward to get a better look at the strange mud ahead and mistakenly
breaths in too much of the stench for his stomach to handle. **
[Tue May 08 18:51:42 2012] : (102) DM: Fort save, Roderick?
[Tue May 08 18:52:20 2012] : (102) DM: Segrid, have Tiberius make a save too
[Tue May 08 18:53:03 2012] : (102) DM: Roderick Fort: [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[Tue May 08 18:53:58 2012] : (109) Segrid: Right Tiberius Fort [1d20+4] => [6,4] = (10)
[Tue May 08 18:54:47 2012] : (109) Segrid: Tiberius starts hacking like he's got a hairball
[Tue May 08 18:54:48 2012] : (102) DM: So Tiberius and Mimwar are nauseated for 10 rounds (can only take move actions)
[Tue May 08 18:54:57 2012] : (102) DM: Roderick, are you still on your horse?
[Tue May 08 18:55:48 2012] : (104) Roderick: yes
[Tue May 08 18:55:54 2012] : (102) DM: have him make a save too
[Tue May 08 18:56:33 2012] : (104) Roderick: [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[Tue May 08 18:57:03 2012] : (102) DM: your horse is also nausiated for 10 rounds
[Tue May 08 18:57:29 2012] : (109) Segrid: (well at least it can move you)
[Tue May 08 18:57:36 2012] : (102) DM: Do you move closer to the pool of mud?
[Tue May 08 18:57:58 2012] : ** (109) Segrid moves up, clearing his sword from his sheath **
[Tue May 08 18:58:14 2012] : (104) Roderick: I take out my lance and have my horse slowly approach it
[Tue May 08 18:58:36 2012] : (102) DM: As you get closer, you see large mounds of fungus and strange mushrooms along the banks of the pond.
[Tue May 08 18:58:44 2012] : ** (99) Jeremiah moves closer to the mud pit **
[Tue May 08 18:59:13 2012] : (102) DM: They seem to thrive in this location with the noxious fumes, and several of the fungi are more than 10' tall.
[Tue May 08 18:59:16 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Hey wasn't there some kind of reward involving some kind of fungus milk or something?
[Tue May 08 19:00:26 2012] : (102) DM: As you get within about 40', you notice one of the tallest mounds of fungus begins to move!
[Tue May 08 19:00:33 2012] : (102) DM: Roll initiative, please
[Tue May 08 19:00:42 2012] : (109) Segrid: Is this stuff natural? Kn Nature [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14)
[Tue May 08 19:01:01 2012] : (104) Roderick: [1d20] => [19] = (19)
[Tue May 08 19:01:03 2012] : (109) Segrid: Init [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9)
[Tue May 08 19:01:27 2012] : (102) DM: It looks like a huge towering carniverous plant!
[Tue May 08 19:01:34 2012] : (102) DM: Initiative [1d20+3] => [9,3] = (12)
[Tue May 08 19:01:56 2012] : (98) Mimwar: [1d20+1
[Tue May 08 19:01:58 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: Initiative: [1d20+2] => [16,2] = (18)
[Tue May 08 19:02:00 2012] : (98) Mimwar: [1d20+1] => [7,1] = (8)
[Tue May 08 19:02:07 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: [1d20+3] => [6,3] = (9)
[Tue May 08 19:02:08 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Hit enter instead of ], hah))
[Tue May 08 19:02:13 2012] : (113) Baron Cairne: (my advice is to kill that thing)
[Tue May 08 19:02:40 2012] : (102) DM: Start of round 1
[Tue May 08 19:02:45 2012] : (102) DM: Roderick's turn
[Tue May 08 19:03:08 2012] : (102) DM: The huge plant before you stands nearly 25' tall.
[Tue May 08 19:03:11 2012] : (104) Roderick: Im going to make a charge at the beast, and couple it with my ride by attack skill
[Tue May 08 19:03:34 2012] : (104) Roderick: Attack: Attack[1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24)
[Tue May 08 19:03:40 2012] : (104) Roderick: hit?
[Tue May 08 19:03:49 2012] : (104) Roderick: Damage: Damage[2d8+6] => [1,6,6] = (13)
[Tue May 08 19:03:52 2012] : (102) DM: yes (it's AC is 18)
[Tue May 08 19:04:03 2012] : (104) Roderick: alright im done
[Tue May 08 19:04:12 2012] : (102) DM: (that was with your lance, right?)
[Tue May 08 19:04:13 2012] : (104) Roderick: im about 60 ft away now
[Tue May 08 19:04:16 2012] : (104) Roderick: yes
[Tue May 08 19:04:22 2012] : (104) Roderick: i calculated the double
[Tue May 08 19:04:34 2012] : (104) Roderick: i factored it in
[Tue May 08 19:04:34 2012] : (102) DM: Jeremiah's turn
[Tue May 08 19:05:55 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( Going to Enhance my Sword then Move closer and attack ))
[Tue May 08 19:06:12 2012] : (102) DM: how close?
[Tue May 08 19:06:59 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: Right Next to it ))
[Tue May 08 19:07:03 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: Attack: Arcane Longsword: Attack[1d20+5+1] => [8,5,1] = (14)
[Tue May 08 19:07:05 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: Damage: Damage[1d8+2+1] => [4,2,1] = (7)
[Tue May 08 19:07:39 2012] : (102) DM: As you close and swing your sword, the toothy maw of the plant reaches out and bites at you (it has 15' reach)
[Tue May 08 19:07:46 2012] : (102) DM: bite [1d20+11] => [20,11] = (31) melee, damage [2d6+7] => [6,4,7] = (17) plus grab
[Tue May 08 19:07:56 2012] : (102) DM: bite [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13) melee, damage [2d6+7] => [5,6,7] = (18) plus grab
[Tue May 08 19:07:56 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: o snap
[Tue May 08 19:08:05 2012] : (102) DM: didn't crit
[Tue May 08 19:08:08 2012] : (115) 2Lt.Alvaro (enter): 19:08
[Tue May 08 19:08:10 2012] : (102) DM: but it tries to grab you...
[Tue May 08 19:08:13 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (115) 2Lt.Alvaro...
[Tue May 08 19:08:18 2012] : (102) DM: CMB (start grapple) [1d20+19] => [7,19] = (26)
[Tue May 08 19:08:36 2012] : (102) DM: which it does
[Tue May 08 19:08:49 2012] : (102) DM: so you are now grappled in its mouth!
[Tue May 08 19:09:03 2012] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Tue May 08 19:09:04 2012] : (115) Carden: (whispering): want me to jump in?
[Tue May 08 19:09:09 2012] : (102) DM: (whispering): sure
[Tue May 08 19:09:21 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( and How much Damage total?))
[Tue May 08 19:09:25 2012] : (102) DM: (whispering): ride up and make a fort save due to the fumes coming from the mud pool at the center of the map.
[Tue May 08 19:09:32 2012] : (115) Carden: (whispering): whats happened and where we at?
