Tuesday, February 28, 2012

11th session

Finally back to the game after weeks and half the players don't show up.
It was the ranger, the pally, the inquisitor and me exploring hexes and it was pretty eventful. First we found a collapsed river structure that housed two Tatzlewyrms (basically snake like proto-dragons) who attacked us on sight. We killed them and collected their heads for a quest and skinned them for their armor quality hides. Then we found the ruins of two buildings inhabited by two frog like humanoids that told us to leave, they looked desperate and so we fed them before moving on. Then we found the lair of the legendary boar Tusk Gutter and managed to slay him without difficulty, completing another quest.
All told it was a lot of activity collected into three hexes, we collected some nice treasure and completed two quests. I also leveled.

Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) DM...
(2) Cairne (enter): 17:49
(2) Cairne: Well, I'm excited.
(2) Cairne: the quick brown fox jumped over the neighbor's dog
(3) Reckless (enter): 18:32
(2) Cairne: I seem to remember more people being in the group.
(3) Segrid: lol
(3) Segrid: hope they show
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (2) Cairne...
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (3) Segrid...
(1) DM: Hi, guys.
(2) Cairne: hey DM
(1) DM: I just got one email earlier from Nathan (Jeremiah) saying he wouldn't be able to make it tonight
(3) Segrid: hope the others show, then
(2) Cairne: me too, I wants some escapism.
(4) Ajax (enter): 19:01
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (4) Ajax...
(1) DM: Hi
(4) Carden: hey and yay! =)
(3) Segrid: hi
(2) Cairne: Yay!
(1) DM: Do you want to start with 3?
(4) Carden: Depends if you plan on killing me again :)
(3) Segrid: I'm good w/3
(2) Cairne: I would like Carden in one piece.
(2) Cairne: does anyone have a hand puppet with a zippo?
(3) Segrid: fwoooshhhhh
(4) Carden: heheh
(2) Cairne: ah man, Erastil is gonna be soo pissed we burned the forest.
(3) Segrid: Oh, but Gozreh would like it cause it "was meant to burn" (NOT)
(1) DM: After finding the statue of Erastil in hex 5-2, the night spent camping passed uneventfully.
(1) DM: It is now 3 Gozran
(3) Segrid: "Good morning. Awfully quiet in camp this morning." Segrid observes while he makes breakfast.
** (4) Carden stetches and yawns "Indeed. I almost welcome it." He stands by the fire to warm up "We count southward before looping back correct?"
(2) Cairne: I dtold zel she can't make fire if she does not gather firewood.
(3) Segrid: ""Aye, Carden, I believe that was the plan."
(3) Segrid: "Hope she finds some drier wood this time."
** (4) Carden nods **
(4) Carden: (yep)
(3) Segrid: "Well, let's get started then."
(1) DM: The skunk river continues to wind through hex 6-2, which is a forest hex.
** (3) Segrid rides in front, eyes peeled for what the day may bring. **
** (4) Carden keeps alert as they journy (perception [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)) **
(3) Segrid: Perception: [1d20+5] => [13,5] = (18); +2 vs. Humans
(2) Cairne: Perception [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
(1) DM: As you approach what looks to be a good place to ford the river, you see several sandy islets in the middle of the river
(1) DM: You are on the north side
** (3) Segrid approaches the shore **
** (4) Carden follows "Hmm" **
(1) DM: As you reach the shore, you can see that an unnatural pile of debris is partialy choking the river's flow
(1) DM: You can see piles of rubble, branches, leaves, and even dead bodies!
(3) Segrid: "Something building a dam?"
** (3) Segrid dismounts, donning his shield, and guiding his horse into the river **
(4) Carden: "I doubt it with the bodies"
(3) Segrid: (oop, didn't see that while posting :P)
** (4) Carden dismounts as well; bow in hand. **
(1) DM: Looking at the pile closest to you, you see some of the debris move slightly
(1) DM: (roll initiative)
** (3) Segrid lets go of the reins and unsheaths his sword. **
(2) Cairne: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
(2) Cairne: Initiative [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
(3) Segrid: Initiative: [1d20+5] => [7,5] = (12)
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+2] => [18,2] = (20)
(4) Carden: [1d20+2] => [5,2] = (7)
(1) DM: You see two dragon-looking creatures move out of the debris pile and come at you...
(2) Cairne: eep
(4) Carden: (players that are here can be used as cannon fodder right?)
(4) Carden: (arent*)
(3) Segrid: (("Tell Annie that I loved her."))
(1) DM: They both hiss at you from the edge of the island
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(2) Cairne: I cast grease
(2) Cairne: dc 14
(1) DM: Reflex [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9)
(1) DM: Reflex [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15)
(1) DM: T1 slips and falls prone
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
** (3) Segrid steps over and attacks #1 **
(3) Segrid: Melee: Longsword [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8) (Crit 19-20/x2) for [1d8+2] => [4,2] = (6) damage
(1) DM: miss
(1) DM: Carden's turn
** (4) Carden curses and quickly grabs an arrow and fire at the standing creature ([1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16) dmg [1d8+3] => [2,3] = (5)) **
(1) DM: hit
(1) DM: start of round 2
(1) DM: T1 regains his footing and tries to bite Segrid...
(3) Segrid: Melee: Longsword [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18) (Crit 19-20/x2) for [1d8+2] => [3,2] = (5) damage
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [8,5] = (13) melee, Damage [1d6+3] => [5,3] = (8) plus grab
(3) Segrid: (AoO)
(2) Cairne: monkeys
(3) Segrid: .
(1) DM: [1d20+2] => [19,2] = (21) acrobatics
(1) DM: T2 is able to move close to Segrid and also tries to bite
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [3,5] = (8) melee, Damage [1d6+3] => [2,3] = (5) plus grab
(1) DM: but also misses
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(2) Cairne: I cast bless
(2) Cairne: Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
** (3) Segrid attacks #1 "Time to get those trophies." Blessed Longsword [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27) (Crit 19-20/x2) for [1d8+2] => [4,2] = (6) damage **
(3) Segrid: crit confirm [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
(3) Segrid: [1d8+2] => [7,2] = (9)
(2) Cairne: one for Oleg, one for us.
(1) DM: T1 is badly wounded
(1) DM: Carden's turn
(3) Segrid: "FInish it Carden"
** (4) Carden fires into the fray at the creature(2) ([1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24) dmg [1d8+3] => [6,3] = (9)) **
(1) DM: Start of round 3
(3) Segrid: 'Nice Shot, friend."
(1) DM: Both creatures attack Segrid
(4) Carden: (sorry I had the typed up and ready; didnt change the creature; my bad)
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11) melee, Damage [1d6+3] => [1,3] = (4) plus grab
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7) melee, Damage [1d6+3] => [5,3] = (8) plus grab
(1) DM: both miss
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(3) Segrid: (It's not happy dance time yet, Cairne)
(2) Cairne: I lucky toucj segrid
(2) Cairne: touch.
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
(3) Segrid: Lucky Blessed Longsword [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9) OR [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27) (Crit 19-20/x2) for [1d8+2] => [5,2] = (7) damage
(3) Segrid: crit confirm [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
(2) Cairne: I like that one.
(3) Segrid: (thanks Cairne)
(3) Segrid: Is that a confirm?
(1) DM: yes, AC is 15
(3) Segrid: [1d8+2] => [8,2] = (10)
(3) Segrid: (NICE!)
(1) DM: which one did you attack?
(3) Segrid: #1
(1) DM: You cleanly sever off T1's head
(1) DM: Carden's turn
** (4) Carden fires at the remaining creature ([1d20+5] => [7,5] = (12) dmg [1d8+3] => [4,3] = (7)) **
(4) Carden: (boo)
(1) DM: Start of round 4
(1) DM: T2 tries to bite Segrid again...
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [17,5] = (22) melee, Damage [1d6+3] => [2,3] = (5) plus grab
(3) Segrid: (CMD 18)
(1) DM: T2 tries to grapple you...
(1) DM: CMB (grapple) [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
(2) Cairne: (Lucky touch is so nice.)
(1) DM: T2 has a hold of you with its mouth
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(2) Cairne: I cast prot evil on Segrid
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
** (3) Segrid stabs at the creature trying to eat him. Grappled Blessed Longsword [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19) (Crit 19-20/x2) for [1d8+2] => [5,2] = (7) damage **
(4) Carden: (dont think they are evil)
(1) DM: (no, they're neutral)
(3) Segrid: (probably not)
(2) Cairne: well I assumed attacking on sight and nesting in corpses put them in team evil.
(1) DM: You land a good hit with your sword, but T2 is still up
(3) Segrid: (Nah, the river is just their beard cooler for their snackrifices)
(1) DM: Carden's turn
** (4) Carden tries again to hit the creature ([1d20+5] => [18,5] = (23) dmg [1d8+3] => [5,3] = (8)) **
(2) Cairne: I've had three turns of awesome, screwing up with prot evil still has me doin good.