[Tue May 08 19:09:38 2012] : (115) Carden: (whispering): k
[Tue May 08 19:09:38 2012] : (102) DM: just 17 so far
[Tue May 08 19:09:42 2012] : (102) DM: that was it's AoO
[Tue May 08 19:09:59 2012] : (102) DM: Now on it's turn it tries to maintain the grapple
[Tue May 08 19:10:03 2012] : (102) DM: CMB (maintain grapple) [1d20+24] => [1,24] = (25)
[Tue May 08 19:10:23 2012] : (102) DM: which it does, doing another [2d6+7] => [4,4,7] = (15) bite damage
[Tue May 08 19:10:30 2012] : (102) DM: and it swallows you whole!
[Tue May 08 19:10:44 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( at -7 HP ))
[Tue May 08 19:10:51 2012] : (109) Segrid: Hey isn't a 1 an autofailure?
[Tue May 08 19:10:51 2012] : (102) DM: Which does [2d6] => [6,2] = (8) acid damage
[Tue May 08 19:10:57 2012] : (109) Segrid: On grapple checks
[Tue May 08 19:11:01 2012] : (104) Roderick: Yeah, he failed hard
[Tue May 08 19:11:03 2012] : (102) DM: oh, yes, your right
[Tue May 08 19:11:17 2012] : (109) Segrid: (whew!)
[Tue May 08 19:11:24 2012] : ** (115) Carden trots along and sniffs the air. He notices the group in a battle (fortitude [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)) **
[Tue May 08 19:11:43 2012] : (102) DM: (you are nausiated for [2d6] => [3,4] = (7) rounds)
[Tue May 08 19:12:08 2012] : (102) DM: Apparently Jeremiah's horns caused him to stick in the plant's throat, so he falls out!
[Tue May 08 19:12:09 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((carden promptly joins the vomitting squad))
[Tue May 08 19:12:22 2012] : (115) Carden: (hehe)
[Tue May 08 19:12:26 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (The best squad in the world they say)
[Tue May 08 19:12:26 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: ((So no damage either?))
[Tue May 08 19:12:33 2012] : (102) DM: no
[Tue May 08 19:12:37 2012] : (102) DM: Segrid's turn
[Tue May 08 19:12:47 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9) Fort Save
[Tue May 08 19:12:50 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (oh darn D:)
[Tue May 08 19:12:57 2012] : (102) DM: (I rolled for you earler and you passed)
[Tue May 08 19:13:08 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (oh cool :3)
[Tue May 08 19:13:11 2012] : ** (109) Segrid moves around to flank and attacks **
[Tue May 08 19:13:17 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (all the bad rolls out of the way now I hope)
[Tue May 08 19:13:33 2012] : (109) Segrid: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16) for [1d8+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[Tue May 08 19:13:40 2012] : (102) DM: miss
[Tue May 08 19:13:41 2012] : (109) Segrid: (nope)
[Tue May 08 19:13:43 2012] : (102) DM: Andraste's turn
[Tue May 08 19:14:22 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Well, at the very least, on my turn I can knowledge the thing...))
[Tue May 08 19:14:50 2012] : ** (106) Lady Andraste draws out her lance as she urges her horse to gallop forward, past Tiberius as she draws out her lance, and casts detect evil. **
[Tue May 08 19:15:03 2012] : (102) DM: (no evil detected)
[Tue May 08 19:15:51 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: "Love, stay where you are, I wish to try something I was wanting to try," she says, end turn
[Tue May 08 19:15:54 2012] : (104) Roderick: (What would that do?)
[Tue May 08 19:16:08 2012] : (104) Roderick: (Detecting evil?)
[Tue May 08 19:16:17 2012] : (102) DM: (so she could smite it if it were evil)
[Tue May 08 19:16:38 2012] : (102) DM: Minwar's turn
[Tue May 08 19:17:07 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (Charge Minwar!)
[Tue May 08 19:17:14 2012] : (102) DM: (he's nausiated)
[Tue May 08 19:17:22 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Minwar is too busy puking)
[Tue May 08 19:17:26 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (Charge whilst vomitting profusely)
[Tue May 08 19:17:51 2012] : (102) DM: (whispering): roll initiative forthe next round
[Tue May 08 19:18:01 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (Well nauseated means only one move action per round)
[Tue May 08 19:18:05 2012] : (113) Baron Cairne (exit): 19:18
[Tue May 08 19:18:25 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Knowledge check? Nature, right?))
[Tue May 08 19:18:27 2012] : (102) DM: yes
[Tue May 08 19:18:33 2012] : (98) Mimwar: [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[Tue May 08 19:18:39 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((argh! D: ))
[Tue May 08 19:19:01 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: ((Boo))
[Tue May 08 19:19:08 2012] : (102) DM: You think it's just a big, tough, carniverous plant
[Tue May 08 19:19:11 2012] : (102) DM: End of round 1
[Tue May 08 19:19:16 2012] : (102) DM: Carden, roll initiative, please
[Tue May 08 19:19:17 2012] : (115) Carden: (init [1d20+4] => [19,4] = (23))
[Tue May 08 19:19:26 2012] : (102) DM: Start of round 2
[Tue May 08 19:19:30 2012] : (102) DM: Carden, you're up
[Tue May 08 19:19:43 2012] : (104) Roderick: Is he?
[Tue May 08 19:19:50 2012] : (104) Roderick: oh yes, sorry
[Tue May 08 19:21:34 2012] : ** (115) Carden pukes, he wipese his mouth as he looks for any natural herb or plant to help with nausea (surival [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9); knowledge nature [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19), perception [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)) **
[Tue May 08 19:21:47 2012] : (115) Carden: (done)
[Tue May 08 19:21:56 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (Wow :c)
[Tue May 08 19:22:20 2012] : (104) Roderick: (My turn?)
[Tue May 08 19:22:43 2012] : (102) DM: Carden, you find some mint leaves to chew on.
[Tue May 08 19:22:49 2012] : (102) DM: Roderick's turn
[Tue May 08 19:23:12 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Unfortunately eating the mint leaves is a standard action :P)
[Tue May 08 19:23:17 2012] : (109) Segrid: :P
[Tue May 08 19:23:32 2012] : (102) DM: (Carden will be nausiated for 4 more rounds)
[Tue May 08 19:23:32 2012] : (109) Segrid: (lol, just kidding)
[Tue May 08 19:23:34 2012] : (104) Roderick: Roderick yells to the creature "YOU SHALL NOT BEFELL ME, BEAST!" and challenges it.
[Tue May 08 19:24:17 2012] : (104) Roderick: Attack: Attack[1d20+11] => [8,11] = (19)
[Tue May 08 19:24:19 2012] : (104) Roderick: Damage: Damage[2d8+6] => [1,6,6] = (13)
[Tue May 08 19:24:21 2012] : (102) DM: hit
[Tue May 08 19:24:23 2012] : (104) Roderick: 17 dmg
[Tue May 08 19:24:38 2012] : (104) Roderick: move my minature away
[Tue May 08 19:24:41 2012] : (104) Roderick: i cant click it
[Tue May 08 19:24:56 2012] : (102) DM: Jeremiah's turn
[Tue May 08 19:25:46 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( Going to cast Elemental Touch ))
[Tue May 08 19:25:55 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: L2: Elemental Touch Fire: Casting Time 1 Standard Range Personal Target Myself Duration 4 rounds Saving Throw Fort Vs DC 15 EFFECT: Melee Touch attack [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15) Deals [1d6]
=> [4] = (4) Fire Damage.Hands Ignite and shed light like a torch,
may cause Target to catch fire. Additional Attacks inflict Damage,
Affect does not stack
[Tue May 08 19:26:21 2012] : (102) DM: hit
[Tue May 08 19:27:12 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( Does it catch Fire? ))
[Tue May 08 19:27:18 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Fort vs 15 or catch on fire, right?)