(1) DM: You land an arrow right between it's eyes, killing it
(3) Segrid: ((Oh yeah, you're still on the side of awesome, no doubt."
** (3) Segrid kicks free of the creature's mouth. **
(2) Cairne: Well, lets make camp here.
(4) Carden: (yay just noticed a note on character; keen arrows for 7 days; how many days has it been since then?)
(2) Cairne: a day.
(1) DM: that was yesterday
(3) Segrid: "Beautiful shot, Carden."
(4) Carden: (ok)
(1) DM: when you found the statue
(3) Segrid: Remember that next time you roll a 19 :)
(1) DM: You can make perception checks while looking through the debris
** (4) Carden nods "Thanks; just trying to do my part. You all did exceptionally well as well" **
(4) Carden: perception [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
(4) Carden: (hehee yea)
(3) Segrid: Perception: [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7); +2 vs. Humans
(1) DM: Carden, you spot the hand of a skeleton in the debris
** (4) Carden collects the durable arrows from the creatures and notices the hand. He moves over to it **
(2) Cairne: I use some rope and trouble to drag the wyrm corpses to the beach and use my bonded object to scast Crafter's blessing and guidance, and sking and decapitate the two wyrms.
** (4) Carden comments "The dead has been here awhile or just picked clean" **
(5) ZM Siam (enter): 19:50
** (3) Segrid examines the head of Tworm 1 "I think Oleg will like this, seems like a clean cut. We'll have to get your arrow and my blood off the other one." **
(3) Segrid: (Hi!)
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (5) Andraste...
(5) Andraste: (Sorry, overslept xD)
(1) DM: The skeleton is still wearing a suit of +1 scale mail
(3) Segrid: (Just in time to heal me :) ))
(2) Cairne: You missed it, we all died horribly!
(5) Andraste: (We each did that once, nothing special Cairne!)
(1) DM: while clutched in one bony hand is a mw cold iron longsword
(5) Andraste: (test)
(1) DM: Beneath the skeleton you find a rotting leather backpack that contains the following:
(3) Segrid: (And by "we" he means the 2 Tazzylworms)
(1) DM: 38 gp
(1) DM: 520 sp
(5) Andraste: (So aside from Zelata catching on fire, what you guys doing?)
(1) DM: a pewter drinking stein worth 12 gp
** (4) Carden pulls the skeleton and gear out of the mess **
(1) DM: a silver ring worth 35 gp
(1) DM: a jade carving of a nude femaile elven monk worth 85 gp
(1) DM: and a watertight scroll tube
** (4) Carden secretly wants the jade sculpt **
(3) Segrid: ((We went SE and found 2 tazzylworms at a ford. We had some awesome crits and otherwize nice hits, and I only got chewed on once for 5 damage)
** (4) Carden comments "Atleast the creatures had some taste" pointing to stuff **
(2) Cairne: (use the magically induced crafting skill to skin the wyrms and neatly cut the other head off.
(2) Cairne: (use prestidigitation to clean myself, the stein, and the firgurine.)
(2) Cairne: Dig graves for the bodies.
(1) DM: Anybody looking inside the scroll tube?
(5) Andraste: "A good catch," she says, nodding her head, "Ah...what is this now?" she says, looking at the fantasy equivalent of porn in a statue.
** (3) Segrid laughs at Carden's jest. "You should have known that as soon as they tried to eat me." **
(2) Cairne: (also harvest the wyrm;s claws, because they are cool looking)
** (3) Segrid takes a look inside the tube. **
** (4) Carden chuckles lightly "Indeed segrid" **
(2) Cairne: I will later one.
(2) Cairne: on'
(1) DM: Inside the tube you find a partially completed map of the NW corner of the Greenbelt
(3) Segrid: "Someone's done some mapping for us"
** (4) Carden picks on the statue and places it in an inside pocket of his tunic "I will have to study it later" **
(1) DM: it seems to indicate that the explorer approached from the north, reached the source of the Skunk River, and was working his way down river
(3) Segrid: (How does it match up to what we've explored so far?"
(3) Segrid: Geography: [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16)
(1) DM: It pretty much covers what you've already explored
(5) Andraste: "Oh sure, study, Brother Carden," she lets out a small chuckle.
** (4) Carden starts to remove the armor from the skeleton "I dont much care for the heavy mail; so anyone else can take it. I suggest some cleaning though" **
** (4) Carden smiles as he glances at Andraste **
(3) Segrid: "Aye, good armor like that ought to be used."
(2) Cairne: (clean the mail as well.)
(4) Carden: "I have need for the sword; so up for grabs."
(4) Carden: ^no need
(3) Segrid: "'Tis a beautiful blade. Such craftsmanship." Segrid marvels at the blade.
(2) Cairne: *skinning, skinning, skinning*
(5) Andraste: "I could use better armor, but I'll let everyone else have first pick.'
** (3) Segrid chuckles. "I think Carden pocketed his pick." **
** (4) Carden whistles innocently **
(3) Segrid: "I would request the blade over the armor."
(2) Cairne: Take it.
(3) Segrid: "Lord Garess? Any preference?"
(5) Andraste: "Fair enough, I prefer ranged fighting and defense over offense anyway."
(2) Cairne: I want to see what can be done with this hide.
(3) Segrid: "I like to get up close and thrusty." Segrid grins, blushing slightly.
(1) DM: (brb)
(2) Cairne: Dragonhide is all the rage in Brevoy's noblility, a suit would look smashing.
(5) Andraste: "Oh? Well perhaps you should take the sword then," she smiles.
(2) Cairne: There is not enough for a warsuit, but something light wcould be made if I don't screw up the skinning.
(1) DM: (back)
(3) Segrid: "I will, and wield in in your defense, milady."
(2) Cairne: May you weave a great legend with that blade.
(3) Segrid: "Allow me to help you with that (aid another)"
(3) Segrid: "'Tis my fondest desire to do proud to the traditions of the Swordlords in just such a manner."
(3) Segrid: "Andraste, would you mind seeing what you can do about these bite wounds? I'd hate to have them get infected."
(2) Cairne: anyone else not getting the full map?
(3) Segrid: (me)
(5) Andraste: "Oh, certainly, Segrid," she says, approaching Segrid and placing a hand on the wound [1d6] => [1] = (1) cure
(5) Andraste: [1d6] => [5] = (5) another
(3) Segrid: (Good)
(2) Cairne: tell me when you are out, I'll take over.
(3) Segrid: "Ah, much better. Thank you."
(3) Segrid: (better on map)
(2) Cairne: So in addition to Oleg's skull we have a wyrm skull and a troll skull, our keep is going to look so badass.
(1) DM: Another uneventful night passes as you camp near the river.
(1) DM: The next day is 4 Gozran
(2) Cairne: northeast
(5) Andraste: ((We should name our keep. It shall be Named, Skullfoe Keep :o)
(1) DM: You continue to explore along the Skunk River in hex 5-3, which is also a forest hex
(2) Cairne: Perception [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20)
(1) DM: The ground just east of the river slumps away into a soggy mire.
(3) Segrid: Perception: [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9); +2 vs. Humans
(1) DM: You notice a pair of ruined stone bulidings that jut from the ground.
(5) Andraste: (So I am adding the +1 scale mail to my gear if no one minds :P)
(1) DM: You're approaching from the SW
(5) Andraste: "That looks worthy of investigation," she says.
(2) Cairne: Give me a second (cast mage armor)
** (4) Carden nods "Indeed; there seems to plentiful of hidden gems here" **
(5) Andraste: "Alas, if only that were literally true."
(1) DM: As you get closer, you see a purple frog-like creature appear at the doorway of the larger building, and it croaks loudly
(3) Segrid: "The banditry would either increase tenfold or disappear completely."
(1) DM: Then you see a frog-like humanoid step around a corner and shout out "Truce! Truce!"
(5) Andraste: "It appears to not wish to fight 4 heavily armed adventurers."
(2) Cairne: ok..
(1) DM: It holds up it's hands, and you can see that one is badly mangled
** (5) Andraste sheathes her bow, and waves at the frog being thing. **
(3) Segrid: "We come in peace." Segrid rides forward,
(1) DM: "Me bogard"
(1) DM: He points to the frog creature and says "slurk"
** (5) Andraste follows after Segrid, "Hello. What language do you speak?" **
(3) Segrid: (( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMdC45S79uQ ))
(3) Segrid: "Hello, Bogard. I am Segrid, this is Andraste, Lord Cairne Garess, and Carden."
(3) Segrid: "Is this your.... keep?"
(2) Cairne: what happened to your hand?
(1) DM: "You go"
(1) DM: It's apparent that he only knows a few words of common
(2) Cairne: GOnna do a quick sense motive on this guy
(5) Andraste: "Seems he wishes to be left in peace."
(2) Cairne: sense motive [d20+6] => d20+6
(2) Cairne: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
(2) Cairne: clearly he wants us to leave
(3) Segrid: (In Sylvan): "DO you speak this language?"