[Tue May 08 19:27:33 2012] : (102) DM: Fortitude [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[Tue May 08 19:27:42 2012] : (109) Segrid: :)
[Tue May 08 19:28:12 2012] : (102) DM: The beast attacks Jeremiah again since he set it on fire...
[Tue May 08 19:28:16 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( Woot ))
[Tue May 08 19:28:18 2012] : (102) DM: bite [1d20+11] => [9,11] = (20) melee, damage [2d6+7] => [1,2,7] = (10) plus grab
[Tue May 08 19:28:19 2012] : (102) DM: tentacle 1 [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22) melee, damage [1d6+3] => [4,3] = (7) plus grab
[Tue May 08 19:28:20 2012] : (102) DM: tentacle 2 [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7) melee, damage [1d6+3] => [3,3] = (6) plus grab
[Tue May 08 19:28:48 2012] : (102) DM: bite and t1 hit
[Tue May 08 19:28:53 2012] : (102) DM: it tries to grab you
[Tue May 08 19:28:58 2012] : (102) DM: CMB (start grapple) [1d20+19] => [4,19] = (23)
[Tue May 08 19:29:11 2012] : (102) DM: and has you it its mouth
[Tue May 08 19:29:13 2012] : (102) DM: Segrid's turn
[Tue May 08 19:29:24 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( -9 hp))
[Tue May 08 19:29:38 2012] : ** (109) Segrid attacks the grappling tendriculous [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12) **
[Tue May 08 19:29:53 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (I think I may multiclass into oracle so we have some healing support)
[Tue May 08 19:30:10 2012] : (102) DM: even flat-footed, AC 12 misses
[Tue May 08 19:30:17 2012] : (102) DM: Andraste's turn
[Tue May 08 19:30:21 2012] : (109) Segrid: (yeah)
[Tue May 08 19:30:57 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Maybe they can kill it before it eats you (especially with it on fire)
[Tue May 08 19:31:13 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Andraste and Rod with their lances)
[Tue May 08 19:31:15 2012] : (104) Roderick: (I got your back)
[Tue May 08 19:31:46 2012] : ** (106) Lady Andraste charges at the plant thing with her lance! [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24) [2d8+2] => [2,1,2] = (5) Damage **
[Tue May 08 19:32:04 2012] : (102) DM: hit
[Tue May 08 19:32:10 2012] : (102) DM: Mimwar's turn
[Tue May 08 19:33:52 2012] : (102) DM: Mimwar continues retching
[Tue May 08 19:33:57 2012] : (102) DM: Start of round 3
[Tue May 08 19:34:00 2012] : (102) DM: Carden's turn
[Tue May 08 19:34:32 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Yeah, sorry, really do have nothing to do besides wait for things to get better/worse))
[Tue May 08 19:35:14 2012] : (104) Roderick: (Carden?)
[Tue May 08 19:35:32 2012] : ** (115) Carden pukes and chews'(done) **
[Tue May 08 19:35:39 2012] : (102) DM: Roderick's turn
[Tue May 08 19:36:26 2012] : (104) Roderick: Roderick laughs "It's over beast"
[Tue May 08 19:36:35 2012] : (104) Roderick: Attack: Attack[1d20+11] => [7,11] = (18)
[Tue May 08 19:36:39 2012] : (102) DM: hit
[Tue May 08 19:36:39 2012] : (104) Roderick: (ooh)
[Tue May 08 19:36:45 2012] : (104) Roderick: Damage: Damage[2d8+6] => [1,7,6] = (14)
[Tue May 08 19:36:52 2012] : (104) Roderick: 18 damage
[Tue May 08 19:37:08 2012] : (102) DM: Jeremiah's turn
[Tue May 08 19:37:12 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Creature takes damage from burning on Jeremiah's Turn?)
[Tue May 08 19:37:20 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (I am curious)
[Tue May 08 19:37:24 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (Can you flank this creature?)
[Tue May 08 19:37:33 2012] : (102) DM: (yes, how much fire damage?)
[Tue May 08 19:37:50 2012] : (109) Segrid: (me and Jermeiah were flanking it for 1 round)
[Tue May 08 19:38:00 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( At -9 HP and in its mouth, let me check )) ))
[Tue May 08 19:38:04 2012] : (109) Segrid: (before he passed out)
[Tue May 08 19:38:27 2012] : (109) Segrid: (I believe creatures on fire take 1d6 damage unless outherwise stated in description
[Tue May 08 19:38:53 2012] : (102) DM: [1d6] => [5] = (5)
[Tue May 08 19:39:16 2012] : (102) DM: Jeremiah, roll to stabilize
[Tue May 08 19:39:24 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( Its 1d6 till it makes a Ref Save Vs DC 15 ))
[Tue May 08 19:39:41 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( That a Fort Rol right?))
[Tue May 08 19:39:50 2012] : (102) DM: yes, with -9 penality against DC 10
[Tue May 08 19:39:57 2012] : (102) DM: con check
[Tue May 08 19:40:25 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: [1d20+1-9] => [13,1,-9] = (5) Vs DC 10
[Tue May 08 19:40:35 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( Nope ))
[Tue May 08 19:40:39 2012] : (102) DM: how at -10 hp
[Tue May 08 19:40:56 2012] : (102) DM: The creature tries to swallow you
[Tue May 08 19:41:01 2012] : (102) DM: CMB (maintain grapple) [1d20+24] => [12,24] = (36)
[Tue May 08 19:41:13 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((Crap, sorry bud))
[Tue May 08 19:41:19 2012] : (102) DM: You take [2d6+7] => [2,6,7] = (15) bite damage
[Tue May 08 19:41:29 2012] : (102) DM: [2d6] => [5,1] = (6) acid damage
[Tue May 08 19:41:45 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Welp))
[Tue May 08 19:42:03 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (@.@)
[Tue May 08 19:42:11 2012] : (102) DM: and are paralyzed for [3d6] => [5,1,3] = (9) rounds unless you can make a DC 18 fort save
[Tue May 08 19:42:14 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( -31 and very much Dead ))
[Tue May 08 19:42:21 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (he's dead Jim)
[Tue May 08 19:42:25 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( Thatdid not go as planned ))
[Tue May 08 19:42:44 2012] : (104) Roderick: In all honesty, the creature was way too powefull for us
[Tue May 08 19:42:50 2012] : (102) DM: (well, at least you stopped its regeneration as long as it continues to burn [or someone hits it with bludgeoning damage] => or someone hits it with bludgeoning damage)
[Tue May 08 19:42:54 2012] : (104) Roderick: especially right after the turtle
[Tue May 08 19:43:04 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (Maybe not for you if we just stood and shot it with arrows)
[Tue May 08 19:43:14 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (And you kept doing charges)
[Tue May 08 19:43:27 2012] : (102) DM: (this is the standard CR 6 version from the book for 4 players, not the advanced one for 6 players)
[Tue May 08 19:43:36 2012] : (109) Segrid: (It's part tactic and part luck here, we are way too powerful for it.)
[Tue May 08 19:43:49 2012] : (104) Roderick: we definately arent
[Tue May 08 19:43:53 2012] : (102) DM: (this
is why you are encouraged to work your way along the hex rows before
advancing southwards [where the encounters are more difficult] => where the encounters are more difficult)
[Tue May 08 19:43:55 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( We have killed creature far more powerful than ourselves before ))
[Tue May 08 19:43:57 2012] : (104) Roderick: were equal at best
[Tue May 08 19:44:08 2012] : (102) DM: Segrid's turn
[Tue May 08 19:44:12 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: (Yea...by not charging headlong in xD)
[Tue May 08 19:44:21 2012] : (102) DM: You see it swallow poor Jeremiah
[Tue May 08 19:44:26 2012] : (102) DM: Fortitude [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25)
[Tue May 08 19:44:35 2012] : ** (109) Segrid screams "Jeremiah!!!!!" and attacks [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28) **
[Tue May 08 19:44:39 2012] : (102) DM: and the fire has gone out
[Tue May 08 19:44:42 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((wow))
[Tue May 08 19:44:49 2012] : (104) Roderick: (brilliant)
[Tue May 08 19:44:55 2012] : (98) Mimwar: (( :D ))
[Tue May 08 19:44:58 2012] : (102) DM: crit threat
[Tue May 08 19:45:16 2012] : (109) Segrid: [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20)
[Tue May 08 19:45:22 2012] : (109) Segrid: [2d8+6] => [2,2,6] = (10)
[Tue May 08 19:45:23 2012] : (102) DM: critted
[Tue May 08 19:45:25 2012] : (109) Segrid: 10 damage
[Tue May 08 19:45:44 2012] : (102) DM: Andraste's turn
[Tue May 08 19:46:10 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: "Jerry!"
she lets out a smalll yell as he disappears inside the creature,
dropping her lance and drawing her sword, slamming it down on the
Tendriculos! [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[Tue May 08 19:46:15 2012] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Tue May 08 19:46:15 2012] : (115) Carden: (whispering): afk a few wife needs compu for wirk
[Tue May 08 19:46:17 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste: [1d8+2] => [6,2] = (8) Damage if that hits
[Tue May 08 19:46:32 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((you have to say his full name for a critical))
[Tue May 08 19:46:33 2012] : (102) DM: just missed
[Tue May 08 19:46:39 2012] : (102) DM: Mimwar's turn
[Tue May 08 19:47:08 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Mimwar holds up one finger and says "I'll be right blaaaaarrrrgh!"))
[Tue May 08 19:47:10 2012] : ** (98) Mimwar contimplates running away since he can hardly think straight, but holds his ground for now **
[Tue May 08 19:47:21 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Yes, also that))
[Tue May 08 19:47:34 2012] : (102) DM: Start of round 4
[Tue May 08 19:47:37 2012] : (102) DM: Carden's turn
[Tue May 08 19:47:43 2012] : (102) DM: (you can act normal this round)
[Tue May 08 19:47:48 2012] : (98) Mimwar: (("Just one min--blarghhhh"))
[Tue May 08 19:48:09 2012] : (102) DM: (the mint helped)
[Tue May 08 19:48:53 2012] : (104) Roderick: Attack: Attack[1d20+11] => [14,11] = (25)
[Tue May 08 19:49:09 2012] : (102) DM: hit
[Tue May 08 19:49:10 2012] : (104) Roderick: its my turn right?
[Tue May 08 19:49:18 2012] : (104) Roderick: Damage: Damage[2d8+6] => [3,3,6] = (12)
[Tue May 08 19:49:22 2012] : (104) Roderick: 16 dmg
[Tue May 08 19:49:45 2012] : (102) DM: Roderick drops it with a powerful hit from his lance!
[Tue May 08 19:50:41 2012] : ** (109) Segrid tries to cut Jeremiah out of the thing's gullet **
[Tue May 08 19:50:55 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Someone get me an axe!"
[Tue May 08 19:50:57 2012] : ** (104) Roderick quickly gallops back to the slain beast **
[Tue May 08 19:51:19 2012] : (104) Roderick: i pull out my orc double axe, hop off my horse and cut into it
[Tue May 08 19:51:38 2012] : ** (104) Roderick pulls out his orc double axe, hops off his horse and cuts into it* **
[Tue May 08 19:51:48 2012] : (104) Roderick: Attack: Attack[1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[Tue May 08 19:51:50 2012] : (104) Roderick: Damage: Damage[1d8+5] => [4,5] = (9)
[Tue May 08 19:52:07 2012] : (102) DM: You manage to split it open
[Tue May 08 19:52:15 2012] : (102) DM: and extract Jeremiah's body
[Tue May 08 19:52:33 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((Jeremiah,
we can maybe fix and sell the Sword from the barrow for gold pieces
back in civilization and get a raise dead cast.))
[Tue May 08 19:52:43 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste (enter): 19:52
[Tue May 08 19:52:50 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (117) Lady Andraste...
[Tue May 08 19:52:56 2012] : (106) Lady Andraste (exit): 19:52
[Tue May 08 19:53:00 2012] : (104) Roderick: Or perhaps call upon one of the villagers
[Tue May 08 19:53:51 2012] : (102) DM: You notice about a dozen 8-inch-tall black mushrooms
[Tue May 08 19:53:52 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((We aren't really a big enough kingdom to have people in our city that can raise dead yet))
[Tue May 08 19:53:53 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( Nah that fine, was actually thinking of just making a New Character if everyone is fine with that ))
[Tue May 08 19:54:15 2012] : (102) DM: several more got smashed during the battle
[Tue May 08 19:54:44 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((Well, we could take you back to the temple for a quick bath and if that doesn't work we can bury you)
[Tue May 08 19:54:46 2012] : (102) DM: you notice that one of the broken off ones rattles when you shake it, like there are small hard balls inside its cap
[Tue May 08 19:55:15 2012] : (104) Roderick: "these are... how do i say... rather familiar mushrooms"
[Tue May 08 19:55:24 2012] : ** (104) Roderick laughs heartily **
[Tue May 08 19:55:25 2012] : (102) DM: (Mimwar, you can roll knowledge nature or others can roll survival to try and identify them)
[Tue May 08 19:55:31 2012] : (109) Segrid: Kn Nature [1d20+9] => [9,9] = (18)
[Tue May 08 19:55:44 2012] : (98) Mimwar: [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[Tue May 08 19:55:52 2012] : (102) DM: Segird, you think these are rattlecap mushrooms.