(1) DM: He just looks at you and blinks his eyes
(1) DM: "Me Garuum"
(5) Andraste: "Segrid, what is he exactly oh brave and handsome ranger?"
(1) DM: "Slurk Ubagub"
** (4) Carden dismounts and shows Boggard the symbol of Erastril **
(1) DM: "Me hungry"
(3) Segrid: "Well, perhaps we should heed his wishes. Although eventually we'll need to establish diplomatic contact. KN Nature [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24) to know anything about his race
(3) Segrid: "Ah, well, we have some food we can share."
(5) Andraste: "Lets give him a few days worth of food,"
(3) Segrid: "Wait, where did Zelata go?"
** (3) Segrid chuckles. **
(1) DM: You know that bogards usually give in small clan villages
(5) Andraste: ((Does a 24 figure out what language they speak :O?)
(1) DM: Just the bogard language.
(3) Segrid: "Where is your clan, friend?"
(1) DM: He just shruggs his shoulders
(3) Segrid: "This must be a particularly intelligent Boggard to have learned even a few word of Common,"
** (3) Segrid crosses, offering him the food. **
(5) Andraste: "Well perhaps one day one of us can learn bogard, or acquire a spell which allows us to."
(3) Segrid: "Here you are, friend."
(1) DM: He accepts the food and eats it.
** (4) Carden glances around to see if there has been a fight or something else here (perception [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)) **
(1) DM: You see no evidence of a recent fight here.
(3) Segrid: "These guys usually live in clans. His disfigurement and solitude might be the result of some crime against his clan." Segrid smiles and nods at the boggard.
** (3) Segrid offers some of the food to the slurk as well. **
** (3) Segrid peers into the structure to see what he can from here **
(3) Segrid: Perception: [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11); +2 vs. Humans
(1) DM: Garuum goes back to his nest and returns with a shard of blue quartz, which he offers to Segrid.
** (3) Segrid takes it with a smile "Thank you." **
(3) Segrid: "Maybe it is literally true." Segrid smiles to ANdraste.
(2) Cairne: I
(3) Segrid: "We'll go, but maybe we can come back with more food."
(3) Segrid: "Yes?"
(2) Cairne: I'll channel positive energy when we leave with the injured guy in range.
(2) Cairne: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
(1) DM: Garuum waves at you as you leave.
(3) Segrid: "Perhaps we can send for a translator for our return. Or scroll to to help."
** (3) Segrid examines the shard **
(3) Segrid: as we leave
(5) Andraste: "Yes we should, in the meantime lets mark the place."
(1) DM: It is worth 25 gp
** (4) Carden nods "Lets depart then" **
(5) Andraste: "Ah a diplomatic trade has begun, food for precious gems, well done ambassador Segrid."
** (3) Segrid bows "Ah, many thanks, Gracious Lady Andraste." **
** (5) Andraste smiles and laughs at Segrid, "Well, Ambassador, let us be off, there is plenty more virgin lands to explore." **
(2) Cairne: (awww)
(3) Segrid: "I didn't know that premonitions were among your many talents."
(3) Segrid: "I look forward to learning the rest of your secrets."
(3) Segrid: "And exploring these virgin landscapes you speak of."
(2) Cairne: southeast, then northeast
(2) Cairne: Perception [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
(3) Segrid: Perception: [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20); +2 vs. Humans
** (4) Carden rides along (perception [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)) **
(1) DM: The next day (5 Gozran) you travel to hex 6-3 and explore it
(1) DM: This is another forest hex.
(2) Cairne: Perception [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
(3) Segrid: "I think the flowers are starting to bloom soon. Finally winter's chill has left the air."
(2) Cairne: oh wait I allready did that
(2) Cairne: planmting week has past.
(3) Segrid: (with better results, even)
(1) DM: As you are riding along the trail, you begin to hear some yelps coming from up ahead
(2) Cairne: we have the summer to work the long days and gods be good a good harvest before the winter.
(1) DM: The trail widens into a clearing and you can see what looks like an open pit in the center of the clearing
** (4) Carden trots forwards slowly; looking for other pits (perception [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)) **
** (3) Segrid dismounts and leads his horse forward **
(1) DM: You don't see any other pits
(5) Andraste: "I think someone fell into it by accident. Lets investigate...but keep an eye out for ambushes."
(2) Cairne: (cast mage armor)
** (3) Segrid peers in the pit from here **
(3) Segrid: Perception: [1d20+5] => [5,5] = (10); +2 vs. Humans
(3) Segrid: "Not a good angle."