[Tue May 08 19:55:55 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Survival is -2, hah))
[Tue May 08 19:56:12 2012] : ** (117) Lady Andraste drags Jeremiah's body on his horse and ties it to her own, shaking her head sadly. **
[Tue May 08 19:56:18 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Also, pretty sure I'm not going to roll anything besides a 3 or a 4 tonight))
[Tue May 08 19:56:52 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Was there a reward connected to them, or is their something else special about them I should know?))
[Tue May 08 19:57:15 2012] : (102) DM: (there's a quest, but you haven't been given it yet...)
[Tue May 08 19:57:25 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Ah, ok)
[Tue May 08 19:57:49 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (i'd be sorta meta to just take it now. Lets just take note of it and send someone to retrieve it when we take the quest)
[Tue May 08 19:57:51 2012] : ** (109) Segrid searches the mud for remains of other victims **
[Tue May 08 19:58:00 2012] : (102) DM: But you do know that some people make tea or broth from rattlecap mushrooms, so they might be good to barter with.
[Tue May 08 19:58:24 2012] : (109) Segrid: [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[Tue May 08 19:58:35 2012] : (109) Segrid: We'll mark them on the map
[Tue May 08 19:58:41 2012] : (98) Mimwar: Appraise check? :D [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
[Tue May 08 19:58:58 2012] : (109) Segrid: (wow double digit roll :P ))
[Tue May 08 19:59:40 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((I know right :( ))
[Tue May 08 20:00:16 2012] : (102) DM: You leave this area and find a place to camp for the night.
[Tue May 08 20:00:31 2012] : (109) Segrid: "It
is much to ask of Old Deadeye, but perhaps we should try the temple
waters again beloved?" Segrid looks mournfully at Jeremiah's remains.
[Tue May 08 20:02:03 2012] : (109) Segrid
[Tue May 08 20:02:13 2012] : (104) Roderick: (Is that implying ressurection?)
[Tue May 08 20:02:28 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: "I do not know how well it will work, love. Jeremiah was never a worshipper of Erastil..." she sighs.
[Tue May 08 20:02:46 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((yeah, two party members were ressurected by miracles earlier in the campaign.))
[Tue May 08 20:03:04 2012] : (104) Roderick: "Might I ask what you are talking about?"
[Tue May 08 20:03:05 2012] : (102) DM: (yes, they've had two previous miraculous resurrections by placing the deceased in the pool at the old temple of Erastil)
[Tue May 08 20:04:01 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Well,
both Ser Carden and Lady Andraste have been miraculously restored to us
by Erastil's might after haven fallen in battle, Roderick."
[Tue May 08 20:04:13 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: "There
is a sacred grove within our Barony, where great Erastil performed
miracles upon the faithful and their friends. Healing was common, but
Ressurections have so far only been done for the Faithful."
[Tue May 08 20:04:49 2012] : ** (104) Roderick looks them over with conviction "A true warrior knows when his time is up" **
[Tue May 08 20:04:55 2012] : (109) Segrid: "But
they are devout followers of The Deadeye, and perhaps it was they and
not our quest that Erastil bestowed his blessings upon."
[Tue May 08 20:05:03 2012] : ** (98) Mimwar nods. "They say faith is a powerful thing." **
[Tue May 08 20:05:28 2012] : (104) Roderick: "They cannot simply choose what time is convenient for them, they accept it whenever it comes"
[Tue May 08 20:06:19 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Well, that's one way of looking at it. I, for one, will fight even beyond death for those I love."
[Tue May 08 20:06:54 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( Lmao who changed my name to Yummy in my tummy?))
[Tue May 08 20:07:15 2012] : (102) DM: (I assumed you did)
[Tue May 08 20:07:17 2012] : (109) Segrid: "I
have seen powers greater than I can comprehend, fought creatures I was
sure would be my death, and yet my friend and I have seen through all of
these challenges together.:
[Tue May 08 20:07:22 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: "Your
beliefs, Roderick. I believe that those who can be saved, should be
saved," she nods, sheathing her sword and picking up her lance, "Let us
break for camp."
[Tue May 08 20:07:27 2012] : (104) Roderick: "How poetic, let that be wherever you choose to rest"
[Tue May 08 20:07:27 2012] : (109) Segrid: (I did)
[Tue May 08 20:07:33 2012] : (109) Segrid
[Tue May 08 20:07:33 2012] : (109) Segrid
[Tue May 08 20:07:47 2012] : (109) Segrid: (when it swallowed you)
[Tue May 08 20:07:48 2012] : (99) Jeremiah: (( nice ))
[Tue May 08 20:08:15 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (oh you)
[Tue May 08 20:08:51 2012] : (102) DM: (brb)
[Tue May 08 20:08:56 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: "Next time we have an oppurtunity to fight another creature of its like. Let us resort to arrows," she sighs.
[Tue May 08 20:09:26 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Aye, it had reach, but I doubt it could have given very fast chase."
[Tue May 08 20:10:09 2012] : (104) Roderick: "I must attest to what the man says"
[Tue May 08 20:10:30 2012] : (98) Mimwar: "I'm sorry I couldn't have been of much use," Mimwar murms, sounding disheartened.
[Tue May 08 20:10:34 2012] : (104) Roderick: "I doubt it could have chased myself upon fires breath here" I pat my horse
[Tue May 08 20:12:04 2012] : (109) Segrid: "There
have been challenges that have given all of us pause at one time or
another, Mimwar. That stench was most foul indeed." quietly, he says
"reminded me of the child on bath day."
[Tue May 08 20:12:24 2012] : (109) Segrid: with a small smile
[Tue May 08 20:13:22 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Perhaps
we should return to Boudica directly instead of continuing our
exploration. If nothing else, we could give Ser Jeremiah a proper state
[Tue May 08 20:14:08 2012] : (104) Roderick: "Thats a little peturbed segrid, do not speak about what you know about children and baths ever again" he says, smirking
[Tue May 08 20:14:24 2012] : (104) Roderick: "I agree"
[Tue May 08 20:15:06 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Ah, you have not met Zelata yet, Roderick. When you do, pray it is after bath day and not before."
[Tue May 08 20:15:11 2012] : ** (109) Segrid chuckles. **
[Tue May 08 20:15:50 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: "Let us continue along, we have lost a friend today and I do not wish to see him decay right before my eyes,"
[Tue May 08 20:16:12 2012] : (102) DM: (so, back to Boudica?)
[Tue May 08 20:16:20 2012] : (109) Segrid: (yes)
[Tue May 08 20:16:51 2012] : (109) Segrid: .
[Tue May 08 20:17:11 2012] : (104) Roderick: How close are we, friends?
[Tue May 08 20:17:21 2012] : (102) DM: You arrive back in Boudica late on 22 Rova.
[Tue May 08 20:18:29 2012] : ** (109) Segrid informs the Baron of Ser Jeremiah's passing. **
[Tue May 08 20:18:35 2012] : (102) DM: Just after dawn, you are approached by the captain of the guard.
[Tue May 08 20:18:54 2012] : ** (115) Carden rides with the others **
[Tue May 08 20:19:39 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Good morning, Alastair (just made the name up if that's ok), what have you to report?"
[Tue May 08 20:20:26 2012] : (102) DM: "Warden Segrid and Marshal Carden, we've had a series of attacks on the town over the last few days."