(1) DM: From that distance you can't quite see the bottom of the pit
** (5) Andraste peers in in case Segrid can't see due to his human senses. **
(1) DM: But you can hear the yipping barks coming from down in the pit
(5) Andraste: (How deep is the pit, I have darkvision out to 60 feet)
** (3) Segrid moves closer **
(1) DM: You'll have to get closer
(1) DM: both of you make reflex saves
(3) Segrid: Reflex: [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
(5) Andraste: [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11) D:
(3) Segrid: (I'll tumble for ya))
(1) DM: As you near the edge of the pit, the soft ground gives way, causing you both to fall 20' to the bottom of the pit, where a brush thylacine is frenzily pacing...
(1) DM: Segrid takes [2d6] => [5,2] = (7) falling damage
(1) DM: and Andraste takes [2d6] => [4,4] = (8) falling damage
(5) Andraste: Can we make acrobatics to reduce the fall?
** (4) Carden dismounts "Dear Erastil!" he moves closer put keeps abit farther back than they were "Segrid! Andraste!" **
(5) Andraste: [1d20-1] => [12,-1] = (11) not expecting miracles
(2) Cairne: Oh no! Pits with angry creatures!! Andraste's one weakness!
(3) Segrid: Acrobatics: [1d20-1] => [11,-1] = (10)
(1) DM: No, acrobatics checks are only allowed if you deliberately jump, not fall unaware
(1) DM: roll initiative
(3) Segrid: Initiative: [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11)
(5) Andraste: [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8) Init
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+2] => [20,2] = (22)
(5) Andraste: (well guess who isnt going first :P)
(2) Cairne: Initiative [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
(3) Segrid: (Oh, so that's how it's gonna be)
(4) Carden: [1d20+2] => [11,2] = (13)
(1) DM: Start of round 1
(1) DM: The animal tries to bite Segrid
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9) melee, Damage [1d6+4] => [4,4] = (8)
(2) Cairne: I would like it if the Gm rolled better init then me less.
(1) DM: It misses
(3) Segrid: well, that'll miss even prone and shieldless
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(5) Andraste: (And flat footed :P)
(2) Cairne: you guys allright down there?
(1) DM: don't get too close!
(2) Cairne: holding
(1) DM: Carden's turn
(2) Cairne: how close can I get?
(1) DM: have to be more than 5' away from the edge
** (4) Carden gets the rope and brings to tie to the horse saddle **
(4) Carden: (done)
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
** (3) Segrid attacks the beast from his prone position Prone MW CI Longsword [1d20+2] => [7,2] = (9) (Crit 19-20/x2) for [1d8+2] => [7,2] = (9) damage. Also, tries to figure the creature out KN Nature [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20) **
(1) DM: miss
** (3) Segrid then stands (AoO) **
(1) DM: Notes: Thylacine
This odd creature is about the size of a dog, but it has the slender
build of a cat, heavy whiskers, and dark stripes down its back. Its
long tail flips about, smacking the ground as it scans the woods. It
yips and bays in a complex pattern, offering warning to anything
that may cross its path.
(1) DM: Notes: Thylacines are large marsupial carnivores. They typically
hunt alone, only occasionally forming small packs.
Thylacines hunt at night, and rest during the day in
nests hidden away from the world in hollowed trees or
bushes. Farmers fear the creatures, blaming all manner of
problems on them. However, thylacines are quite shy and
antisocial, and usually avoid human settlements. Because
of their odd, almost hybrid appearance, thylacines have a
far harsher reputation than they probably should, playing
a sort of bogeyman role in farming communities.
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19) melee, Damage [1d6+4] => [1,4] = (5)
(5) Andraste: Skipping me?
(3) Segrid: (that was an AoO)
(5) Andraste: (wait nevermind AoO)
(1) DM: Now it's your turn
** (5) Andraste tries and gets up and places a hand on Segrid [1d6] => [4] = (4) Lay on hands. Then once more on herself [1d6] => [2] = (2) lay on hands (Swft) **
(1) DM: Start of round 2
(1) DM: It tries to bite Segrid again
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24) melee, Damage [1d6+4] => [1,4] = (5)
(1) DM: that's a crit threat due to it's powerful jaws
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19) melee, Damage [1d6+4] => [6,4] = (10)
(3) Segrid: (I'm down)
(5) Andraste: Even with my heal?