[Tue May 08 20:20:45 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Attacks? Of what nature?"
[Tue May 08 20:20:56 2012] : (102) DM: A few days ago, some livestock were brutally slaughtered in their pens at an outlying farm.
[Tue May 08 20:21:14 2012] : ** (115) Carden listens "Any sightings or tracks?" **
[Tue May 08 20:21:16 2012] : (104) Roderick: "By whom?"
[Tue May 08 20:21:43 2012] : (102) DM: "Then two people were killed as well--a maid named Saki on the 20th, and a sjhepherd boy named Beven on the 21st."
[Tue May 08 20:22:25 2012] : (122) Jeremiah (enter): 20:22
[Tue May 08 20:22:26 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: "Damn, three deaths in such a short period of time," she shakes her head, "Did anyone spot who did these acts?"
[Tue May 08 20:22:35 2012] : (102) DM: "The townsfolk are demanding that you do something about these attacks."
[Tue May 08 20:22:52 2012] : (102) DM: "I can show you the remains of the bodies and animals."
[Tue May 08 20:22:58 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (122) Jeremiah...
[Tue May 08 20:23:02 2012] : (122) Jeremiah: (( back what did i miss?))
[Tue May 08 20:23:05 2012] : (99) Jeremiah (exit): 20:23
[Tue May 08 20:23:07 2012] : (115) Carden: "Animal or by weapons?"
[Tue May 08 20:23:24 2012] : ** (115) Carden nods to the Alastair **
[Tue May 08 20:23:26 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: "Let us go and inspect Brother Carden. This requires our urgent attention,"
[Tue May 08 20:23:27 2012] : (104) Roderick: (town was attacked)
[Tue May 08 20:23:32 2012] : (109) Segrid: "As
well they should. We'll begin an investigation immediately. Please
show us the bodies and tell us what information you have gathered so
[Tue May 08 20:23:37 2012] : (102) DM: "The bodies are pretty multilated. Someone with healing skills should probably take a look at them."
[Tue May 08 20:24:06 2012] : (104) Roderick: (What was jeremiahs position?)
[Tue May 08 20:24:17 2012] : (102) DM: Magister
[Tue May 08 20:24:25 2012] : (122) Jeremiah: (( Magister ))
[Tue May 08 20:24:37 2012] : (109) Segrid: Once led to the bodies, Segrid examines them Heal [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[Tue May 08 20:25:06 2012] : (102) DM: You know that they were killed by a large, man-sized animal--likely a wolf or worg.
[Tue May 08 20:25:27 2012] : (102) DM: (Roll diplomacy to gather information while investigating...)
[Tue May 08 20:25:38 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (Lemme do that)
[Tue May 08 20:25:40 2012] : (104) Roderick: (Magister of the barracks?)
[Tue May 08 20:25:48 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: [1d20+12] => [10,12] = (22) Diplomacy
[Tue May 08 20:25:52 2012] : (109) Segrid: I'll leave that up to Carden or Andraste, since they have those kind of skills
[Tue May 08 20:26:28 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (minwar too :v)
[Tue May 08 20:26:28 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((Magister of the nation of Stagfall))
[Tue May 08 20:26:32 2012] : ** (98) Mimwar will help Lady Andraste figure out more, .. Diplomacy [1d20+12] => [1,12] = (13) **
[Tue May 08 20:26:39 2012] : (104) Roderick: [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[Tue May 08 20:26:44 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((pff. Anyone want to start w=rolling for me?))
[Tue May 08 20:26:45 2012] : (102) DM: You find out that Saki was killed outside of town, presumably while gathering berries for breakfast.
[Tue May 08 20:26:46 2012] : (104) Roderick: I have diplomacy
[Tue May 08 20:27:17 2012] : (102) DM: The boy, Beven, and his sheep were attacked on his way back to town.
[Tue May 08 20:27:36 2012] : (102) DM: You learn that neither Saki or Beven had any enemies.
[Tue May 08 20:27:49 2012] : (104) Roderick: (I could take over for him)
[Tue May 08 20:27:50 2012] : ** (109) Segrid will also examine the kill sites for any tracks Perception [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14) +2 vs human, Survival [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13) +2 vs human **
[Tue May 08 20:28:04 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (Magister uses intelligence)
[Tue May 08 20:28:10 2012] : (102) DM: You hear several townsfolk add that they heard wolves howling on both nights.
[Tue May 08 20:28:12 2012] : (104) Roderick: Nevermind
[Tue May 08 20:28:19 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (I believe)
[Tue May 08 20:28:22 2012] : (104) Roderick: (Whos the general?)
[Tue May 08 20:28:28 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (Andraste)
[Tue May 08 20:28:49 2012] : ** (115) Carden takes in the information and aids Segrid in tracking [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)) **
[Tue May 08 20:28:50 2012] : (104) Roderick: (Well work out new posts later)
[Tue May 08 20:29:12 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((my int is 16 :) .. If there's any Charisma rolls, that would be +1 mod better))
[Tue May 08 20:29:42 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (Mimwar for Court Jester :P)
[Tue May 08 20:29:51 2012] : (102) DM: Segrid,
your examination of Saki's kill site reveals the presence of large wolf
tracks that lead into a nearby copse of trees, from which they do not
[Tue May 08 20:30:13 2012] : (104) Roderick: (what does general use?)
[Tue May 08 20:30:20 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Oh, trackin adds another +2 for ranger levels also)
[Tue May 08 20:30:22 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (Strength and Charisma)
[Tue May 08 20:30:45 2012] : ** (109) Segrid looks for wolves in the trees, or other tracks near that particular copse **
[Tue May 08 20:30:56 2012] : (115) Carden: (add a +2 from aiding)
[Tue May 08 20:31:00 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: "I
think I would like to comission the construction of a suit of Full
Plate..I believe with the new dangers we face, more protective measures
must be taken,"
[Tue May 08 20:31:13 2012] : (109) Segrid: Track Survival [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12) +2 vs human
[Tue May 08 20:31:29 2012] : (109) Segrid: (FugittyFugFug)
[Tue May 08 20:32:08 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: "Theres also the issue of our drained life force, love," she sighs,
[Tue May 08 20:32:09 2012] : ** (115) Carden quirks a brow as Segrid examines a pile of dung with great interest **
[Tue May 08 20:32:15 2012] : (104) Roderick: "If you dont mind, I would also like to place the commision of full playe armor"
[Tue May 08 20:32:25 2012] : (102) DM: One townsperson that you spoke to at the inn, drunkenly muttered something about "a werewolf, I bet" under his breath.
[Tue May 08 20:33:13 2012] : (104) Roderick: "Furthermore,
with the new additions to your group, and your ranks, I think you would
be wasting talents not to include us in your council"
[Tue May 08 20:33:18 2012] : (102) DM: "Been a full moon for the last several nights," he obseres.
[Tue May 08 20:33:22 2012] : ** (104) Roderick he says, with confidence **
[Tue May 08 20:33:51 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Aye, we will need to see if Brother Jhod is capable of such magics. Perhaps after the funeral."