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(3) Segrid: (-4)
(3) Segrid: (yeah, the pit, the AoO, the crit)
(3) Segrid: (Your heal helped)
(3) Segrid: (not -8)
(2) Cairne: I cast bless
(1) DM: Carden's turn
** (4) Carden tosses the rope down then gets another rope to tie to another saddle **
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
(1) DM: roll to stabilize
(3) Segrid: Constitution: 12 [1d20+1] => [6,1] = (7)
(3) Segrid: (-5)
(1) DM: Andraste's turn
** (5) Andraste draws out her shield as a move action, then wacks the beast with her longsword [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10) before casting lay on hands on herself again [1d6] => [4] = (4) "Hang on, Segrid." **
(1) DM: miss (AC is 14)
(1) DM: Start of round 3
(1) DM: The beast tries to bite Andraste this time...
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [18,5] = (23) melee, Damage [1d6+4] => [6,4] = (10)
(5) Andraste: Ouch that hits
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(2) Cairne: Channel Energy [1d6] => [6] = (6)
(5) Andraste: "Segrid is down, we need some help down here."
(1) DM: Carden's turn
** (4) Carden ties the rope around his waste; leaving only enough slack to make it near the pit's edge as he moves to the edge then with bow. **
(2) Cairne: both segrid and andraste should benafit.
** (4) Carden yells "Sorry; assitance is coming" **
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
** (3) Segrid grabs his sword and attacks from prone blessed prone MW CI Longsword [1d20+3] => [19,3] = (22) (Crit 19-20/x2) for [1d8+2] => [3,2] = (5) damage **
(3) Segrid: crit threat
(3) Segrid: [1d20+3] => [18,3] = (21)
(5) Andraste: Nice one
(3) Segrid: [1d8+2] => [7,2] = (9)
(3) Segrid: "Miss me honey?"
(1) DM: Andraste's turn
(5) Andraste: "Were you playing dead this whole time, my love?" she says as he lashes out viciously
** (5) Andraste tries to match the blow with one of her own [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21) Blessed sword strike **
(5) Andraste: [1d8+1] => [2,1] = (3) Damage
(1) DM: Start of round 4
(2) Cairne: (I do beleive Andy was the first to use the L word)
(1) DM: The creature attacks Andraste again
(1) DM: Bite [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7) melee, Damage [1d6+4] => [3,4] = (7)
(1) DM: but misses with its bite
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(2) Cairne: Channel Energy [1d6] => [6] = (6)
(5) Andraste: (You mean our DM?))
(2) Cairne: DAMN!
(2) Cairne: that is two awesome heals.
(1) DM: Carden's turn
** (4) Carden puts an arrow from his quiver and aims into the pit; looking for the creature before firing (attack [1d20+4] => [18,4] = (22) dmg [1d8+3] => [6,3] = (9)) **
(1) DM: Carden's arrow strikes the ravenous, starving beast squarely in the heart, killing it
(3) Segrid: (Carden's bow has been really hot tonight too)
(2) Cairne: Sheyln has it right, i'm getting all of you glaives. Enemies are so much better 5' away from you.
** (3) Segrid smiles from the ground "Merely a ploy to feel your gentle touch, Annie." **
** (4) Carden smirks and does a little two finger salute to the lovers before "Ropes been ready for awhile now" **
(4) Carden: (before=below)
(2) Cairne: I hope that thing tastes better than bear.
(5) Andraste: "Alas, if only I would believe you," she says, helping him up from the ground.
** (4) Carden steps back and unties himself at a safe distance **
** (5) Andraste makes a quick scan of the cave with her darkvision. **
** (4) Carden tosses his safety rope now into the pit for usage **
** (3) Segrid accepts Andraste's help, pulling her into an embrace. "On my word, you can believe I want your touch more often." he kisses her and then grabs the rope. **
(1) DM: It appears to be a dug-out pit
(1) DM: there are some branches at the bottom
(1) DM: that apparently covered the trap before the thylacine fell into it
(3) Segrid: "Covered pit trap? Hunter maybe."
(2) Cairne: Lets pull up the creature. Our bear meat was getting low anyway.
(5) Andraste: "A rather irresponsible hunter, not putting any warnings around."
(2) Cairne: "keep an eye out for bandits, that could be a man trap."
** (5) Andraste returns the kiss, before tying the rope around the beast and climbing up herself. **
(3) Segrid: "Imagine the look on his face had we not survived and he arrived to find a fat, angry thycine awaiting him."
(5) Andraste: "Well lets not tarry too long here. we'll put up a warning sign in case someone else were to come near here and lets leave."
(3) Segrid: "That's three things that have tried to eat me in the same number of days."
(3) Segrid: "At least the boggard only wanted our food, not us as food."