[Tue May 08 20:33:56 2012] : (102) DM: "In fact, tonight is the last night of the full moon for this month."
[Tue May 08 20:34:49 2012] : ** (115) Carden comments "Then we should prepare for a werewolf just incase" **
[Tue May 08 20:34:54 2012] : (104) Roderick: "Acursed spite!"
[Tue May 08 20:34:56 2012] : (102) DM: (make another diplomacy check, others can try to aid Andraste...)
[Tue May 08 20:35:11 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Well,
looks like we'd better deal with this today or tonight. Perhaps if you
would inquire as to anyone acting abnormally in town..."
[Tue May 08 20:36:04 2012] : (98) Mimwar: [1d20+12] => [17,12] = (29) to aid
[Tue May 08 20:36:09 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: [1d20+12] => [17,12] = (29) Diplomacer
[Tue May 08 20:36:13 2012] : (109) Segrid: "Roderick, the Baron can make appointments to the council. I will certainly recommend the two of you for consideration."
[Tue May 08 20:36:15 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Nice!))
[Tue May 08 20:36:18 2012] : (115) Carden: aid [1d20+2] => [6,2] = (8)
[Tue May 08 20:36:18 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: 31! *high fives*
[Tue May 08 20:36:30 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((-the highest of fives!-))
[Tue May 08 20:36:38 2012] : (104) Roderick: [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11)
[Tue May 08 20:36:45 2012] : (102) DM: Another patron at the inn tells you about a strange, quiet tribesman who has come to town recently.
[Tue May 08 20:37:18 2012] : (102) DM: He says that the stranger has been spending much of his time drinking or sleeping in his room upstairs.
[Tue May 08 20:38:03 2012] : (102) DM: Innkeeper: "Do you think that stranger had anything to do with the deaths. Oh, poor Saki! (weeps)"
[Tue May 08 20:38:06 2012] : ** (109) Segrid visits the marketplace while they ask questions, seeking silvered weapons or silversheen. **
[Tue May 08 20:38:35 2012] : (102) DM: "Here's the key to the man's room."
[Tue May 08 20:38:37 2012] : (104) Roderick: "We needn't jump to conclusions good sir"
[Tue May 08 20:38:45 2012] : (104) Roderick: "Just a routine check"
[Tue May 08 20:39:01 2012] : ** (115) Carden takes the key **
[Tue May 08 20:39:01 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: "Let us keep our options open," she says.
[Tue May 08 20:39:09 2012] : (98) Mimwar: "Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask."
[Tue May 08 20:39:28 2012] : (102) DM: Going upstairs, you find the door locked and unlock it with the key.
[Tue May 08 20:39:34 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Mimwar grins, Chatise and Memory Lapse at the ready.))
[Tue May 08 20:39:35 2012] : (102) DM: (perception checks to search the room)
[Tue May 08 20:39:51 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (need to get ready for class)
[Tue May 08 20:39:54 2012] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Tue May 08 20:39:54 2012] : (122) Jeremiah: (whispering): Remind me what were the Creation rules?
[Tue May 08 20:39:57 2012] : ** (115) Carden peeks inside the room (perception [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)) **
[Tue May 08 20:40:20 2012] : (102) DM: (whispering): look back at the start of our thread on the OpenRPG forum
[Tue May 08 20:40:41 2012] : (122) Jeremiah: (whispering): kk
[Tue May 08 20:40:42 2012] : (102) DM: (whispering): http://www.rpgobjects.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4199&sid=f0afe901ce7f07b663c620c2fc3b726f
[Tue May 08 20:41:07 2012] : (102) DM: (whispering): You can create a new 4th level character with level 3 wealth.
[Tue May 08 20:41:14 2012] : (104) Roderick: [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[Tue May 08 20:42:11 2012] : (102) DM: The room appears to be in order.
[Tue May 08 20:42:35 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((If silversheen is available, Segrid will buy 1 vial.))
[Tue May 08 20:42:39 2012] : (102) DM: I'll assume that you continue searching and take 10.
[Tue May 08 20:43:13 2012] : (102) DM: (you are able to locate only 1 vial--recent events and rumors have caused a run on silversheen)
[Tue May 08 20:43:31 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((ok))
[Tue May 08 20:43:42 2012] : ** (109) Segrid will then seek the others out again **
[Tue May 08 20:43:43 2012] : (115) Carden: (sure take 10; total 20)
[Tue May 08 20:43:44 2012] : (102) DM: Looking under the bed, you find a single golden earring still attached to a severed ear!
[Tue May 08 20:44:05 2012] : (98) Mimwar: "That's rather suspecious, ain't it?"
[Tue May 08 20:44:45 2012] : (102) DM: When you show it to the innkeeper, he says, chokingly, "Y..Y..Yes, that's Saki's earring. Poor, poor Saki! (sobs)"
[Tue May 08 20:44:50 2012] : (115) Carden: (was either victim missing an ear?)
[Tue May 08 20:44:53 2012] : (115) Carden: (ok)
[Tue May 08 20:46:17 2012] : (109) Segrid: (Does everyone have a ranged weapon?)
[Tue May 08 20:46:23 2012] : (104) Roderick: "Sorry innkeeper, now we can jump to conclusions"
[Tue May 08 20:46:27 2012] : (104) Roderick: Nooooope
[Tue May 08 20:46:28 2012] : (98) Mimwar: "I believe we have a dangerous man on our hands. Seems like a good time to create a trap."
[Tue May 08 20:46:31 2012] : (115) Carden: (yes)
[Tue May 08 20:47:01 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((how about you Mimwar, do you have a bow or crossbow?))
[Tue May 08 20:47:15 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Yes =) ))
[Tue May 08 20:47:22 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Although, if need be...))
[Tue May 08 20:47:35 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((I can provide a good lure to a trap, if you guys want))
[Tue May 08 20:48:01 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (I suppose we can dress you in pig skin)
[Tue May 08 20:48:04 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (:3)
[Tue May 08 20:48:07 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((What with a hat of disguise and short stature. What maneating werewolf wouldn't want to eat a cute little child?))
[Tue May 08 20:48:16 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((or that... do I get an AC bonus?))
[Tue May 08 20:48:23 2012] : (98) Mimwar: (( ;D ))
[Tue May 08 20:48:48 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((Ok, we'll use the silversheen on ammunition, 5 arrows/bolts for Carden, Segrid, Andraste, and Mimwar.))
[Tue May 08 20:49:01 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((each))
[Tue May 08 20:49:05 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (Can we not buy silver coated :P)
[Tue May 08 20:49:18 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((I can also turn invisible for a turn to retreat once the wolf falls for the trap))
[Tue May 08 20:49:32 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((If I really need to))
[Tue May 08 20:49:51 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste: (They'll sniff out your succulent flesh)
[Tue May 08 20:50:10 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((pff))
[Tue May 08 20:50:23 2012] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Tue May 08 20:50:23 2012] : (115) Carden: (whispering): what buildings are next to teh inn and stables?
[Tue May 08 20:50:59 2012] : (98) Mimwar: ((Yes,
the wolf will absolutely try to hunt me down while I'm invisible and
it's getting shot full of arrows... oh, and it's a rnd/lvl so 4 rounds
[Tue May 08 20:51:20 2012] : (102) DM: Are you going to patrol around the town?