(2) Cairne: well, lets smoke this creature tonight and move on.
(3) Segrid: "Sure."
(3) Segrid: (How're your hp Andraste?)
** (4) Carden agrees with Cairne "Segrid; you have to stop being so tasty my friend" **
(5) Andraste: (I am full)
(5) Andraste: "No don't listen to them, Segrid," she says with a grin.
(1) DM: (ok, we'll do one more hex tonight)
** (3) Segrid takes a potion from his pack, quaffing it quickly [1d8+1] => [1,1] = (2) "Bleqah!" **
** (5) Andraste uses her lay on hands [1d6] => [3] = (3) **
(1) DM: On to hex 5-4?
** (3) Segrid smiles. **
(3) Segrid: Sure
(2) Cairne: treat deadly wounds on segrid [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10) +1 (guidance)
(2) Cairne: no effect.
(3) Segrid: (ty for trying)
(2) Cairne: Eventually I'll be able to take ten on heal and do anything.
(5) Andraste: (Cure cancer naow)
(3) Segrid: "Going to have to get some more of those tasty healing potions the hermit makes, that one was aweful."
(1) DM: Ok, the next morning (6 Gozran) you travel to hex 5-4 and begin exploring it
(1) DM: It is also a forest hex.
** (3) Segrid decides to ride with his shield equiped for the day. **
(1) DM: While riding along the trail, you see a large fallen pine tree
(1) DM: And you see what looks like some bones lying on the ground
(2) Cairne: Perception [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
(2) Cairne: Cast mage armor
(3) Segrid: Perception: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25); +2 vs. Humans
** (4) Carden rides along (perception [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)) **
(3) Segrid: looks around, particularly at the bones, dismounting.
(1) DM: Segrid, as you near the bones, you see some movement of the branches
(1) DM: You can take one action for the surprise round
(3) Segrid: "Heads up!"
(1) DM: roll initiative
(1) DM: Initiative [1d20+2] => [13,2] = (15)
(5) Andraste: [1d20+3] => [13,3] = (16) init
(3) Segrid: Initiative: [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6)
(2) Cairne: Initiative [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
(4) Carden: [1d20+2] => [19,2] = (21)
(1) DM: Segrid, your warning is a free action
(1) DM: you can still take one standard or move action
** (3) Segrid draws his sword. **
(2) Cairne: Ooooooh!
(1) DM: You see a large mean looking gray-bristled boar stick it's head out from under the branches
(1) DM: Start of round 1
(2) Cairne: a shiney bow for andraste!
(1) DM: Carden's up first
(2) Cairne: if we kills it.
(3) Segrid: (grease that pig! lol)
** (4) Carden cast a spell (divine favor) "Dear Erastril" and readies his bow **
(6) Andraste (enter): 21:38
Attempting to assign the role of Player to (6) Andraste...
(1) DM: Andraste's turn
** (6) Andraste draws out her bow, then urges her mount forward next to Segrids before firing off a shot at point blank range [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7) **
(6) Andraste: Miss
(1) DM: Old Tuskgutter charges at Segrid
(1) DM: Gore [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18) melee, Damage [1d8+6] => [2,6] = (8)
(1) DM: AC 20 with charging
(2) Cairne: (getting everyone glaives.)
(3) Segrid: (miss)
(1) DM: Cairne's turn
(2) Cairne: Cast bless
(1) DM: (TG's AC is 16 for this round)
(1) DM: Segrid's turn
(2) Cairne: Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.
(3) Segrid: Segrid attacks the boar
(3) Segrid: Melee: Blessed MW CI Longsword [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19) (Crit 19-20/x2) for [1d8+2] => [2,2] = (4) damage
(1) DM: hit
(1) DM: Start of round 2
(1) DM: Carden's up
(1) DM: Booting '(5) Andraste' from server...
(5) Andraste (exit): 21:43
(3) Segrid: .
(1) DM: Carden?
** (4) Carden moves to the side and fires ath the creature ([1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15) dmg [1d8+4] => [8,4] = (12)) **
(1) DM: miss
(1) DM: Andraste's turn
(4) Carden: (actually 16 cause of bless fi that matters)
(1) DM: yes, AC is 16
(1) DM: so hit
(1) DM: roll damage
** (6) Andraste drops her bow and draws her sword, moving to flank the Tuskgutter with Segrid **
(4) Carden: (12)
(6) Andraste: [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14) Height bonus+bless
(6) Andraste: +2 flank
(6) Andraste: so thats a hit [1d8+1] => [7,1] = (8) damage

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