[Tue May 08 20:51:37 2012] : (115) Carden: (what buildings are next to teh inn and stables?)
[Tue May 08 20:51:41 2012] : (109) Segrid: Yes, we'll look for this man the innkeeper described
[Tue May 08 20:52:17 2012] : ** (98) Mimwar will spend the day mastering the art of pretending to be an innocent, harmless, tasty child **
[Tue May 08 20:52:36 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((Yeah, looking at cost, I should have just bought silver arrows if they were available))
[Tue May 08 20:52:43 2012] : (109) Segrid: ((oops))
[Tue May 08 20:52:43 2012] : (102) DM: those on patrol, make perception checks now that night has fallen...
[Tue May 08 20:52:49 2012] : ** (115) Carden knocks on the house door and asked to get to the roof **
[Tue May 08 20:52:58 2012] : (109) Segrid: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)+2 vs human
[Tue May 08 20:53:07 2012] : (102) DM: ("Oh, yes, go right ahead")
[Tue May 08 20:53:07 2012] : (115) Carden: perception [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30)
[Tue May 08 20:53:16 2012] : (98) Mimwar: [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21) Perception
[Tue May 08 20:53:41 2012] : (115) Carden: stealth for kicks [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[Tue May 08 20:54:03 2012] : (102) DM: Stealth [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5)
[Tue May 08 20:54:31 2012] : ** (98) Mimwar tries
to be as visible as possible, wearing bright clothes and making lots of
childish sounds, looking for fireflies or something **
[Tue May 08 20:54:58 2012] : (102) DM: Carden, you see a humanoid figure skulking around the town, approaching from the south (which is a pasture behind the stables.
[Tue May 08 20:55:59 2012] : (102) DM: You see it approaching the corner of the stables
[Tue May 08 20:56:37 2012] : (102) DM: You can whisle to the others and you each can take one action for a surprise round.
[Tue May 08 20:56:43 2012] : (102) DM: then roll initiative...
[Tue May 08 20:56:53 2012] : (102) DM: Initiative [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[Tue May 08 20:58:28 2012] : Game disconnected!
[Tue May 08 20:58:39 2012] : Locating server at
[Tue May 08 20:58:40 2012] : Game connected!
[Tue May 08 20:58:40 2012] : (135) DM (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:40 2012] : (8) Jaim (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:41 2012] : (32) MikeM (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:41 2012] : (99) Jeremiah (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:41 2012] : (130) Numan (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:41 2012] : (131) Numan (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:41 2012] : (133) Lady Andraste (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:41 2012] : (134) Carden (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:43 2012] : (0) Server Administrator-> You have connected to a Traipse Ornery Orc {110114-00} server, built on OpenRPG version '1.8.0', named 'Mayhem Gaming (Traipse - NEW!)'.
| ||
Welcome! We are a community of over 500 gamers who meet to play and learn new RPG's and we welcome new players. Please visit and join our forums. Once you join check out The Portal and post there. Our lobby is G Rated and if you need any help contact an Administrator. Mayhem Gaming is not responsible for Minors on this public server. There may be adult themed games or adult oriented content. |
Find A Game You can also check out out recruiting games on our boards. If you're new, you can lurk games, but be sure to whisper with the GM to make sure it's ok. Our official server is Mayhem Gaming (NEW--Traipse) and our backup is Mayhem Gaming (1.8). Should the server go down move your games to our alternate server. A 1.8 Server is being maintained due to Traipse servers not being compatible with those running 1.8. This will be done until we can get everyone moved over. Please upgrade to Traipse. |
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Serving the OpenRPG Community For 7 Years Join Our Forums Today! |
[Tue May 08 20:58:43 2012] : (134) Carden (exit): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:43 2012] : (136) Evil Bastard (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:48 2012] : (133) Lady Andraste (exit): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:49 2012] : (137) Evil Bastard (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:51 2012] : Moving to room 'Kingmaker AP'..
[Tue May 08 20:58:51 2012] : (135) DM (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:51 2012] : (0) Server Administrator->
| ||
Welcome! We are a community of over 500 gamers who meet to play and learn new RPG's and we welcome new players. Please visit and join our forums. Once you join check out The Portal and post there. Our lobby is G Rated and if you need any help contact an Administrator. Mayhem Gaming is not responsible for Minors on this public server. There may be adult themed games or adult oriented content. |
Find A Game You can also check out out recruiting games on our boards. If you're new, you can lurk games, but be sure to whisper with the GM to make sure it's ok. Our official server is Mayhem Gaming (NEW--Traipse) and our backup is Mayhem Gaming (1.8). Should the server go down move your games to our alternate server. A 1.8 Server is being maintained due to Traipse servers not being compatible with those running 1.8. This will be done until we can get everyone moved over. Please upgrade to Traipse. |
Gaming Tools Miniatures D&D 3.5 D&D 2e D&D 4e Pathfinder NWoD Dark Heresy Rifts |
Serving the OpenRPG Community For 7 Years Join Our Forums Today! |
[Tue May 08 20:58:52 2012] : (98) Mimwar (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:52 2012] : (102) DM (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:52 2012] : (104) Roderick (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:52 2012] : (109) Segrid (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:52 2012] : (115) Carden (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:52 2012] : (117) Lady Andraste (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:53 2012] : (122) Jeremiah (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:53 2012] : (134) Carden (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:53 2012] : (133) Lady Andraste (enter): 20:58
[Tue May 08 20:58:54 2012] : (134) Carden: (rolled 17 init)
[Tue May 08 20:59:14 2012] : (135) DM: I got disconnected
[Tue May 08 20:59:15 2012] : (133) Lady Andraste: (I need to go now)
[Tue May 08 20:59:17 2012] : (133) Lady Andraste: (Can someone take over my character?)
[Tue May 08 20:59:28 2012] : (135) DM: Do you want to wait and have the fight next time?
[Tue May 08 20:59:45 2012] : Attempting to assign the role of GM to (135) DM...
[Tue May 08 20:59:59 2012] : (134) Carden: (I dont mind either way)
[Tue May 08 21:00:02 2012] : (98) Mimwar: I would be okay with that
[Tue May 08 21:00:08 2012] : (135) DM: let's wait and I'll try to find a better map
[Tue May 08 21:00:18 2012] : (109) Segrid: ok
[Tue May 08 21:00:23 2012] : (98) Mimwar: I got a 20 for init, also.. :)
[Tue May 08 21:00:35 2012] : (98) Mimwar: Seg got a 19
[Tue May 08 21:01:07 2012] : (135) DM: we'll start over with initiative next time
[Tue May 08 21:01:21 2012] : (98) Mimwar: Alright
[Tue May 08 21:01:37 2012] : (135) DM: see everyone next week
[Tue May 08 21:01:54 2012] : (122) Jeremiah: Well I'm thinking my next PC will be a Dwarf Barbarian
[Tue May 08 21:02:13 2012] : Disconnecting from server...
[Tue May 08 21:02:14 2012] : Game disconnected!
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